The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to consider the following legislative matters for final Council action in not less than 15 days.
Referrals of legislation to various committees of the Council are listed below and are subject to change at the legislative meeting immediately following or coinciding with the date of introduction. It is also noted that legislation may be co-sponsored by other Councilmembers after its introduction.
Interested persons wishing to comment may do so in writing addressed to Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5, Washington, D.C.
20004. Copies of bills and proposed resolutions are available in the Legislative Services Division, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 10, Washington, D.C. 20004 Telephone: 724-8050 or online at www.dccouncil.us.
B21-189 Police and Criminal Discovery Reform Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Cheh and Bonds, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
B21-190 Debt Buying Limitation Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Cheh and Bonds and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
B21-191 Caring for Our Homeless Heroes and Seniors Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Bonds, Allen, Evans, Alexander, Orange, and Cheh and referred to the Committee of the Whole with comments from the Committee on Health and Human Services and the Committee on Housing and Community Development
B21-192 Medical Marijuana Laboratory Testing Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmember Alexander and referred sequentially to the Committee on Health and Human Services and Committee on Judiciary
B21-193 Ballot Access Modernization Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Allen, Grosso, Bonds, Silverman, and Orange, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Judiciary with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
B21-194 Automatic Voter Registration Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Allen, Cheh, Evans, Orange, Silverman, Bonds, and Nadeau and referred to the Committee on Judiciary with comments from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
B21-195 Lobbyist Activity Reporting Transparency Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Allen, Cheh, and Silverman, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
B21-196 Nightlife Regulation Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
B21-197 Small Business Job Creation Tax Credit Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue with comments from the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs
B21-199 Domestic Partnership Termination Recognition Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-5-15 by Councilmembers Allen, Evans, Silverman, Grosso, McDuffie, Cheh, and Orange, and Chairman Mendelson and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
B21-200 Closing of Public Streets adjacent to Squares S-603, N-661, 605, 661, 607 and 665, and in U.S. Reservations 243 and 244, S.O. 13-14605, Act of 2015
Intro. 5-6-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole
B21-201 1351 Nicholson Street, N.W. Old Brightwood School Lease Amendment Act of 2015
Intro. 5-6-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment with comments from the Committee on Education
PR21-152 965 Florida Ave., N.W., Disposition Extension Approval Resolution of 2015
Intro. 5-11-15 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee of the Whole