700842 Action to Amend the Ban on Swimming in the Potomac River  






    Action to Amend the Ban on Swimming in the Potomac River


    Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:00 pm

    District Department of the Environment

    1200 First Street, NE, 6th floor Conference Room 612

    New York Avenue. Metro Stop, Washington, D.C.



    The Public Hearing that was cancelled on January 27, 2011 because of inclement weather is being rescheduled for February 17, 2011.   


    The District Department of the Environment (DDOE) invites the public to present its views and comments on the proposed amendment to create an annual event-specific suspension of the prohibition on swimming in the Potomac River in 21 DCMR § 1158.2. Citizens are required to file comments, in writing, not later than February 17, 2011. This notice is being republished in the February 04, 2011 edition of D.C. Register. Comments should be labeled “Swimming Exemption” and filed with the District Department of the Environment, Water Quality Division, 1200 First Street, N. E., 6th Floor, Washington D.C. 20002, Attention: Collin Burrell, or by e-mail to collin.burrell@dc.gov. The proposed rulemaking is available in December 17, 2010  edition of the D.C. Register for comments. Copies of the draft proposed rulemaking will be on file at Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, 901 G. St., NW, Washington, D.C 20001, and may be inspected during normal business hours. In addition, the document can be downloaded from the following website address http://www.ddoe.dc.gov under the Information section at the Public Notices & Hearings bullet. Persons who wish to testify are requested to furnish written statements, including their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and the organization they represent, if any, in writing to the attention of Mr. Collin Burrell at the DDOE address above or email collin.burrell@dc.gov. Written statements are to be clearly marked “Swimming Exemption” and received by February 17, 2011. Others present at the hearing, who wish to be heard may testify after those on the witness list have been called and heard. DDOE will consider all comments prior to publishing final rulemaking.