5988021 Health, Department of - D.C. Board of Pharmacy - Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Collaborative Practice Agreements Between Physicians and Pharmacists
On Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Collaborative Practice Agreements Between Physicians and Pharmacists
Pursuant to the Collaborative Care Expansion Amendment Act of 2012, effective October 22, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-0185; 60 DCR 7591, published May 31, 2013) (the Act), The District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy is conducting a public hearing to be held on Thursday, May 5, 2016, 9:00am – 11:00am at 899 North Capitol Street, NE, 2nd Floor.
The public hearing is being held to invite health care facilities and other stakeholders to an open forum to help the Board address public comments received regarding subsection 10003.2 of the Proposed Rulemaking for Collaborative Practice Agreements Between Physicians and Pharmacists that was published in the D.C. Register on October 9, 2015 at 62 DCR 13285. Presently, there are no members serving on the Board that have institutional pharmacy practice experience. As such, the Board is specifically seeking comment from pharmacists employed in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other institutional settings. However, comments from all stakeholders regarding this issue are welcome.
The Board received public comment requesting that the regulations be expanded to provide guidance to hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other institutions regarding requirements (or lack thereof) of the collaborative agreements, pharmacists credentialing, or other organizational policies or practices.
Additionally, the Board received public comment requesting that subsection 10003.2 be amended as follows:
10003.1 The signatories to a collaborative practice agreement shall be a District of Columbia licensed physician involved directly in patient care and a District of Columbia licensed pharmacist involved directly in patient care.
10003.2 The physician may designate alternate physicians, and the pharmacist may designate alternate pharmacists, provided that the alternates meet the educational, licensure, and training requirements of this Chapter, and are involved directly in patient care
at a single, physical locationwhere patients receive services. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as prohibiting the practice of telemedicine if it is otherwise permitted by District law.All written and oral testimony submitted as part of this public hearing should address only the specific comments set forth above. The Board has not opened the entire rulemaking document for a new comment period. A thirty day (30) comment period was previously provided when the regulations were published in the DC Register on October 9, 2015.
To register to present testimony, please contact Karin Barron by email only at Karin.Barron@dc.gov before 4:00 pm Friday, April 29, 2016. The following information is needed for registration: name, address, telephone number and organization name (when applicable).
For the record, testimonies may be submitted in hard copy up until 11:00 am on Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 899 North Capitol Street, N.E., 2nd Floor, or electronically to Karin.Barron@dc.gov.
Time permitting, there will be an open forum following testimonies for the public hearing attendees to provide feedback to the Board of Pharmacy. The open forum will end at 11:00 am.
Parking is available under the building at a cost. There is limited neighborhood parking. Check WMATA http://www.wmata.com/ for other transportation options. The nearest Metro stop is Union Station.