4252109 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Moratorium for the Historic 14th and U Street Corridor - Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 1:30 pm  






    Wednesday, May 22, 2013


    1:30 pm


    2000 14th Street, N.W.

    The Reeves Building

    Board Hearing Room, 4th Floor South

    Washington, DC 20009




    The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will conduct a public hearing at the above-stated date and time to receive comment on a written request from The Shaw-DuPont Citizens Alliance and The Residential Action Coalition to issue a moratorium for the Historic 14th and U Street Corridor. The moratorium request is for a five year period, and includes a prohibition of transferred licenses from outside of the moratorium zone to inside the moratorium zone, a cap on Retailer CN and DN licenses to zero, a cap on Retailer CT and DT to ten, and a ban on the expansion of service to any adjoining space, property, or lot.


    Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to testify should contact Assistant Attorney General Jon Berman at 202/442-4448 or by e-mail at jonathan.berman@dc.gov by Friday, May 17, 2013.  E-mail contacts should include the full name, title, and affiliation, if applicable, of the person(s) testifying.  Testimony may be limited to five (5) minutes in order to permit each person an opportunity to be heard.  Witnesses should bring seven (7) copies of their written testimony to the hearing.


    If you are unable to testify and wish to comment, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  Copies of written statements must be submitted to the Office of the General Counsel, Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, 2000 14th Street NW, Suite 400 South, Washington, D.C. 20009, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2013.