4333007 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Resolutions  



                                NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACT ON NEW LEGISLATION




    The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to consider

    the following legislative matters for final Council action in not less than 15 days. Referrals of

    legislation to various committees of the Council are listed below and are subject to change at

    the legislative meeting immediately following or coinciding with the date of introduction. 

    It is also noted that legislation may be co-sponsored by other Councilmembers after it’s



    Interested persons wishing to comment may do so in writing addressed to Nyasha Smith, Secretary

    to the Council, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5, Washington, D.C.  20004.  Copies of bills

    and proposed resolutions are available in the Legislative Services Division, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue,

    NW, Room 10, Washington, D.C. 20004 Telephone: 724-8050 or online at www.dccouncil.us.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  





    B20-256          Income Tax Secured Bond Authorization Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-29-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Finance and Revenue 


    B20-259          Fresh Healthy Mobile Cart Vending Pilot Expansion Amendment Act of 2013


    Intro. 04-29-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

    Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B20-260          Residential Building Parking Pilot Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-29-13 by Councilmember Evans and referred to the Committee on

                            Transportation and the Environment


    B20-261          Lawrence Guyot Way Designation Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee of the Whole


    B20-262          Robert L. Moore Way Designation Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee of the Whole



    BILLS con’t


    B20-263          Photographic Proof of Visitor Parking Pass Violation Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee on

                            Transportation and the Environment


    B20-264          Voter Registration Access and Modernization Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Councilmember Wells and referred to the Committee on Government



    B20-265          District of Columbia Primary Date Alteration Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-01-13 by Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Evans, Wells, McDuffie

                            and Bonds and referred to the Committee on Government Operations


    B20-268          Saving D.C. Homes from Foreclosure Clarification and Title Insurance Clarification  

                            Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-01-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs


    B20-275          District of Columbia Drivers Safety Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    B20-279          Commercial Driver’s License Skills Test Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-07-13 by Councilmembers Alexander, Barry, Graham and McDuffie and

                            referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment


    B20-280          YMCA Community Investment Initiative Real Property Tax Exemption Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-07-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee on Finance

                            and Revenue


    B20-281          Homeless Services Reform Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-07-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee on Human






    BILLS con’t


    B20-282          District of Columbia Marketplace Fairness Amendment Act of 2013


                            Intro. 05-07-13 by Councilmembers Cheh, Bonds, McDuffie, Bowser, Graham, 

                            Alexander, Orange and Evans and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue


    B20-283          Undetectable Firearms Act of 2013 


                            Intro. 05-07-13 by Councilmember Wells and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

                            and Public Safety




    PR20-228        See Forever Foundation/Maya Angelou Public Charter School Revenue Bonds Project

                            Approval Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-29-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Finance and Revenue


    PR20-229        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia Ms. Alejandra Y. Castillo

                            Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole


    PR20-230        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia Dr. Gabriela D. Lemus

                            Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole


    PR20-231        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia Major General Errol R.

                            Schwartz Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole


    PR20-232        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia Elaine A. Crider

                            Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole






    PR20-233        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia George Vradenburg

                            Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole


    PR20-234        Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia Mr. Stephen W. Porter

                            Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee of the Whole


    PR20-235        Sense of the Council of the District of Columbia on April 15, 2013 Terrorist Attack on

                            Boston Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Alexander, Barry, Bonds,

                            Bowser, Catania, Cheh, Evans, Graham, Grosso, McDuffie, Orange and Wells and

                            and retained by Council


    PR20-236        Council of the District of Columbia Pro Bono Legal Volunteer Program Establishment

                            Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 04-30-13 by Chairman Mendelson and retained by the Council


    PR20-238        Amended Special Eligibility Criteria for Local Rent Supplement Program Vouchers for

                            Families Experiencing Homelessness Approval Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-01-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Human Services with comments from the Committee on Economic



    PR20-239        Sense of the Council to Rename the Washington Football Club Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-01-13 by Councilmembers Grosso, Catania, Cheh, Graham, McDuffie, Bowser,

                            Wells, Barry and Bonds and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue


    PR20-250        Safety Plan Rulemaking Approval Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs







    PR20-251        Science Advisory Board Dr. Michael Coble Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-252        Science Advisory Board Dr. William Grosshandler Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-253        Science Advisory Board Dr. Clifton P. Bishop Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-254        Science Advisory Board Dr. Sandy Zabell Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-255        Science Advisory Board Joseph P. Bono Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-256        Science Advisory Board Dr. Jay Siegel Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-257        Science Advisory Board Peter M. Marone Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety


    PR20-258        Science Advisory Board Irv Litofsky Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety








    PR20-259        Science Advisory Board Dr. Charlotte Word Confirmation Resolution of 2013


                            Intro. 05-02-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the

                            Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety

