Vol. 60, No. 14 (03/29/2013)
1. Council Issues
- 4253564 Resolution 20-63, "Historic Preservation Review Board Charles E. Wilson Confirmation Resolution of 2013"
- 4253661 Resolution 20-64, "Egregious First-Time Sale to Minor Clarification Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013"
- 4253758 Resolution 20-65, “Captive Earthquake Property Insurance Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”
- 4253855 Resolution 20-66, “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Time Extension Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”
- 4256862 Act 20-26, “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Time Extension Emergency Amendment Act of 2013"
- 4256959 Act 20-27, "Modification No. M0002 to Contract No. CW14591 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2013"
- 4257056 Act 20-28, “Contract No. GF-2012-C-0041 and Change Order No. 01 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2013”
- 4257250 Act 20-29, “Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center and Dispensary Location Restriction Temporary Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4257347 Act 20-30, “Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Temporary Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4257541 Act 20-31, “Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Temporary Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4257638 Act 20-32, “Change Orders No. 1-6 to Contract No. GF-2012-C-0038 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2013”
- 4257735 Act 20-33, “Police and Firefighter’s Retirement and Disability Omnibus Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4257832 Act 20-34, “Egregious First-Time Sale to Minor Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4257929 Act 20-35, “Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and Teachers Retirement Benefit Replacement Act of 1998 Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4258026 Act 20-36, “Controlled Substance, Alcohol Testing, Criminal Background Check and Background Investigation Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4258123 Act 20-37, “Grandparent Caregivers Program Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4258220 Act 20-38, “Stipulated Retailer’s License Class B Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4258414 Act 20-39, “Captive Earthquake Property Insurance Emergency Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4258511 Act 20-40, “Tax Revision Commission Report Extension and Procurement Streamlining Temporary Amendment Act of 2013”
- 4259675 ACR 19-289, “Mrs. Dora E. Johnson Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4259772 ACR 19-290, “Jacqueline Bowens Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4259966 ACR 19-291, “District of Columbia Day of the Girl Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260063 ACR 19-292, “Tony and Joe’s Seafood Place Recognition Resolution of 2012"
- 4260160 ACR 19-293, “1789 Restaurant 50th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260257 ACR 19-294, “F. Alexis H. Roberson 70th Birthday Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260354 ACR 19-295, “Mrs. Sonia Gutierrez Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260451 ACR 19-296, “Mr. Brian Anders Posthumous Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260645 ACR 19-297, “DC Diaper Bank and Diaper Need Awareness Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4260742 ACR 19-298, “Banned Books Week Declaration Resolution of 2012”
- 4260839 ACR 19-299, “Adult Education and Family Literacy Week Declaration Resolution of 2012”
- 4260936 ACR 19-300, “Jeffrey Travers Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4261033 ACR 19-301, “Edward G. Jackson, Sr. Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4261130 ACR 19-302, “DCTAG Success Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4261809 ACR 19-303, “Gethsemane Baptist Church Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4262100 ACR 19-304, “Thomas Robinson Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4262197 ACR 19-305, “October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the District of Columbia Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4262294 ACR 19-306, “National Recovery Month Recognition Resolution of 2012”
- 4263652 Notice of Reprogramming Requests 20-33 thru 20-35
- 4263749 Public Hearing Notice on B20-145, "Private Contractor and Subcontractor Prompt Payment Act of 2013"
- 4263943 Public Roundtable Notice on PR20-141, "The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Inc. Revenue Bonds Project Approval Resolution of 2013"
- 4264040 Public Roundtable Notice on PR20-125, "Vending Business License Regulation Resolution of 2013"
- 4264137 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Resolutions
2. Agency Issues
- 4168495 Department of Health - Medical Marijuana Program - Notice of Open Period to Submit A Letter of Intent to Apply for a Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center
- 4238238 Proposed Rulemaking establishing the medical marijuana advisory committee and the sliding scale program, and prohibiting the transfer of a cultivation center or dispensary registration to a new owner.
- 4249684 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order No. 18395 - CWC WDC LLC (Costco) - ANC 5A
- 4249781 Final Rules Governing EPD Waiver Recertification
- 4250945 Nationals Park Vending Locations
- 4251430 Medicaid Supplemental Paymentd to Physicians and Speciality Services
- 4251721 ET00-2, In the Matter of Potomac Electric Power Company's Public Space Occupancy Surcharge Electricity Tariff, P.S.C. - D.C. No. 1
- 4252109 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Moratorium for the Historic 14th and U Street Corridor - Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 1:30 pm
- 4252206 Final Rules Governing Medicaid Reimbursement to Nursing Homes
- 4252594 District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority - Board of Directors Meeting - April 4, 2013
- 4252691 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Intent to Issue Air Quality Permits to the George Washington University to Operate Two Hot Water Boilers at the Ivory Tower, 616 23rd Street NW and Three Hot Water Boilers at South Hall, ...
- 4252788 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Intent to Issue an Air Quality Permit to the General Services Administration to Construct and Operate a 1,500 kW Diesel Fired Emergency Generator Set at the Federal Government Central ...
- 4252885 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Intent to Issue an Air Quality Permit to the Cellco Partnership (DBA Verizon Wireless) to Construct and Operate a 50 kW Natural Gas Generator Set at 500 North Capitol Street NW, Washington ...
- 4253079 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Intent to Issue an Air Quality Permit to the Cellco Partnership (DBA Verizon Wireless) to Construct and Operate a 50 kW Natural Gas Generator Set at 2440 M Street NW, Washington DC
- 4253176 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Intent to Issue and Air Quality Permit to Verizon Washington DC, Inc. to Operate a 225 kW Diesel Fired Emergency Generator Set at the Southwest Central Office, Located at 30 E Street SW, ...
- 4253370 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of Filling a Vacancy in ANC/SMD 2B05 by Abigail C. Nichols
- 4253467 Cesar Chavez PCS Construction Management Services
- 4254049 Solid Waste Disposal Fee for Recyclable Food Waste
- 4254146 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Funding Availability - Grants for Demonstration of Innovative Green Practices in the District of Columbia
- 4254728 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - My Brother's Place - ANC 6C - Substantial Change
- 4254825 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Mandu-ANC 2B-Correction
- 4254922 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Old Europe-ANC 3B-Correction
- 4255019 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Eritrean Cultural Center-ANC6E-Correction
- 4255116 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration -The Argonaut-ANC 6A-Correction
- 4255213 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Finemondo Restaurant-ANC 2C-Correction
- 4255310 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration -Le Grenier-ANC6C-Correction
- 4255407 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Mr. Henry's-ANC 6B-Correction
- 4255504 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration- Granville Moore's Brickyard - ANC 6A - Correction
- 4255601 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Big Bear Cafe - ANC 5E- Correction
- 4255698 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration -The Oceanaire Seafood Room - ANC 2C - Correction
- 4255795 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Brassierie Beck - ANC 2F - Correction
- 4255892 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Graffiato - ANC 2C-Correction
- 4255989 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - A Slice of Italy Pizzeria - ANC 2C - Correction
- 4256086 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Art Jamz - ANC2B - Rescind
- 4256183 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - My Brother's Place - ANC 6C - Rescind
- 4256280 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Black Squirrel - ANC 1C - Correction
- 4256377 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Siam House DC - ANC 3C - Correction
- 4256474 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Momiji-ANC 2C-Correction
- 4256571 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - The Alibi Club - ANC 2B - Correction
- 4256668 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration-Taj of India- ANC 2E - Correction
- 4256765 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Pearl Dive Oyster Palace-BlackJack -ANC 2F - Correction
- 4257153 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 12-08: Text & Map Amendments to Create & Implement the Saint Elizabeths East (StE) District for the Saint Elizabeths East Campus)
- 4257444 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 12-08:Text & Map Amendments to Create & Implement the Saint ElizabethsEast (StE) District for the Saint Elizabeths East Campus)
- 4258608 Capital City PCS - RFP - Sped Assessment and Text Books, Temp Staffing, Recruit of Teacher Res, Supplies, Landscape Struc and Equip, Custom Signs and Graphics
- 4258996 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of ANC/SMD Vacancies for 5A04, 7D02, 7F07 and 8C04
- 4259190 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - CR, CH, CX Renewal Notices
- 4259287 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - DR, DH, DX Renewal Notices
- 4259384 University of the District of Columbia - Notice of Regular Meeting of the Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees
- 4259578 AppleTree Institute for Educational Innovation - Request for Proposals - Healthcare Broker Services
- 4261227 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Meeting – ABC Board's Agenda – 4/3/2013
- 4261324 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Meeting – ABC Board's Investigative Agenda – 4/3/2013
- 4261421 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Public Hearing – ABC Board's Calendar – 4/3/2013
- 4262585 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Public Notice of Closed Meeting - April 2013
- 4262779 Amendment to Rule to reflect certification requirements for supported employement providers, and to establish a group rate for Job Club.
- 4263070 Environment, District Department of the - Notice of Funding Availability - Grants for 2013 Solar Sprint and Electric Vehicle Grand Prix in the District of Columbia
- 4263167 2013-058: Delegation of Authority to the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development to Solicit Offers with Respect to Stevens Elementary School
- 4263264 2013-059: Delegation of Authority to the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development to Solicit Offers with Respect to District Owned Real Property
- 4263361 DC Taxicab Commission March 29, 2013 Public Hearing on Proposed Rulemaking Establishing a New Sedan Class of Public Vehicles. Location is 441 4th Street, NW.
- 4264234 Mayor, Executive Office of - Certified Business Advisory Group Meeting Schedule - April 2013
Recent Issues
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- Vol. 60, No. 10 (03/04/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 9 (03/01/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 8 (02/22/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 7 (02/15/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 6 (02/08/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 5 (02/01/2013)
- Vol. 60, No. 4 (01/25/2013)