4855158 Public Hearing Notice on B20-648, "Condominium Fee Fairness Act of 2014", B20-707, "Land Disposition Transparency Act of 2014", and B20-721, "U Street/14th Street NW Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Amendment Act of 2014"  

  • Council of the District of Columbia                                     

    Committee on Economic Development

    Notice of Public Hearing

    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20004









    Bill 20-0648, the Condominium Fee Fairness Act of 2014


    Bill 20-0707, the Land Disposition Transparency Act of 2014


    Bill 20-0721, the U Street/14th Street NW Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Amendment Act of 2014


    May 7, 2014

    10:30 AM

    Room 120

    John A. Wilson Building

    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.


    On May 7, 2014, Councilmember Muriel Bowser, Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Development, will hold a public hearing to consider three bills.  Bill 20-0648, the Condominium Fee Fairness Act of 2014, would amend the Condominium Act of 1976 to require mediation before a unit owner’s association may foreclose on a unit for the recovery of condominium assessments, fees, or other charges owed by a unit owner.  The bill would also provide potential condominium purchasers conspicuous notice in a public offering statement of the governance regime controlling the unit and require mayoral review of a unit owner association’s budget and assessments for accuracy and reasonableness at a time a condominium is registered.  Finally, the bill would require an annual report regarding condominium assessments and affordability in the District.


    Regarding the sale of certain real estate no longer required for public purposes, Bill 20-0707, the Land Disposition Transparency Act of 2014, would require the Mayor to provide the Council with a description of the difference between the value of property to be disposed of and the purchase/lease price to be paid by a developer, a pre-disposition economic impact statement, and a fair market valuation of the property.  The bill would also require the quarterly economic report required by D.C. Code § 10-838 to be posted on the website of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and include valuation results for all solicitation responses received and a status update with respect to achievement of the goals contained in the Certified Business Enterprise and First Source agreements.  Finally, the bill would also include executed disposition agreements as documents that must be made public without a written request.

    Bill 20-0721, the U Street/14th Street NW Great Street Neighborhood Retail Priority Amendment Act of 2014, would amend the Retail Incentive Act of 2004 to designate certain neighborhoods, including those within the U Street, 14th Street, Adams Morgan, and Mount Pleasant areas, as Retail Priority Areas.


    The public hearing will begin at 10:30 AM in Room 120 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 


    Individuals and representatives of community organizations wishing to testify should contact Judah Gluckman, Legislative Counsel to the Committee on Economic Development, at (202) 724-8025, or jgluckman@dccouncil.us and furnish their name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business May 5, 2014.  Persons presenting testimony may be limited to 3 minutes in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Please provide the Committee 20 copies of any written testimony.


    If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee on Economic Development, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite 110 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004.