4290327 Resolution 20-101, “Department of Health Grant-Making Authority Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”  







    April 9, 2013



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to authorize the Director of the Department of Health to issue grants to qualified community organizations in fiscal year 2013.



    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Department of Health Grant-Making Authority Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2013”.


    Sec. 2.  Enactment of the Department of Health Grant-Making Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2013 will enable the District to:

    (1) Prevent the closure of ambulatory care centers in the District;

    (2) Continue to fund school-based health care centers in Ballou, Woodson, Coolidge, and Anacostia High Schools;

    (3) Continue funding a poison control center;

    (4)  Maintain a teen pregnancy prevention program; and

    (5)  Continue to provide nutritional home delivery services to individuals living with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.


                Sec. 3.  The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Department of Health Functions Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2013 be adopted after a single reading.


    Sec. 4.  This resolution shall take effect immediately.