5962510 Health Care Finance, Department of - Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking - Amendments to the Provision Governing Delivery of Supported Employment Services to Participants in the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for ...
The Director of the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), pursuant to the authority set forth in An Act to enable the District of Columbia to receive federal financial assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for a medical assistance program, and for other purposes, approved December 27, 1967 (81 Stat. 744; D.C. Official Code § 1-307.02 (2014 Repl. & 2015 Supp.)) and Section 6(6) of the Department of Health Care Finance Establishment Act of 2007, effective February 27, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-109; D.C. Official Code § 7-771.05(6) (2012 Repl.)), hereby gives notice of the adoption, on an emergency basis, of amendments to Section 1933, entitled “Supported Employment Services - Individual And Small Group Services,” of Chapter 19 (Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) of Title 29 (Public Welfare) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).
These second emergency rules establish standards governing the reimbursement of supported employment services provided to participants in the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD Waiver) and to establish conditions of participation for providers.
The ID/DD Waiver was approved by the Council of the District of Columbia (Council) and renewed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), for a five-year period beginning November 20, 2012. The corresponding amendment to the ID/DD Waiver was approved by the Council through the Medicaid Assistance Program Emergency Amendment Act of 2014, effective February 26, 2015 (D.C. Law 20-155; D.C. Official Code § 1-307.02(a)(8)(E) (2015 Supp.)). CMS approved the amendment to the ID/DD Waiver effective September 24, 2015.
The most recent Notice of Final Rulemaking for 29 DCMR § 1933 (Supported Employment Services – Individual and Small Group Services) was published in the D.C. Register on April 4, 2014, at 61 DCR 003563. A Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking, published in the D.C. Register on January 8, 2016, at 63 DCR 000441, was adopted on December 29, 2015, became effective on that date, and will remain in effect until April 27, 2016, or until superseded by adoption of this rulemaking. The first emergency and proposed rules amended the previously published final rules by: (1) modifying rates based on the approved methodology; (2) barring the payment of stipends to attendees of Supported Employment services by the provider; (3) barring the Supported Employment provider from concurrently being the person’s employer and provider of Supported Employment services; (4) requiring that the purpose of small group supported employment is for the person to attain integrated employment; (5) clarifying which Medicaid reimbursable services occur in individual supported employment and which occur in small group supported employment; (6) requiring the use of Person-Centered Thinking and Discovery tools; (7) adding community mapping for the purposes of networking and job development, placement and mentoring to the list of Medicaid reimbursable intake and assessment activities; (8) including employment counseling on a person’s employment rights as an employees with a disability to the list of Medicaid reimbursable intake and assessment activities; (9) clarifying the time that the assessment is due; (10) requiring that the assessment include information on natural supports; (11) adding to the list of Medicaid reimbursable job placement and development activities, including the addition of benefits counseling; (12) using people first respectful language; (13) adding to the list of Medicaid reimbursable job training and support activities including training on the use of assistive technology; (14) clarifying when benefits counseling should occur; (15) requiring the provider to participate in a person’s support team at the person’s preference; (16) requiring that providers of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services must also be enrolled as a provider for the Rehabilitation Services Administration by September 23, 2016, for current providers, or within one year of becoming a supported employment provider; and (17) adding sanctions for delays in providing required documents. DHCF did not receive comments to the first emergency and proposed rulemaking. DHCF is promulgating this Notice of Second Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking to (a) continue the changes reflected in the first notice of emergency and proposed rulemaking described above; (b) clarify that intake and assessment activities are limited to individual supported employment services; (c) fix a mathematical error in the computation of the hourly rate for paraprofessional services in Subsections 1933.42 to 1933.44; (d) modify the reimbursement rates in Subsections 1933.42 to 1933.45 to correspond with ID/DD Waiver Year 4 rates; and (e) clarify through the reimbursement rates in Subsections 1933.42 to 1933.45 that small group supported employment services are provided with a staffing ratio of one paraprofessional to not more than four persons.
Emergency action is necessary for the immediate preservation of the health, safety, and welfare of waiver participants who are in need of supported employment services. The new requirements will enhance the quality of services and the rate modifications will correspond with ID/DD Waiver Year 4. Therefore, in order to ensure that the residents’ health, safety, and welfare are not threatened by lack of access to supported employment provided pursuant to the updated delivery guidelines, it is necessary that these rules be published on an emergency basis.
The second emergency rulemaking was adopted on April 6, 2016, and became effective on that date. The emergency rules shall remain in effect for not longer than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the adoption date or until August 4, 2016, unless superseded by publication of a Notice of Final Rulemaking in the D.C. Register. The Director of DHCF also gives notice of the intent to take final rulemaking action to adopt these proposed rules in not less than thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.
Section 1933, SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES - INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL GROUP SERVICES, is deleted in its entirety and amended to read as follows:
1933.1 This section shall establish standards governing Medicaid eligibility for supported employment services for persons enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Waiver) and shall establish conditions of participation for providers of supported employment services.
1933.2 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services are designed to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to obtain competitive work in integrated work settings, at minimum wage or higher and at a rate comparable to workers without disabilities performing the same tasks.
1933.3 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services may be delivered individually or in a small group.
1933.4 Medicaid reimbursable small group supported employment services are services and training activities that are provided in regular business, industry, or community setting for groups of two (2) to eight (8) workers.
1933.5 Small group supported employment services is intended to enable the person to become part of a competitive, integrated work setting.
1933.6 In order to receive Medicaid reimbursement for supported employment services, the person receiving services shall:
(a) Be interested in obtaining full-time or part-time employment in an integrated work setting; and
(b) Demonstrate that a previous application for the District of Columbia Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) funded supported employment services was made, by the submission of a letter documenting either ineligibility for RSA services or the completion of RSA services with the recommendation for long-term employment support.
1933.7 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall:
(a) Provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to achieve successful integrated employment consistent with the person’s goals;
(b) Be recommended by the person’s Support Team; and
(c) Be identified in the person’s Individual Support Plan (ISP), Plan of Care, and Summary of Supports.
1933.8 The three (3) models of supported employment services eligible for Medicaid reimbursement are as follows:
(a) An Individual Job Support Model, which evaluates the needs of the person and places the person into an integrated competitive or customized work environment through a job discovery process;
(b) A Small Group Supported Employment Model, which utilizes training activities for groups of two (2) to eight (8) workers with disabilities to place persons in an integrated community based work setting; and
(c) An Entrepreneurial Model, which utilizes training techniques to develop on-going support for a small business that is owned and operated by the person.
1933.9 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services for the entrepreneurial model shall include the following activities:
(a) Assisting the person to identify potential business opportunities;
(b) Assisting the person in the development of a business and launching a business;
(c) Identification of the supports that are necessary in order for the person to operate the business; and
(d) Ongoing assistance, counseling and guidance once the business has been launched.
1933.10 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment individual services shall consist of the following activities:
(a) Intake and assessment;
(b) Job placement and development;
(c) Job training and support; and
(d) Long-term follow-along services.
1933.11 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment small group services shall consist of the following activities:
(a) Job placement and development;
(b) Job training and support; and
(c) Long-term follow-along services.
1933.12 Intake and assessment services determine the interests, strengths, preferences, and skills of the person in order to ultimately obtain competitive employment and to further identify the necessary conditions for the person’s successful participation in employment. The purpose of the intake and assessment is to facilitate and ensure a person’s success in integrated competitive employment.
1933.13 Medicaid reimbursable intake and assessment activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Conducting a person-centered vocational and situational assessment based upon what is important to and for the person as reflected in his or her Person-Centered Thinking and Discovery tools and related ISP goals;
(b) Developing a person-centered employment plan that includes the person's job preferences and desires, through a discovery process and the development of a Positive Personal Profile and Job Search and Community Participation Plan;
(c) Assessing person-centered employment information, including the person’s interest in doing different jobs, transportation to and from work, family support, and financial issues;
(d) Engaging in community mapping to identify available community supports and assisting the person to establish a network for job development, placement and mentoring;
(e) Counseling an interested person on the tasks necessary to start a business, including referral to resources and nonprofit associations that provide information specific to owning and operating a business; and
(f) Providing employment counseling, which includes, but is not limited to, the person’s rights as an employee with a disability.
1933.14 After intake and completion of the assessments, each provider of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall complete and deliver a comprehensive vocational assessment report prior to the end of the intake and assessment service authorization period, to the Department on Disability Services (DDS) Service Coordinator that includes the following information:
(a) Employment-related strengths and weaknesses of the person;
(b) Availability of family and community supports for the person;
(c) The assessor’s concerns about the health, safety, and wellbeing of the person;
(d) Accommodations and supports that may be required for the person on the job; and
(e) If a specific job or entrepreneurial effort has been targeted:
(1) Individualized training needed by the person to acquire and maintain skills that are commensurate with the skills of other employees;
(2) Anticipated level of interventions that will be required for the person by the job coach;
(3) Type of integrated work environment in which the person can potentially succeed; and
(4) Activities and supports that are needed to improve the person’s potential for employment, including whether the person has natural supports that may help him or her to be successful in the specific job or entrepreneurial effort.
1933.15 Medicaid reimbursable job placement and development includes activities to facilitate the person’s ability to work in a setting that is consistent with their strengths, abilities, priorities, and interests, as well as the identification of potential employment options, as determined through the supported employment intake and assessment process.
1933.16 Job placement and development activities eligible for Medicaid reimbursement include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Conducting workshops or other activities designed to assist the person in completing employment applications or preparing for interviews;
(b) Conducting workshops or other activities to instruct the person on appropriate work attire, work ethic, attitude, and expectations;
(c) Assisting the person with the completion of job applications;
(d) Assisting the person with job exploration and placement, including assessing opportunities for the person’s advancement and growth, with a consideration for customized employment, as needed;
(e) Visiting employment sites, participating in informational interviews, attending employment networking events, and job shadowing;
(f) Making telephone calls and conducting face-to-face informational interviews with prospective employers, individuals in the person’s network, utilizing the internet, social media, magazines, newspapers, and other publications as prospective employment leads;
(g) Collecting descriptive data regarding various types of employment opportunities, for purposes of job matching and customized employment;
(h) Negotiating employment terms with or on behalf of the person;
(i) Working with the person to develop and implement a plan to start a business, including developing a business plan, developing investors or start-up capital, and other tasks necessary to starting a small business;
(j) Benefits counseling; and
(k) Working with the person and employer to develop group placements.
1933.17 Job training and support activities are those activities designed to assist and support the person after he or she has obtained employment. The expectation is that the person’s reliance upon job training and support activities will decline as a result of job skills training and support from supervisors and co-workers in the existing work setting to maintain employment.
1933.18 Medicaid reimbursable job training and support activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) On-the-job training in work and work-related skills required to perform the job;
(b) Work site support that is intervention-oriented and designed to enhance work performance and support the development of appropriate workplace etiquette
(c) Supervision and monitoring of the person in the workplace;
(d) Training in related skills essential to obtaining and maintaining employment, such as the effective use of community resources, break or lunch rooms, attendance and punctuality, mobility training, re-training as job responsibilities change, and attaining new jobs; including, where appropriate, the use of assistive technology, i.e. calendar alerts, timers, alarm clocks and other devices that assist a person with meeting employment requirements;
(e) Monitoring and providing information and assistance regarding wage and hour requirements, appropriateness of job placement, integration into the work environment, and need for functional adaptation modifications at the job site;
(f) Ongoing benefits counseling, including but not limited to prior to the person reaching the end of his or her Trial Work period and/or attaining Substantive Gainful Activity (SGA);
(g) Consulting with other professionals and the person’s family, as necessary;
(h) Providing support and training to the person's employer, co-workers, or supervisors so that they can provide workplace support, as necessary; and
(i) Working with the person and his or her support network to identify a plan to develop his or her skills that facilitate workplace independence and confidence so that the person is less reliant upon job training and support activities.
1933.19 Medicaid reimbursable long-term follow-along activities are stabilization services needed to support and maintain a person in an integrated competitive employment site or in their own business.
1933.20 Medicaid reimbursable long-term follow-along activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Periodic monitoring of job stability with a minimum of two (2) visits per month;
(b) Intervening to address issues that threaten job stability;
(c) Providing re-training, cross-training, and additional supports as needed, when job duties change;
(d) Facilitating integration and natural supports at the job site;
(e) Benefits counseling prior to and after the person reaching the end of his or her Trial Work period and/or attaining SGA, and to ensure a person maintains eligibility for benefits and that earnings are being properly reported;
(f) Working with the person and his or her support network to identify a plan to develop his or her skills that facilitate workplace independence and confidence so that the person is less reliant upon job training and support activities; and
(g) Facilitating job advancement, professional growth, and job mobility.
1933.21 Each provider of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall be responsible for delivering ongoing supports to the person to promote job stability after they become employed. Once the person exhibits confidence to perform the job without a job coach present, the provider shall make a minimum of two (2) visits to the job site per month for the purpose of monitoring job stability.
1933.22 When applicable, each provider of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall coordinate with DDS and the employer to provide functional adaptive modifications for each person to accomplish basic work related tasks at the work site.
1933.23 When applicable, each provider of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall coordinate with the employer to ensure that each person has an emergency back-up plan for job training and support.
1933.24 Each provider of Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall be a Waiver provider agency and shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Participate in the person’s support team meetings, at the person’s preference;
(b) Be certified by the U.S. Department of Labor, if applicable;
(c) Comply with the requirements described under Section 1904 (Provider Qualifications) and Section 1905 (Provider Enrollment Process) of Chapter 19 of Title 29 DCMR; and
(d) Enroll as a supported employment provider for the District of Columbia Rehabilitation Services Administration by September 23, 2016, for current providers, or, for new Medicaid waiver supported employment provider agencies, within one year after enrollment as a waiver provider.
1933.25 Each professional or paraprofessional providing Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services for a Waiver provider shall meet the requirements in Section 1906 (Requirements for Direct Support Professionals) of Chapter 19 of Title 29 DCMR.
1933.26 Professionals authorized to provide Medicaid reimbursable supported employment activities without supervision shall include the following:
(a) A Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor;
(b) An individual with a Master’s degree and a minimum of one (1) year of experience working with persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in supported employment;
(c) An individual with a bachelor’s degree and two years of experience working with persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in supported employment; or
(d) A Rehabilitation Specialist.
1933.27 Paraprofessionals shall be authorized to perform Medicaid reimbursable supported employment activities under the supervision of a professional. Supervision is not intended to mean that the paraprofessional performs supported employment activities in the presence of the professional, but rather that the paraprofessional has a supervisor who meets the qualifications of a professional as set forth in § 1933.26.
1933.28 Paraprofessionals authorized to perform Medicaid reimbursable supported employment activities are as follows:
(a) A Job Coach; or
(b) An Employment Specialist.
1933.29 Services shall be authorized for Medicaid reimbursement in accordance with the following Waiver provider requirements:
(a) DDS provides a written service authorization before the commencement of services;
(b) The provider conducts a comprehensive vocational assessment, at minimum consisting of a Positive Personal Profile and Job Search and Community Participation Plan, if the person does not already have a comprehensive assessment. If the person does have a comprehensive vocational assessment, this must be reviewed to ensure that it is current and reflects what is important to and for the person, and updated as needed.
(c) The provider develops an individualized employment plan with training goals and techniques within the first two (2) hours of service delivery;
(d) The service name and provider delivering services are identified in the ISP and Plan of Care;
(e) The ISP, Plan of Care, and Summary of Supports and Services document the amount and frequency of services to be received; and
(f) Services shall not conflict with the service limitations described under Subsections 1933.31-1933.42; and
1933.30 If extended services are required, the provider shall submit a supported employment extension request. The request is a written justification that must be submitted to the Service Coordinator at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the exhaustion of Supported Employment hours. Failure to submit all required documents may result in a delay of the approval of services. Any failure on the part of the provider to submit required documents to approve service authorizations will result in sanctions by DDS up to and including a ban on authorizations for new service recipients. Service interruptions to the waiver participant due to the service provider’s failure to submit required documentation will initiate referrals to a choice of a new service provider to ensure a continuation of services for the waiver participant.
1933.31 Supported employment services shall not qualify for Medicaid reimbursement if the services are available to the person through programs funded under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 110, enacted September 26, 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112; 29 U.S.C. §§ 720 et seq.), or Section 602(16) and (17) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1401 (16) and (71), enacted October 30, 1990 (Pub. L. 91-230; 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et seq.), hereinafter referred to as the “Acts”.
1933.32 Court-ordered vocational assessments authorizing intake and assessment services qualify for Medicaid reimbursement under the Waiver if services provided through programs funded under the Acts referenced in Subsection 1933.31 cannot be provided in the timeframe set forth in the Court’s Order.
1933.33 Medicaid reimbursement is available for supported employment services that are provided either exclusively as a vocational service or in combination with individualized day supports, employment readiness, or day habilitation services if provided during different periods of time, including during the same day.
1933.34 Medicaid reimbursement is not available if supported employment services are provided in specialized facilities that are not part of the general workforce. Medicaid reimbursement is not available for volunteer work.
1933.35 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall not include payment for supervision, training, support, adaptations, or equipment typically available to other workers without disabilities in similar positions.
1933.36 Medicaid reimbursable supported employment services shall be provided for a maximum of eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days per week.
1933.37 Medicaid reimbursement is not available for incentive payments, subsidies, or unrelated vocational training expenses such as the following:
(a) Incentive payments made to an employer to encourage or subsidize the employer’s participation in a supported employment services program;
(b) Payments that are processed and paid to users of supported employment service programs; and
(c) Payment for vocational training that is not directly related to the person’s success in the supported employment services program.
1933.38 Supported employment providers may not pay a stipend to a person for attendance or participation in activities at the day habilitation program.
1933.39 A supported employment provider may not concurrently employ a person and be his or her provider of Medicaid supported employment services.
1933.40 Medicaid reimbursement is not available for time spent in transportation to and from the employment program and shall not be included in the total amount of services provided per day. Time spent in transportation to and from the program for the purpose of training the person on the use of transportation services is Medicaid reimbursable and may be included in the number of hours of services provided per day for a period of time specified in the person's ISP and Plan of Care.
1933.41 Medicaid reimbursement shall only be available for adaptations, supervision and training for supported employment services provided at the work site in which persons without disabilities are employed. Medicaid reimbursement shall not be available for supervisory activities, which are rendered as a normal part of the business setting.
1933.42 Medicaid reimbursable intake and assessment activities shall be billed at the unit rate. This service shall not exceed three-hundred and twenty (320) units or eighty (80) hours annually. A standard unit of service is fifteen (15) minutes and the provider shall provide at least eight (8) continuous minutes of service to bill one (1) unit of service. The Medicaid reimbursement rate for individual supported employment intake and assessment activities (a) shall be eleven dollars and ninety cents ($11.90) per unit or forty-seven dollars and sixty cents ($47.60) per hour if performed by a professional listed in Subsection 1933.26; and (b) shall be seven dollars and sixteen cents ($7.16) per unit or twenty-eight dollars and sixty-four cents ($28.64) per hour if performed by a paraprofessional listed in Section 1933.28 under the supervision of a professional.
1933.43 Medicaid reimbursable job preparation, developmental and placement activities shall be billed at the unit rate. This service shall not exceed nine hundred and sixty (960) units or two-hundred and forty (240) hours annually for both individual and group services, combined. A standard unit of service is fifteen (15) minutes and the provider shall provide at least eight (8) continuous minutes of service to bill for one (1) unit of service. The Medicaid reimbursement rate for individual supported employment job preparation, developmental and placement activities (a) shall be eleven dollars and ninety cents ($11.90) per unit, or forty-seven dollars and sixty cents ($47.60) per hour if performed by a professional listed in Section 1933.26; and (b) shall be seven dollars and sixteen cents ($7.16) per unit or twenty-eight dollars and sixty-four cents ($28.64) per hour if performed by a paraprofessional listed in Subsection 1933.28 under the supervision of a professional. For small group supported employment job preparation, developmental and placement activities, the Medicaid reimbursement rate shall be two dollars and eighty-six cents ($2.86) per unit or eleven dollars and forty-four cents ($11.44) per hour for each person in a group of two (2) to four (4) people enrolled in the Waiver.
1933.44 Medicaid reimbursable on the job training and support activities shall not exceed three hundred and sixty hours (360) or one thousand, four hundred and forty (1,440) units per ISP year, unless additional hours are prior authorized by DDS. A standard unit of service is fifteen (15) minutes and the provider shall provide at least eight (8) continuous minutes of service to bill one (1) unit of service. The Medicaid reimbursement rate for individual supported employment job training and support activities (a) shall be eleven dollars and ninety cents ($11.90) per unit, or forty-seven dollars and sixty cents ($47.60) per hour if performed by a professional listed in Subsection 1933.26; and (b) shall be seven dollars and sixteen cents per unit or twenty-eight dollars and sixty-four cents ($28.64) per hour if performed by a paraprofessional listed in Subsection 1933.28 under the supervision of a professional. For small group supported employment on the job training and support activities, the Medicaid reimbursement rate shall be two dollars and eighty-six cents ($2.86) per unit or eleven dollars and forty-four cents ($11.44) per hour for each person in a group of two (2) to four (4) people enrolled in the Waiver.
1933.45 Medicaid reimbursable long-term follow-along activities shall not exceed one thousand four hundred eight (1,408) units per ISP year. A standard unit of service is fifteen (15) minutes and the provider shall provide at least eight (8) continuous minutes of service to bill one (1) unit of service. The Medicaid reimbursement rate for both professionals and paraprofessionals for individual supported employment long-term follow-along activities shall be five dollars and seventy-eight cents ($5.78) per unit and twenty-three dollars and twelve cents ($23.12) per hour. For small group supported employment long-term follow-along activities, the Medicaid reimbursement rate shall be two dollars and eighty-six cents ($2.86) per unit or eleven dollars and forty-four cents ($11.44) per hour for each person in a group of two (2) to four (4) people enrolled in the Waiver.
Section 1999, DEFINITIONS, is amended by adding the following:
Benefits Counseling – Analysis and advice provided to a person to help him/her understand the potential impact of employment on his/her public benefits, including but not limited to Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare, and Food Stamps.
Competitive Integrated Employment - Full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to those without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with co-workers without disabilities.
Employment Specialist - An individual with a four-year college degree and a minimum of one (1) year of experience in a supported employment program or equivalent; an individual with a four-year college degree and certification from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification or a similar national organization; or a high school graduate with three (3) years of experience in a supported employment program or equivalent.
Group Supported Employment - An integrated setting in competitive employment in which a group of two to four individuals or four to eight individuals are working at a particular work setting. The individuals may be disbursed throughout the company or among workers without disabilities.
Individual Supported Employment - A supported employment strategy in which a job coach places a person into competitive or customized employment through a job discovery process, provides training and support, and then gradually reduces time and assistance at the work site.
Integrated Work Setting - A work setting that provides a person enrolled in the Waiver with daily interactions with other employees without disabilities and/or the general public.
Job Coach – An individual with a four-year college degree and a minimum of one (1) year of experience in a supported employment program or equivalent; an individual with a college degree in a social services discipline and certification from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification or a similar national organization; or an individual with a high school degree and three (3) years of experience in a supported employment program, or equivalent.
Long-term follow along activities - Ongoing support services considered necessary to assure job retention.
Person centered – An approach that focuses on what is important to the individual based on his or her needs, goals, and abilities rather than using a general standard applicable to all people.
Rehabilitation Specialist - An individual with a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling or a similar degree from an accredited university; an individual with a Master’s degree in a social services discipline and a minimum of one (1) year of experience in a supported employment program or equivalent; or an individual with a Master’s degree in a social services discipline and certification from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification or a similar national organization.
Situational Assessment - A type of assessment that provides the person an opportunity to explore job tasks in work environments in the community to identify the type of employment that may be beneficial to the person and the support required by each person to succeed in his/her work environment. This assessment shall include observation of the person at the work site, identification of work site characteristics, training procedures, identification of supports needed for the person, and recommendations and plans for future services, including the appropriateness of continuing supported employment.
Stipend – Nominal fee paid to a person for attendance and/ or participation in activities designed to achieve his or her employment goal, as identified in the person’s ISP.
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) - Activities that the person is engaged in that result in a sum earnings greater than a fixed monthly amount, set by federal standards and determined by the nature of one’s disability and the national wage index.
Vocational Assessment - An assessment designed to assist a person, their family and service providers with specific employment related data that will generate positive employment outcomes. The assessment should address the person’s life, relationships, challenges, and perceptions as they relate to potential sources of community support and mentorship.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor - An individual with a Master's degree in Vocational Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling or a similar degree from an accredited university; an individual with a Master’s degree in a social services discipline and a minimum of one (1) year of experience in a supported employment program or equivalent; or an individual with a Master’s degree in a social services discipline and certification from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification or a similar national organization.
Comments on the emergency and proposed rules shall be submitted, in writing, to Claudia Schlosberg, J.D., Senior Deputy Director/State Medicaid Director, District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance, 441 Fourth Street, N.W., Suite 900 South, Washington, D.C. 20001, by telephone on (202) 442-8742, by email at DHCFPublicComments@dc.gov, or online at www.dcregs.dc.gov, within thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. Copies of the emergency and proposed rules may be obtained from the above address.