4267144 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration-Sticky Rice - ANC 6A - Substantial Change  






    Posting Date:     April 5, 2013

    Petition Date:    May 20, 2013

    Hearing Date:    June 3, 2013


     License No.:      ABRA-072781

     Licensee:           Bee Hive, LLC

     Trade Name:     Sticky Rice

     License Class:   Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant

     Address:            1224 H Street, NE 

     Contact:             Jason Martin (202) 397-7655


    WARD 6                        ANC 6A                  SMD 6A01


    Notice is hereby given for a request to amend the Settlement Agreement for the establishment with regard to hours of operation to allow for later operation on days authorized by the District of Columbia.  This amendment was agreed to by and between the parties to the Settlement Agreement and approved by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board.  Objectors are entitled to be heard before the granting of such amendment on the Hearing Date at 10:00 am, 2000 14th Street, N.W., 400 South, Washington, DC 20009.  Petitions and/or requests to appear before the Board must be filed on or before the Petition Date. The amendment provides as follows:  


    The following language should be added after the hours stated in the existing agreement:

    Provided, however, (1) on days designated by the DC ABC Board as “Extended Hours for ABC Establishments” Applicant may serve alcoholic beverages and provide entertainment for one additional hour (that is, one hour later in the morning): (2) in the event the Council of the District of Columbia or the DC ABC Board grant licensees in general extended operating hours Applicant may avail itself of such extended hours; and (3) on January 1 of each year Applicant may serve alcoholic beverages and provide entertainment until 4am.