4880572 ACR 20-181, “National Library Workers Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”  





    April 8, 2014



    To recognize the importance of libraries and the people who work in them, and to declare April 15, 2014, as “National Library Workers Day” in the District of Columbia.


                WHEREAS, there are thousands of public, academic, school, governmental, and specialized libraries in the United States and they provide excellent and invaluable service to library users regardless of age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background;


                WHEREAS, libraries provide millions of people with access to the knowledge and information they need to live, learn, and work in the 21st century;


                WHEREAS, librarians and library support staff bring the nation a world of knowledge in person and online, as well as personal service and expert assistance in finding what is needed when it is needed;


                WHEREAS, it is important to recognize the unique contributions of all library workers and the value to individuals and society of those contributions;


                WHEREAS, a steady stream of recruits to library work is necessary to maintain the vitality of library services in today’s information society;


                WHEREAS, librarians and other library workers add valuable insight to public policy discussions on key issues, such as intellectual freedom, equity of access to information for all, and narrowing the digital divide; and


                WHEREAS, the District of Columbia Public Library joins libraries, library workers, and library supporters across America in celebrating National Library Workers Day sponsored by the American Library Association – Allied Professional Association.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “National Library Workers Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”.


                Sec. 2.  The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes the importance of our nation’s library workers, encourages all residents of the District of Columbia to take advantage of the variety of library resources available and to thank library workers for their exceptional contributions to American life, and declares April 15, 2014, as “National Library Workers Day” in the District of Columbia.


                Sec. 3.  This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.