5470138 Resolution 21-103, Modification No. M0005 to Sole Source Contract No. CW26699 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2015







    May 5, 2015         



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to approve Modification No. M0005, the extension of the sole source contract, to Contract No. CW26699 between the Department of Corrections and Unity Health Care, Inc. for comprehensive medical, mental health, pharmacy, and dental services for an estimated population of 1,180 inmates housed in the Central Detention Facility and the Correctional Treatment Facility and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received under the contract modification.



    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Modification No. M0005 to Sole Source Contract No. CW26699 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2015”.


                Sec. 2. (a) There exists an immediate need to approve Modification No. M0005, for a period of performance from April 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, in an amount totaling $5,900,145.00, to Contract No. CW26699 between the Department of Corrections and Unity Health Care, Inc. for comprehensive medical, mental health, pharmacy, and dental services for inmates housed at the Central Detention Facility and the Correctional Treatment Facility, and to exempt the purchase of these services from section 2346 of the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, effective October 20, 2005 (D.C. Law 16-33; D. C. Official Code § 2-218.46).

    (b)  Due to the current contract’s expiration on March 31, 2015, and to maintain continuity of these vital services, the extension of Contract No. CW26699 from April 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, in the amount of $5,900,145.00 is needed until a long-term contract can be put in place. Unity Health Care, Inc. is the only company available that requires no start-up time and is capable of continuing these services without interruption, thereby necessitating Council approval.

     (c) Approval of the Modification No. M0005 is required to ensure continuity and avoid interruption of the comprehensive medial, mental health, pharmacy, and dental services for inmates.


    Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Modification No. M0005 to Sole Source Contract No. CW26699 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2015 be adopted after a single reading.


    Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.