174714 Executive Office of the Mayor - Public Hearing - Fiscal Year 2011 Budget for the District of Columbia Public Schools  



    Fiscal Year 2011 Budget for Public Schools in the District of Columbia

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010
    9:30 am
    Smothers Elementary School
    4400 Brooks Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20019

    The Mayor of the District of Columbia, or the individual to whom he may delegate his authority, will hold a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for public schools. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 9:30 am at Smothers Elementary School, 4400 Brooks Street, NE, Washington, DC 20019.

    The purpose of the hearing is to solicit the views of the public on levels of public funding to be sought in the FY 2011 operating budget for the public schools, pursuant to the District of Columbia Official Code § 38-917. Specifically, the Mayor wishes to receive testimony and exhibits regarding those subjects identified in DC Official Code § 38-917(4):

    ·         The current and prospective educational needs of the pupils in the District of Columbia public schools, educational programs that can address these needs, and support systems needed for safety and efficiency;

    ·         The relative levels of support provided in recent years and sought in the current budget requests for the District of Columbia public schools and other agencies of the District government that support youth;

    ·         The programs and levels of funding supported by the findings of relevant professional studies and commissions; and

    ·         The levels of funding for public school systems in surrounding jurisdictions that have reputations for providing high quality education to their students.

    Members of the public are invited to testify. Testimony may be limited to three minutes per witness and five minutes per organization or group. Those wishing to testify should contact Ahnna Smith in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education via email at ahnna.smith@dc.gov or by telephone at (202) 724-0696 by 3 pm on Monday, March 8, 2010. Witnesses should bring three (3) copies of their written testimony to the hearing.

    Members of the public may submit written testimony which will be made part of the official record. Copies of written statements should be submitted to Ahnna Smith, Special Assistant, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 303, Washington, DC 20004, no later than 3 pm on Monday, March 8, 2010. The official record of this hearing shall be transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia at or before the hearing held by the Council pursuant to DC Official Code § 38-917(3).

    If there are members of the public who need interpretation services, please contact Ahnna Smith in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education via email at ahnna.smith@dc.gov or by telephone at (202) 727-0696.