a Ceremonial Resolution
In the Council of the District of Columbia
April 8, 2014
To recognize National Walking Day in the District of Columbia and the importance of regular physical activity in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
WHEREAS, cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke, are the District’s leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability, with 4.3% of District residents who have suffered a heart attack and 4.6% who have suffered a stroke;
WHEREAS, today about 57% of adults and 32% of adolescents in the District are overweight or obese and childhood obesity is now a top health concern among parents in the District;
WHEREAS, the direct health care cost attributable to obesity in the District is $372 million, including $64 million in Medicare cost and $114 million in Medicaid;
WHEREAS, regular physical activity can reduce cardiovascular disease risk and may increase life expectancy, but only 48.2% of adults and 30.2% of adolescents get daily moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity;
WHEREAS, the American Heart Association recommends that children and adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity each day and adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity (or combination of both) each week;
WHEREAS, regular walking has many proven benefits for an individual’s overall health, according to health care professionals: walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a day can help lower blood pressure, increase HDL “good” cholesterol in the blood, control weight, and control blood sugar through improved use of insulin in the body, and all of these changes help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke;
WHEREAS, if 10% of Americans began a regular walking program, $5.6 billion in heart disease costs could be saved;
WHEREAS, studies indicate that one of the best investments we can make in our communities is increasing opportunities for fun and safe physical activity, and according to health care professionals, by increasing access to physical activity opportunities by providing families and children with safe places to walk and be physically active, communities can improve heart health and reduce obesity rates;
WHEREAS, studies indicate that one of the best investments a company can make is in the health of its employees, and according to health care professionals, by promoting a culture of physical activity, corporate America can decrease healthcare costs, increase productivity, and improve the quality of life and longevity of the U.S. workforce;
WHEREAS, on National Walking Day, April 2, the American Heart Association calls on everyone to wear sneakers and start walking; and
WHEREAS, District residents recognize and appreciate the major contributions of the American Heart Association and its efforts to get more people to engage in regular physical activity in an effort to curb heart disease.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “District of Columbia National Walking Day Recognition Resolution of 2014”.
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia urges all citizens to show their support for the fight against heart disease and commemorate this day by taking time to walk. By increasing awareness of the importance of physical activity to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, we can save thousands of lives each year.
Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.