4343483 D.C. Department on Disability Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration to Hold a Public Hearing on the Title I State Plan Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Title VI-B State Plan Supplement for Supported Employment Services  





    D.C. Department on Disability Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration to Hold a Public Hearing on the Title I State Plan Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Title VI-B State Plan Supplement for Supported Employment Services


    Friday, June 18, 2013, 1-4 pm

    Washington DC Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA)

    Jackson Graham Building

    600 5th Street, N.W.

    1st Floor Lobby Level Meeting Room

    Washington, DC  20005


    Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and its implementing federal regulations, the D.C. Rehabilitation Services Administration will hold a public hearing on June 18, 2013, from 1-4 pm to obtain input on RSA’s Title I State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Title VI-B State Plan Supplement for Supported Employment Services. (See 34 C.F.R. §361.20)  Prior to the hearing, the public will have 30 calendar days to submit comments on the State Plan.

    The purpose of the hearing is to ensure that recommendations are received from consumers, service providers, advocacy organizations and other interested individuals on how the agency can better achieve the following:


    • Provide more help to consumers with disabilities in finding employment;
    • Provide more information about RSA goals and activities to consumers;
    • Provide better information on the vocational rehabilitation program and its processes;
    • Identify barriers to employment;
    • Improve and expand vocational rehabilitation services to minorities;
    • Expand vocational rehabilitation services for persons with significant disabilities; and
    • Increase employer utilization of the vocational rehabilitation program.


    Persons wishing to review the State Plan may access it online by visiting the Agency’s website at www.dds.dc.gov or in person at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20001. A hard copy and CD of the State Plan will be located at the Reference Desk of Adaptive Services, Washingtonian Division at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library.


    Individuals who wish to testify should contact Ms. Cheryl Bolden, no later than 4:45pm by June 5, 2013, and should provide the following:  name(s); address (es); telephone number(s); organizational affiliation(s); accommodation need(s); if any, and two (2) copies of the proposed testimony.   Ms. Bolden can be reached via email at  cheryl.bolden@dc.gov or via telephone 202-442-8411; 711 Relay; or 202-540-8468 (VP).  All testimony will be limited to ten (10) minutes. 


    Individuals who wish to submit comments can begin doing so starting May 20, 2013.    Comments can be submitted two ways:  either by email or mail to:


    District of Columbia Department on Disability Services

    Rehabilitation Services Administration

    1125 15th Street, NW

    9th Floor

    Washington, DC 20005


    Comments sent via email must be received by 5:00 pm June 13, 2013; mailed documents must be postmarked by the same sate.  All questions should be directed to Ms. Cheryl Bolden, 202-442-8411; 711 Relay; or 202-540-8468 (VP) can be reached Monday through Friday, from 9-3 pm.