Vol. 58, No. 17 (04/29/2011)
1. Council Issues
- 1034425 Law 18-329, Closing and Dedication of Portions of a Public Alley in Square 5260, S.O. 10-13494, Act of 2010"
- 1034910 Law 18-330, "Corrupt Election Practices Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035007 Law 18-331, "Sustainable Energy Utility Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035104 Law 18-332, "Thelma Jones Way Designation Act of 2010"
- 1035201 Law 18-333, "Closing of Public Streets, Dedication of Land for Street Purposes, and the Elimination of Highway Plan Encumbrances , in and abutting Squares 3655, 3656 and 3657, S.O. 09-10589, Act of 2010"
- 1035298 Law 18-334, "District of Columbia Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035395 Law 18-335, "Prohibition on Government Employee Engagement in Political Activity Act of 2010"
- 1035492 Law 18-336, "Human and Environmental Health Protection Act of 2010"
- 1035589 Law 18-337, "Private Fire Hydrant Act of 2010"
- 1035686 Law 18-338, "Adams Morgan Main Street Group Clarification Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035783 Law 18-339, "Transportation Infrastructure Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035880 Law 18-340, "Returning Citizen Public Employment Inclusion Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1035977 Law 18-341, "Ballpark Fee Clarification Act of 2010"
- 1036074 Law 18-342, "Perry Street Affordable Housing Tax Exemption and Relief Act of 2010"
- 1036171 Law 18-343, "Kelsey Gardens Redevelopment Project Real Property Limited Tax Abatement Assistance Act of 2010"
- 1036268 Law 18-344, "Rhode Island Avenue Metro Plaza Revenue Bonds Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036365 Law 18-345, "Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation Personnel Administration Temporary Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036462 Law 18-346, "Southeast Federal Center/Yards Non-Discriminatory Grocery Store Temporary Act of 2010"
- 1036559 Law 18-347, "Rent Administrator Hearing Authority Second Temporary Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036656 Law 18-348, "Lead Hazard Prevention and Elimination Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036753 Law 18-349, "Green Building Technical Corrections, Clarification, and Revision Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036850 Law 18-350, "Open Meetings Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1036947 Law 18-351, "Anti-SLAPP Act of 2010"
- 1037044 Law 18-352, "Residential Housing Tax Abatement Clarification Amendment Act of 2010"
- 1037141 Public Hearing Notice on B19-125, "Antifraud Fund Amendment Act of 2011" and B19-140, "Automated Traffic Enforcement Fund Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1037238 Public Hearing Notice on B19-214, "Fine Proportionality Amendment Act of 2011" and B19-215, "Receipt of Stolen Property Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1037335 Public Hearing Notice on B19-216, "Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act of 2011"
- 1037432 Public Hearing Notice on B19-139, "911 Purity Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1037529 Public Oversight Hearing Notice on, "The FY2012 Proposed Budget for the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services"
- 1037626 Public Oversight Hearing Notice on "Continuing Overtime and Pay Problems in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department"
- 1037820 Public Oversight Hearing Notice on "Calibration Issues with Breathalyzer Instruments and the District's Response"
- 1037917 Act 19-45, "Public Safety Legislation Sixty-Day Layover Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1038014 Resolution 19-88, "General Counsel to the Council of the District of Columbia V. David Zvenyach Appointment Resolution of 2011"
- 1038111 Resolution 19-89, "Banneker Ventures, LLC v. District of Columbia Withdrawal Resolution of 2011"
- 1038208 Resolution 19-90, "Public Safety Legislation Sixty-Day Layover Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1038305 Resolution 19-91, "Executive Personnel Practices Investigation Hearing Recess Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1038402 Resolution 19-92, "Executive Personnel Practices Investigation Hearing Recess Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1038499 Resolution 19-93, "Closing of a Portion of Anacostia Avenue, N.E., abutting Parcel 170/14 S.O. 11-3689, Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1038596 Resolution 19-94, "Modification to Contract No. DOC-06-067-KEE Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1038693 Resolution 19-95, "Contract No. DCTO-2009-C-0253 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1040536 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Resolutions
- 1040633 Consideration of Temporary Legislation - B19-238
- 1040730 Public Roundtable Notice on, "Federal Health Care Reform Implementation"
- 1040827 Act 19-46, "Closing of a Portion of Anacostia Avenue N.E., abutting Parcel 170/14 S.O. 11-3689, Emergency Act of 2011"
2. Agency Issues
- 994364 Notice of proposed rulemaking to amend Chapter 6 (Taxicab Parts and Equipment) of Title 31 (Taxicabs and Public Vehicles for Hire) of the Disctrict of Columbia Municipal Regulations ("DCMR)
- 994752 Board of Zoning Adjustment -Order 18198 - Vestry of St. Columba's Episcopal Church - (ANC 3E)
- 999117 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend Chapter 8 (Operation of Taxicabs) of Title 31 (Taxicabs and Public Vehicles for Hire) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”).
- 999311 D.C. Water and Sewer Authority - Board of Directors Meeting - May 5, 2011
- 1031709 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 17827-A - Jobs Partnership of Greater Washington for a Motion for a Two-Year Extension of BZA Order No. 17827, pursuant to 11 DCMR & 3130, and for a waiver of the 30-day filing requirements of 11 DCMR 3130....
- 1031806 Board of Zoning Adjustment -Order 17794-A - NH Street Partners Holdings LLC (ANC 2A)
- 1031903 District of Columbia Housing Authority - Board of Commissioners - Notice of Public Meetings
- 1032000 Education, Office of the State Superintendent of - Notice of Funding Availability - 2011 Pre-k Program Assistance Grants
- 1032194 Regulation of the Practice of Polysomnography
- 1032291 State Superintendent of Education, Office of the - Office of Public Charter School Financing and Support - Notice of Funding Availability - Charter School Support Services Grant
- 1032388 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of ANC/SMD vacancies for 1C05, 2F05, 4D02, 6B11, 6C03, 7C06 and 8C06
- 1032582 Excel Academy Public Charter School - Request for Proposals - Food Services, Human Resources Tools, Classroom Furniture, and Copier
- 1032679 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearings - Board's Calendar May 4, 2011
- 1032776 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Meeting of ABC Board's Investigative Agenda May 4, 2011
- 1033067 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 18242The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia
- 1033164 FC 977 NOPR - Natural Gas Quality of Service Standards
- 1033261 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Eye Bar/Garden of Eden - ANC 2B - SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE
- 1033358 Board of Zoning Adjustment -Notice of Filing 18242- The Embassy of the Rebublic of Serbia
- 1033552 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Public Hearing Notice - July 12, 2011
- 1033649 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Woodward Liquors - ANC 4B
- 1033746 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Bistro 18 - ANC 1C
- 1033843 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Meeting of the ABC Board's Agenda May 4, 2011
- 1033940 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Toscana Market - ANC 2B - TRANSFER
- 1034037 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Renewal -2010 CT License Renewal - Jimmy Valentine's Lonely Hearts Club - ANC 5B
- 1034328 HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS, STD and TUBERCULOSIS ADMINISTRATION (HAHSTA)Notice of Funding Availability - 2011 HIV Counseling, Testing, Referral and Navigator Services GrantRFA# HIV CTR & Navigator Services 5.16.11
- 1034716 HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS, STD & TB ADMINISTRATION (HAHSTA)Notice of Funding Availability RFA # Effi Barry Initiative 5.16.11
- 1034813 HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS, STD, & TB ADMINISTRATIONNotice of Funding Availability - FY2012 HIV Housing Assistance Programs RFA# HAHSTA HSG 5.16.11
- 1037723 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Local 16 - ANC 2B - SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE
- 1038790 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Shadow Room - CORRECTION
- 1038887 Amends Chapter 60 of Title 29 regarding foster homes.
- 1038984 2011-73: Appointment - Fire Chief, D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department
- 1039081 2011-84: Appointment - Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
- 1039178 2011-74: Appointment - District of Columbia Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
- 1039275 2011-75: Appointments - Commission on Latino Community Development
- 1039372 2011-76: Reappointments - District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors
- 1039566 2011-77: Appointments - District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Retirement and Relief Board
- 1039663 2011-78: Appointment - District of Columbia Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Board of Directors
- 1039760 2011-79: Appointment - District of Columbia Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Board of Directors
- 1039857 2011-80: Appointment - Director, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
- 1039954 2011-81: Appointment - Acting Director, D.C. Department of Human Resources
- 1040051 2011-82: Appointment - Director, Department of Health Care Finance
- 1040148 2011-83: Appointment - Director, Department of Health
- 1040439 Community Health Administration Notice of Funding Availability RFA# CHA 042911
- 1041797 Education, Office of the State Superintendent of - Funding Availability - D.C. Teacher Quality Improvement Grant Program
Recent Issues
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- Vol. 58, No. 21 (05/27/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 20 (05/20/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 19 (05/13/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 18 (05/06/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 17 (04/29/2011) (Selected)
- Vol. 58, No. 16 (04/22/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 15 (04/15/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 14 (04/08/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 13 (04/01/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 12 (03/25/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 11 (03/18/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 10 (03/11/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 9 (03/04/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 8 (02/25/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 7 (02/18/2011)