4857001 Education, Office of the State Superintendent of - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for 18-month pilot program with GED Testing Service touse District of Columbia as national GED jurisdiction  





    The State Superintendent of Education, pursuant to the authority set forth in Sections 3(a) and 3(b) (11), (13), (15), and (17) of The State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000, effective October 21, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-176; D.C. Official Code §§ 38-2602 (a) and (b)(11), (b)(13), (b)(15), (b)(17), and 38-2602.01) (2012 Repl.)), hereby gives notice of his intent to adopt the following amendments to Section 2320 (General Educational Development (GED) Testing) of Chapter 23 (Curriculum and Testing) of Subtitle E (Original Title 5), Title 5 (Education), of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”),  in not less than thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.


    The purpose of the amendments contained within this Proposed Rulemaking are to effectuate a pilot program of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (“OSSE”) with the GED Testing Service to select the District of Columbia as the national GED jurisdiction, and to authorize OSSE to issue GED tests and credentials to a range of non-residents. During the eighteen (18) month pilot period, District residents will receive a discount on GED testing.


    Section 2320 (General Educational Development (GED) Testing) of Chapter 23 (Curriculum and Testing), Title 5-E (Education, Original Title 5) is amended as follows:

    Section 2320 of Chapter 23, Title 5-E is amended to delete each occurrence of the term “Superintendent” and to replace each deletion with the term “State Superintendent”.

    Section 2320 of Chapter 23, Title 5-E is amended to delete each occurrence of the term “Superintendent of Schools” and to replace each deletion with the term “State Superintendent”.

    Section 2320 of Chapter 23, Title 5-E is further amended to add a new Subsection to read as follows:

    2320.18           Notwithstanding the criteria established for nonresidents in Subsection 2320.10 of this chapter, the State Superintendent may waive the residency requirements of Subsection 2320.9 of this chapter and provide GED testing and credentialing to nonresidents who are otherwise qualified under this chapter for a period not to exceed of eighteen (18) months after the effective date of this subsection. During the effective period of this subsection, the testing fee established in Subsection 2320.17(d) of this chapter shall be reduced to $15.00 for District residents. OSSE reserves the right to waive the testing fee in cases of demonstrated financial hardship.

    Persons wishing to comment on this rule should submit their comments in writing to Office of the State Superintendent of Education, 810 First Street, NE, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20002, Attention: Jamai Deuberry (phone number (202) 724-7756), Office of General Counsel, or to osse.publiccomment@dc.gov. All comments must be received no later than thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.  Copies of this rulemaking may also be obtained from the OSSE website at www.osse.dc.gov or upon request at the above referenced location.

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