District of Columbia office of planning
Notice of Availability of the Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Draft Plan for Public Comment and Convening of Public Hearing
Action: Notice of Availability of the draft Mt. Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan (“the Plan”) for Public Comment and Convening of Public Hearing.
Summary: The DC Office of Planning (“DCOP”) has published for public review and comment a draft Mt. Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan (“Draft Plan”) presents an analysis and corresponding recommendations on revitalization opportunities, and community development issues within the Mt. Pleasant Street commercial district. DCOP emphasizes that the findings, conclusions and revitalization scenarios in the draft Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan are preliminary. DCOP is providing a 30-day public comment period on the draft Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan. Comments must be postmarked by the close of the comment period. Information on how to submit comments is set forth below.
The DC Office of Planning, working in collaboration with cooperating agencies, will consider all public comments on the Draft Plan and make its final recommendations on the project to the Mayor of the District of Columbia. Subsequently, the Mayor will submit a final Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan and approval resolution to the District of Columbia City Council for consideration. The Council will consider the final Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan and approval resolution as it is submitted. The Mayor, through the cooperating agencies will implement the plan.
The Office of Planning (OP) initiated a community planning process with area stakeholders (including residents, ANCs, neighborhood organizations, Council staff, businesses, property owners, institutions and government agencies) and developed a strategic revitalization strategy for the Mt Pleasant Street corridor. The objective of this revitalization plan is to create a more vibrant commercial district by strengthening the commercial corridor’s economic climate, creating a sense of place that can be enjoyed by all residents of the Mt Pleasant neighborhood. Drawing upon multiple conversations and open public meetings with neighborhood residents, community groups and neighborhood stakeholders, in conjunction with OP staff analysis, OP utilized input from these sources to create the foundation for the revitalization strategy based upon three main principles:
1. Improving the economic climate of the corridor;
2. Diversifying the commercial activity by attracting non retail and creative uses; and
3. Enhancing the physical condition of the corridor through sustainable development practices.
Based these principles, OP endeavored to develop a revitalization strategy that has the potential to serve all residents with a safe, pleasant, and walkable retail environment.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tarek Bolden, Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Coordinator, DC Office of Planning, 1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024; by telephone at (202) 442-7619; fax at (202) 442-7638; or email at tarek.bolden@dc.gov.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
Public Availability
The DC Office of Planning has distributed the draft Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan to several public entities, including the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 1D and asked that the entire Draft Plan be made available for the public to review. The Draft Plan is also available for review at the following public locations:
The draft plan will be available online at the DC Office Planning Web site: www.planning.dc.gov
Office of Planning*
1100 4th St. SW., 6TH Floor
Washington, DC 20024
Martin Luther King Jr. Library:
901 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Mount Pleasant Public Library-Temporary location
3162 Mount Pleasant Street
Washington, DC 20010
Dos Gringos
3116 Mount Pleasant St
Washington, DC 20010Office of Latino Affairs
2000 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009Mt Pleasant Revitalization Google Group
Public Comment
Written comments on the draft Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan must be submitted by 5:00pm on June 7th, 2010 to be considered. Comments can be submitted via the OP website, US mail (post marked prior to the closing comment date), email, or fax. All comments should be directed to:
Tarek Bolden,
Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Coordinator
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024;(202) 442-7619
Mayoral Hearing
In addition to receiving written comments on the draft Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Strategy Plan, DC Office of Planning will host a Mayoral Hearing to receive oral testimony on the plan. The Mayoral Hearing will take place on Saturday, June 19th, 2010 at Bancroft Elementary School, 1755 Newton Street NW, Washington, DC 20010 from 10-12pm.
Parties interested in providing testimony at the Mayoral Hearing are encouraged to register in advance with Tarek Bolden at the Office of Planning. At the hearing, persons will be allowed to provide 3-5 minutes of testimony for the record. Those persons who registered in advance will be asked to testify first followed by those who sign up to testify at the time of the hearing.
Written comments submitted during the comment period and oral testimonies presented at the Mayoral Public Hearing are given equal weight in reviewing public comments.
Submitted by:
Tarek Bolden, Ward 1 Neighborhood Planning Coordinator, DC Office of Planning, 1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 Washington, DC 20024; by telephone at (202) 442-7619; fax at (202) 442-7638; or email at tarek.bolden@dc.gov.