5357909 ACR 20-264, Trinity Episcopal Church 120th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014  







    October 7, 2014



    To recognize and honor the Trinity Episcopal Church for its distinguished service to the people of the District, on the occasion of its 120th anniversary.


                WHEREAS, in 1887, the Reverend James C. Dorsey, a former Episcopal missionary, moved from the Dakota Territory to Takoma Park, outside of the District of Columbia, and invited his neighbors to his home for the community’s first Episcopal Church service;


                WHEREAS, service attendance increases necessitated the purchase of land for a church in the District;


    WHEREAS, Takoma Parish was erected at the present-day location of 7005 Piney Branch Road, N.W., with opening services held November 26, 1893;


                WHEREAS, in 1895, the Diocese of Washington was established with the Takoma area given independent status the following year as Takoma Parish, with the Reverend George H. Johnson as Trinity’s first rector;


                WHEREAS, on March 7, 1937, a new church building opened for services after a year-long replacement campaign, followed by a new rectory in March of 1941 and the enlargement of the Parish Hall in September of 1950;


                WHEREAS, in 1941, the Diocese of Washington changed the name of the Takoma Parish to the Trinity Parish;  


    WHEREAS, Trinity Episcopal Church has a diverse cross-culture population, with more than 20 countries and nationalities represented in their community;


    WHEREAS, the Trinity Parish is involved in community-building and outreach activities including programs such as House Church, Advent Circle, the Trinity Education Arts Music Ministry, the Ministry to Homeless Women, an annual Christmas dinner for HIV/AIDS victims and the homeless, and the Trinity Volunteer Corps, which is a community for young adults seeking to transform society through service and social justice;


                WHEREAS, in 2006, Trinity Episcopal Church organized the first Clergy Leadership Summit on HIV/AIDS in the nation’s capital, with more than 300 churches participating;


                WHEREAS, in keeping with their international congregation, the Trinity Episcopal Church recently hosted a Town Hall meeting of African leaders during the recent African Leaders Conference; and


                WHEREAS, the Trinity Episcopal Church has been a spiritual landmark in the community and continues to expand its outreach and social service activities to benefit the District. 


                IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors the Trinity Episcopal Church for its service to the District on its 120th anniversary.


                Sec. 2. This resolution shall be cited as the “Trinity Episcopal Church 120th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014”.


                Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.