4271121 Resolution 20-72, "Sense of the Council in Support of Earth Hour Resolution of 2013"  







    March 19, 2013


    To declare the sense of the Council in support of March 23, 2013, as Earth Hour in the District of Columbia.


    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Sense of the Council in Support of Earth Hour Resolution of 2013”.


    Sec. 2. The Council finds that:

    (1) Earth Hour is the World Wildlife Fund’s annual campaign to raise awareness of the environmental challenges we all face, such as climate change.

    (2) On Saturday, March 23, 2013, at 8:30 p.m., thousands of cities around the world will go dark for one hour during Earth Hour.

    (3) We are encouraged to take part in Earth Hour by turning off all non-essential lights in and around our government buildings and promote and encourage landmarks and businesses in our community to join us in recognizing Earth Hour.

    (4) Earth Hour participation is only the first step, and our city can gain recognition for its efforts on climate change through the Earth Hour City Challenge.

    (5) Towns and cities across the country face staggering costs, which are weather- driven by extremes due to climate change. The resulting power outages, flooding, shuttered businesses, and damaged homes are becoming more frequent than such occurrences have been in the past. 

    (6) Many people in cities across America understand these risks and are taking practical measures to prepare.


    Sec. 3. It is the sense of the Council to recognize and support Earth Hour, to declare March 23, 2013, as “World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour City Challenge Day” in the District of Columbia, and to encourage participation of others by going dark for one hour, starting at 8:30 p.m.


                Sec. 4. The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a copy of this resolution, upon its adoption, to the District of Columbia Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, to the members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and to the Mayor.

                Sec. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.