5336666 Resolution 20-770, 125 O Street, S.E. and 1402 1st Street, S.E. Surplus Property Declaration Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014  

  • ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­A RESOLUTION






    December 17, 2014         



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to make a finding that  the District-owned real property located at 125 O Street, S.E. and 1402 1st Street, S.E., known for tax and assessment purposes as a portion of Lot 805 in Square 744S and a portion of Lot 801 in Square 744SS, is no longer required for public purposes.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “125 O Street, S.E. and 1402 1st Street, S.E. Surplus Property Declaration Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2014”.


    Sec. 2.  (a) The District owns real property located at 125 O Street, S.E. and 1402 1st Street, S.E. (“Property”).

    (b) The Property is utilized by DC Water for its fleet service and sewer service operations.  Currently this operation consists of various low-scale structures and surface parking.

    (c) The Anacostia Waterfront Initiative (“AWI”) Framework Plan, adopted by former Mayor Anthony Williams and the Council in 2003, is a framework plan to advance the Anacostia River’s clean-up, identify opportunities to increase access to the river, target areas for new development, and pioneer innovative green practices in new development.

    (d) The AWI Framework Plan determined that the Property would be best served as an important development link for overall redevelopment of the Capitol Riverfront by providing additional mixed-use commercial development that leverages the ongoing public and private investments in the neighborhood as a mixed-use destination.

    (e) The Property was under the purview of the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation (“AWC”) during the existence of that entity, and has since become part of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development’s portfolio.

     (f) In 2005, AWC selected Forest City (“Developer”) to redevelop the Property and assist with locating suitable sites for the relocation of DC Water fleet service and sewer service operations.

     (g) Since 2007, the District has been negotiating with the Developer for the disposition and development of the Property and evaluating potential sites for the relocation of DC Water.

    (h) Significant community input has been received on the redevelopment of the Property through outreach and input for the Planned Unit Development (“PUD”).  On February 7, 2014, the Zoning Commission approved the PUD for the Property.

     (i) The District is working with DC Water to procure suitable relocation sites.  Specifically, a suitable site in Prince George’s County, Maryland has been identified and is under contract to DC Water for relocation of fleet service operations.

    (j) The relocation of DC Water is necessary to move forward with the redevelopment of the Property.  Site acquisition in Prince George’s County is imminent.  Council approval of the disposition ensures that the relocation of DC Water to Prince George’s County can occur. Without approval of the surplus declaration, the District risks losing the only site currently available for the relocation of DC Water fleet services.

     (k) The Developer has been negotiating with a key anchor tenant to bring significant amenities to the Capital Riverfront neighborhood through the redevelopment of the Property.

    (l) The anchor tenant is necessary to bring amenities to the residents of the District, generate tax revenues for the District, and create jobs for District residents.

    (m) The anchor tenant will be financing significant tenant improvements on its own behalf, such financing being necessary for the viability of the proposed redevelopment. Without approval of the surplus disposition, the anchor tenant will not be able to commit the necessary capital to make the project viable.

    (n) Time is of the essence for the District to acquire a site for the relocation of DC Water fleet services and to receive the necessary commitments of the key anchor tenant. 

    (o) The proposed resolution will approve the surplus declaration of the Property.  The approval of the resolution and the companion disposition will enable the District to acquire a relocation site for DC Water fleet services and the Developer to pursue the necessary commitments from the key anchor tenant.


    Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the 125 O Street, S.E. and 1402 1st Street, S.E. Surplus Property Declaration Emergency Resolution of 2014 be adopted on an emergency basis.


                Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.