The Administrator of the Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances, pursuant to the authority set forth in section 309 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1203; D.C. Official Code § 2-559 (2006 Repl.)), hereby gives notice of the following corrections to the text of title 11 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).
The corrections are made to make non-substantive changes to section headings, to conform to the editorial standards adopted by the Administrator, and to correct typographical errors. The corrections are made explicit by this Notice for consistency of citation.
The following section headings are corrected by adding the zone abbreviations in parentheses as noted:
The heading of section 205 is corrected to read “Child/Elderly Development Centers and Adult Day Treatment Facilities (R-1)”.
The heading of section 224 is corrected to read “Expansion of Police Department General Facilities (R-1)”.
The heading of section 408 is corrected to read “Gross Floor Area (R)”.
The heading of section 504 is corrected to read “Police Department General Facility (SP)”.
The heading of section 607 is corrected to read “Police Department General Facility (CR)”.
The heading of section 712 is corrected to read “Prepared Food Shop (C-1)”.
The heading of section 733 is corrected to read “Fast Food Establishments (C-2-A)”.
The heading of section 734 is corrected to read “Food Delivery Service (C-2-A)”.
The heading of section 735 is corrected to read “Animal Boarding (C-2)”.
The heading of section 736 is corrected to read “Pet Grooming Establishment (C-2)”.
The heading of section 737 is corrected to read “Pet Shop (C-2)”.
The heading of section 738 is corrected to read “Veterinary Boarding Hospital (C-2)”.
The heading of section 739 is corrected to read “Animal Shelter (C-2)”.
The heading of section 1300 is corrected to read “Preamble (NC)”.
The heading of section 1301 is corrected to read “General Provisions (NC)”.
The heading of section 1302 is corrected to read “Designated and Restricted Uses (NC)”.
The heading of section 1303 is corrected to read “Limitations on Driveways and Curb Cuts (NC)”.
The heading of section 1304 is corrected to read “Special Exceptions (NC)”.
The heading of section 1305 is corrected to read “Planned Unit Development Guidelines (NC)”.
The heading of section 1306 is corrected to read “Cleveland Park Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District (CP)”.
The heading of section 1307 is corrected to read “Woodley Park Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District (WP)”.
The heading of section 1308 is corrected to read “Macomb-Wisconsin Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District (MW)”.
The heading of section 1309 is corrected to read “Eighth Street Southeast Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District (ES)”.
The heading of section 1310 is corrected to read “Takoma Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District (TK)”.
The heading of section 1327 is corrected to read “Georgia Avenue Commercial Overlay District (GA)”.
The heading of section 1400 is corrected to read “General Provisions (RC)”.
The heading of section 1401 is corrected to read “Use Provisions (RC)”.
The heading of section 1402 is corrected to read “Height and Bulk Provisions (RC)”.
The heading of section 1403 is corrected to read “Special Exceptions (RC)”.
The heading of section 1516 is corrected to read “Forest Hills Tree and Slope Protection Overlay District (FH/TSP)”.
The heading of section 1600 is corrected to read “Preamble (CG)”.
The heading of section 1602 is corrected to read “Combined Lot Development (CG)”.
The heading of section 1604 is corrected to read “Buildings and Structures on M Street, S.E. (CG)”.
The heading of section 1605 is corrected to read “Buildings, Structures, and Uses on South Capitol Street (CG)”.
The heading of section 1606 is corrected to read “Buildings, Structures, and Uses on First Street S.E, South of M Street S.E. (CG)”.
The heading of section 1607 is corrected to read “Buildings, Structures, and Uses on Half Street S.E., South of M Street S.E.” (CG).
The heading of section 1608 is corrected to read “Step-Back For Certain Buildings and Structures on Potomac Avenue (CG)”.
The heading of section 1609 is corrected to read “Private Driveways on P Street S.W. (CG)”.
The heading of section 1610 is corrected to read “Zoning Commission Review of Buildings, Structures, and Uses (CG)”.
The heading of section 1611 is corrected to read “Existing Industrial Uses (CG)”.
The heading of section 1612 is corrected to read “Ballpark (CG)”.
The heading of section 1699 is corrected to read “Definitions (CG)”.
The heading of section 1700 is corrected to read “General Provisions (DD)”.
The heading of section 1701 is corrected to read “Area-Wide Design Standards (DD)”.
The heading of section 1702 is corrected to read “Area-Wide Use Provisions (DD)”.
The heading of section 1703 is corrected to read “Downtown Shopping District (Retail Core) (DD/SHOP)”.
The heading of section 1704 is corrected to read “Downtown Arts District (DD)”.
The heading of section 1705 is corrected to read “Chinatown (DD)”.
The heading of section 1706 is corrected to read “Residential and Mixed Use Development (DD)”.
The heading of section 1707 is corrected to read “Historic Preservation (DD)”.
The heading of section 1708 is corrected to read “Combined Lot Development (DD)”.
The heading of section 1709 is corrected to read “Transferable Development Rights (DD)”.
The heading of section 1710 is corrected to read “Retail And Service Uses (DD)”.
The heading of section 1711 is corrected to read “Arts Uses and Arts-Related Uses (DD)”.
The heading of section 1712 is corrected to read “Office Space Uses (DD)”.
The heading of section 1806 is corrected to read “Planned Unit Development (SEFC)”.
The heading of section 1807 is corrected to read “Preferred Uses (SEFC)”.
The heading of section 1808 is corrected to read “Zoning Commission Review Standards (SEFC)”.
The heading of section 1809 is corrected to read “Zoning Commission Review Procedures (SEFC)”.
The heading of section 1810 is corrected to read “Combined Lot Development Procedures (SEFC)”.
The heading of section 1900 is corrected to read “General Provisions (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1901 is corrected to read “Use Provisions (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1902 is corrected to read “Height and Bulk (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1903 is corrected to read “Street Frontage Design Requirements (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1904 is corrected to read “Bonus Density (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1905 is corrected to read “Combined Lot Development (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1906 is corrected to read “Special Exceptions (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1907 is corrected to read “Retail and Service Uses (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1908 is corrected to read “Arts Uses And Arts-Related Uses (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 1909 is corrected to read “Inclusionary Zoning (ARTS)”.
The heading of section 2709 is corrected to read “Antenna Towers and Monopole in General Industry Districts (M)”.
The heading of section 2800 is corrected to read “General Provisions and Purposes (HE)”.
The heading of section 2801 is corrected to read “Zoning Commission Review (HE)”.
The heading of section 2802 is corrected to read “Uses As a Matter Of Right (HE)”.
The heading of section 2803 is corrected to read “Special Exceptions – Specific Uses Permitted (HE)”.
The heading of section 2804 is corrected to read “Special Exceptions – General Provisions (HE)”.
The heading of section 2805 is corrected to read “Prohibited Uses (HE)”.
The heading of section 2806 is corrected to read “Accessory Uses (HE)”.
The heading of section 2807 is corrected to read “Inclusionary Housing Requirements (HE)”.
The heading of section 2808 is corrected to read “Bulk and Density (HE)”.
The heading of section 2809 is corrected to read “Roof Structures (HE)”.
The heading of section 2810 is corrected to read “Yards and Lot Size (HE)”.
The heading of section 2811 is corrected to read “Ground Floor Use – Where Required and Permitted (HE)”.
The heading of section 2812 is corrected to read “Ground Floor Preferred Uses – Design Standards (HE)”.
The heading of section 2813 is corrected to read “Design Requirements - All Locations (HE)”.
The heading of section 2814 is corrected to read “Design Requirements for Buildings Located on Primary Streets (HE)”.
The heading of section 2815 is corrected to read “Parking, Loading, and Vehicle Access (HE)”.
The Roman numerals (i, ii, etc.) within the following subsections are replaced by the corresponding Arabic numerals (1,2, etc.) to conform to DCMR 1-313.09(g):
The following typographical errors are corrected:
In the chart contained within section 530.1, the word “Free” in the second column is corrected to read “Feet”.
In section 932, the subsections identified as 930.2 and 930.3 are corrected to be numbered 932.3 and 932.4, respectively.
In section 1324, the subsection identified as 1342.16 is corrected to be numbered 1324.16.
In section 1603.1, the text reading “G/W-2” is corrected to read “CG/W-2”.
In section 1706, the second subsection identified as 1706.20 is corrected to be numbered 1706.29.
Inquiries regarding this notice shall be addressed by mail to Administrator, Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances, 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 520 South, Washington, D.C. 20001 or via telephone at (202) 727-5090.