5367706 ACR 20-289, Deacon Lawrence Madison Day Recognition Resolution of 2014  




    November 18, 2014


    To celebrate and honor Deacon Lawrence Madison on his 80th birthday, and to declare December 28 as “Deacon Lawrence Madison Day” in the District of Columbia.


                WHEREAS, Deacon Madison will be turning 80 years old on December 27, 2014.


                WHEREAS, Deacon Madison was born in the District of Columbia and raised in Montgomery County, Maryland;


                WHEREAS, in 1974, Deacon Madison graduated from George Washington Carver High School in Montgomery County, Maryland;       


                WHEREAS, Deacon Madison served in the United States Army as well as the District of Columbia National Guard;         


                WHEREAS, Deacon Madison was employed by the Government Printing Office for 30 years prior to retiring in 1990;


                WHEREAS, in 1987, Deacon Madison was ordained as a deacon at New Hope Free Will Baptist Church located at 754 Eleventh Street, S.E.; and


                WHEREAS, Deacon Madison has served as Chairman of New Hope Free Will Baptist Church’s Deacon’s Ministry for the past 18 years.


                IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that The Council of the District of Columbia celebrates and honors Deacon Lawrence Madison on his 80th birthday, and declares December 28 as “Deacon Lawrence Madison Day” in the District of Columbia.  


                Sec. 2.  This resolution may be cited as the “Deacon Lawrence Madison Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”.


                Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in

    the District of Columbia Register.