Vol. 61, No. 19 (05/02/2014)
1. Council Issues
- 4879893 ACR 20-174, “Developmental Disabilities Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4879990 ACR 20-175, “District of Columbia Women Veterans Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880087 ACR 20-176, “Constance Zimmer Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880184 ACR 20-177, “St. John’s College High School Girls Varsity Basketball Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880281 ACR 20-178, “Washington Animal Rescue League 100th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880378 ACR 20-179, “Theodore Roosevelt Rough Riders Boys Varsity Basketball Team Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880475 ACR 20-180, “Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance 43rd Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880572 ACR 20-181, “National Library Workers Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880669 ACR 20-182, “Woodridge Warriors Youth Organization 50th Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880766 ACR 20-183, “District of Columbia National Walking Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880863 ACR 20-184, “District of Columbia Emancipation Day 152nd Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4880960 ACR 20-185, “Milton “GoGo Mickey” Freeman Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4881057 ACR 20-186, “Manny and Alma Fernandez Recognition Resolution of 2014”
- 4881930 Reprogramming Requests 20-174 thru 176
- 4882124 Public Roundtable Notice (Revised) on PR20-660, "Chief Medical Examiner Roger Mitchell Confirmation Resolution of 2014"
- 4882221 Act 20-308, "Condominium Act of 2014"
- 4882706 Act 20-309, "Skyland Town Center Omnibus Act of 2014"
- 4882803 Act 20-310, "Driver's Safety Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2014"
- 4882900 Act 20-311, "Transportation Infrastructure Mitigation Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2014"
- 4882997 Act 20-312, "Department of Parks and Recreation Fee-based Use Permit Authority Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2014"
- 4883094 Act 20-313, "Contract No. PO48769 and Modifications Nos. 2 and 3 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2014"
- 4883191 Act 20-314, "Modification Nos. 8 and 9 to Task Order No. DCKA-2013-T-0006 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2014"
- 4883288 Act 20-315, "Office Depot Purchase Order Nos. PO467381 and PO480871 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2014"
- 4883385 Notice of Intent to Act on New Legislation - Bills and Proposed Resolutions
2. Agency Issues
- 4863985 Health Care Finance, Department of - Notice of Final Rulemaking - Governing General Provisions for Individuals Enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Individuals with Intellectual and Devopmental Disabilities
- 4868350 Zoning Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Case No. 13-07 (Zoning Map Amendment for a Portion of Square 5081 from the C-3-A Zone District to the R-5-C Zone District)
- 4869223 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Public Hearing Notice - June 24, 2014
- 4869320 Behavioral Health, Department of - Notice of Final Rulemaking - for Department of Behavioral Health certification of Child Choice Providers
- 4871163 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order No. 18641 - Aung Hla and Myint Myint San - ANC 6B
- 4871551 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order No. 18692 - 1717 E Street LLC - ANC 6A
- 4871648 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order No. 18740 - Sheridan School Inc. - ANC 3F
- 4871842 Human Resources, Department of - Notice of Final Rulemaking - Chapter 38, Management Supervisory Service, amending Employee Rights Upon Termination
- 4871939 Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 14-02 (A&R Development Corporation, et al.)
- 4872327 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of Filling Vacancies in ANC/SMD 1B08 by Mark Ranslem and ANC/SMD 3F06 by Malachy Nugent
- 4872424 Center City Public Charter Schools RFP - Window Treatment Services
- 4872521 Shining Stars Montessori Academy - Request for Proposal - 2014 - 2015 School Services
- 4872618 Shining Stars Montessori Academy - Request for Proposals - Construction Renovation Services
- 4872715 Taxicab Commission,DC - Notice of 4th Emergency Rulemaking - Chapter 16: Limited regulations governing the operation of dispatch services in DC.
- 4872812 Taxicab Commission,DC - Notice of Final Rulemaking - Chapter 16: Limited regulations governing the operation of dispatch services in DC.
- 4872909 Taxicab Commission,DC - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Chapter 4: Rules addressing compliance standards for Payment Service Providers (PSPs).
- 4873006 KIPP DC Public Charter School - RFPs for Photocopier Services, Construction Management Services & Architectural/Engineering Services
- 4873103 Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 06-11L (George Washington University)
- 4873200 Department of Behavioral Health (Formerly Dept. of Mental Health) - Notice of Moratorium for New Substance Abuse Treatment Programs and Facilities
- 4873394 D.C. Preparatory Academy - Request for Proposals for Low Voltage Cabling Services
- 4873491 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Public Hearing Notice - July 8, 2014
- 4873588 Small and Local Business Development, Department of- Notice of Funding Availability-Small Business Improvement Grant
- 4873685 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of ANC/SMD Vacancies for 2E08 and 5E08
- 4873782 Taxicab Commission,DC - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Chapter 6: Rules governing double sealed meters, dome light status and trip data requirements.
- 4873976 Secretary, Office of the - Recommended for appointment as a DC Notaries Public - Effective June 1, 2014
- 4874073 Options Public Charter School-Request for Proposal-Landscaping and Grounds Keeping
- 4874267 Secretary, Office of the - Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - Public Meeting - May 7, 2014
- 4874461 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - American City Diner - ANC 3G - New
- 4874558 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-18 - Fritz Mulhauser, Esq.
- 4874655 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Public Hearing – ABC Board's Calendar – May 7, 2014
- 4874752 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Meeting – ABC Board's Investigative Agenda – May 7, 2014
- 4874849 Public Service Commission - Meeting to Develop an Expedited Discovery Schedule for Approval of Triennial Underground Plans
- 4874946 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Meeting – ABC Board's Legal Agenda – May 7, 2014
- 4875043 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-19 - Deborah Awolope
- 4875140 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-21 - Edgar M. King
- 4875237 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedom of Information Act - Appeal 2014-22 - Victor Rivera Melendez
- 4875334 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-23 - Felicia Chambers
- 4875431 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration – Notice of Meeting – ABC Board's Licensing Agenda – May 7, 2014
- 4875625 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-24 - Garth Kant
- 4875722 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-25 - Jim Baker
- 4875819 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-26 - Philip Kerpen
- 4875916 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-27 - Mark A. Pendleton
- 4876013 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-28 - Lori Nickens
- 4876110 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-29 - Dwanna Lee
- 4876207 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-30 - Russell Ptacek
- 4876304 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-31 - Michael DeBonis
- 4876401 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-32 - Jillian Melchior
- 4876498 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-33 - Susan E. Borecki, Esq.
- 4876595 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-34 - Julian Byrd
- 4876692 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-35 - Joseph S. Fichera
- 4876789 Options Public Charter School-Request for Proposals-Educational Consulting Services
- 4876886 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-36 - Robert Gordon
- 4876983 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-37 - Moses V. Brown, Esq.
- 4877080 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-38 - Mary Levy
- 4877177 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-40 - Kennard E. Johnson
- 4877274 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-41 - Jarrod S. Sharp, Esq.
- 4877371 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-42 - Roy L. Kaufmann, Esq.
- 4877565 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-43 - Vaughn Bennett
- 4877662 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-44 - Russell Carollo
- 4877759 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-45 - Russell Carollo
- 4877856 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-46 - Russell Carollo
- 4877953 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-47 - Tara N. Kearns
- 4878050 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-48 - Peter Bryant
- 4878147 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-49 - Cynthia Perry
- 4878244 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-50 - Russell Carollo
- 4878341 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-51 - Kenard E. Johnson
- 4878438 Mayor, Executive Office of the - Freedomof Information Act - Appeal 2014-52 - Paul Varnado
- 4878535 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Big Chair Coffee & Grill - ANC 8A - Substantial Change
- 4878632 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Das Ethiopian Restaurant - ANC 2E - Substantial Change
- 4878729 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - El Sol Restaurant - ANC 4C - New
- 4878826 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Gallery O on H - ANC 6A- New
- 4878923 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - La Villa Cafe' - ANC 4B - New
- 4879020 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Masala Art - ANC 6D -New
- 4879117 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Mythology & Love - ANC 6A - New
- 4879214 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Night N Day 24 Hour Convenience Store - ANC 7E - Substantial Change
- 4879311 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - The District Fishwife - ANC 5D - Substantial Change
- 4879408 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Grand Cata - ANC 6E - New
- 4879505 Insurance, Securities and Banking, Department of - GHMSI Surplus Review Hearing
- 4879602 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Smith Point - ANC 2E - Substantial Change
- 4879699 Health Benefit Exchange Authority, DC - Executive Board Meeting
- 4879796 Health Care Finance, Department of - Notice of Public Meeting for the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - June 5, 2014
- 4883773 Public Service Commission - Siemens Management Audit of Pepco System Reliability
Recent Issues
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- Vol. 61, No. 28 (07/04/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 27 (06/27/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 26 (06/20/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 25 (06/13/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 24 (06/06/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 23 (05/30/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 22 (05/23/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 21 (05/16/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 20 (05/09/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 19 (05/02/2014) (Selected)
- Vol. 61, No. 18 (04/25/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 17 (04/18/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 16 (04/11/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 15 (04/04/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 12 (03/21/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 11 (03/14/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 10 (03/07/2014)
- Vol. 61, No. 9 (02/28/2014)