5356648 ACR 20-251, District of Columbia Board of Medicine Recognition Resolution of 2014  







    September 23, 2014



    To recognize September 24, 2014, as Board of Medicine Recognition Day in the District of Columbia.


    WHEREAS, the District of Columbia Board of Medicine, founded in 1879, is recognized as a premier regulatory board in the District of Columbia;


    WHEREAS, the Board of Medicine regulates physicians, physician assistants, acupuncturists, anesthesiologist assistants, naturopathic physicians, surgical assistants, and polysomnographers;


    WHEREAS, the Board of Medicine, through its mission, protects and enhances the health, safety, and well-being of District of Columbia residents;


    WHEREAS, the Board of Medicine is committed to promoting evidence-based best practices in health regulation and high standards of quality care;


    WHEREAS, the esteemed members of the Board of Medicine, its Executive Director, and staff work to develop and implement policies that serve to prevent adverse events; and


    WHEREAS, the Board of Medicine upholds the laws and monitors and enforces the rules that govern the conduct of the licensed providers they regulate to ensure the safety and protection of the residents of the District of Columbia.


    IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes the importance of the significant contribution of the Board of Medicine in ensuring the well-being of the residents of the District of Columbia and declares September 24, 2014, as Board of Medicine Recognition Day in the District of Columbia. 


    Sec. 2. This resolution may be cited as “District of Columbia Board of Medicine Recognition Resolution of 2014”. 


    Sec. 3.  This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.