The State Superintendent of Education, pursuant to the authority set forth in Sections 3(b)(7) and 3(b)(11) of the State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000, effective October 21, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-176; D.C. Official Code §§ 38-2602 (b)(7) and 38-2602(b)(11)) (2010 Supp.); and Section 403(a)(3) of the State Board of Education Establishment Act of 2007, effective June 12, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-2652(a)(3)) (2010 Supp.), hereby gives notice of the adoption on an emergency basis of amendments to chapter 22 (Grades, Promotion, and Graduation) of subtitle E (Original Title 5) of title 5 (Education) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).
Emergency rulemaking is necessary and in the public interest to provide clarity to local education agencies and students regarding the graduation requirements in effect for this year’s 2011 graduating class. This revision assures recognition and appropriate credit is given for college level and career preparation courses, dual enrollment, and approved internship programs. In addition, this rulemaking clarifies that an eleventh (11th) and twelfth (12th) grade thesis and a culminating project are not stand alone graduation requirements. The rulemaking clarifies physical education shall not be required for the evening program high school diploma.
These emergency rules were approved by the State Board of Education on May 18, 2011 at a public meeting and are deemed effective as of that date. The State Superintendent of Education also gives notice of her intent to take final rulemaking action to adopt this amendment on a permanent basis in not less than thirty (30) days after the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.
The emergency rule shall remain in effect for one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of adoption, expiring on September 15, 2011, or upon publication of a Notice of Final Rulemaking in the D.C. Register, whichever occurs first.
Chapter 22, GRADES, PROMOTION, AND GRADUATION, of Subtitle E, ORIGINAL CHAPTER 5, of Title 5, EDUCATION, of the DCMR is amended as follows:
Section 2203, GRADUATION: ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS, is amended as follows:
Subsection 2203.2 is amended to read as follows:
2203.2 A total of twenty-four (24) Carnegie Units in corresponding subjects and required volunteer community service hours shall have been satisfactorily completed for graduation.
(a) The following Carnegie Units in the following subjects shall be required:
Mathematics; must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II at a minimum
Science; must include three (3) lab sciences
Social Studies; must include World History 1 and 2, United States History; United States Government, and District of Columbia History
World Language
Physical Education/Health
(b) At least two (2) of the twenty four (24) Carnegie Units for graduation must include a College Level or Career Preparatory (CLCP) course approved by the LEA and successfully completed by the student. The course may fulfill subject matter or elective unit requirements as deemed appropriate by the LEA. CLCP courses approved by the LEA may include courses at other institutions.
(c) All students must enroll in Algebra no later than ninth (9th) grade commencing with the 2007-2008 school year.
(d) For all students entering the ninth (9th) grade beginning school year 2009-2010, one (1) of the three (3) lab science units, required by paragraph (a) of this subsection, shall be a course in Biology.
(e) In addition to the twenty-four (24) Carnegie Units, one hundred (100) hours of volunteer community service shall be satisfactorily completed. The specific volunteer community service projects shall be established by the LEA.
(f) One and one half (1.5) Carnegie Units in health and physical education shall not be required for the evening program high school diploma.
Subsection 2203.7 is amended to read as follows:
2203.7 Graduation Requirements for Previous Years: The following coursework shall be required of students who enrolled in ninth (9th) grade for the first time in 1982-1983 or a prior school year in order to be certified as eligible to receive a high school diploma:
(a) A total of seventeen and a half (17.5) Carnegie Units;
(b) The Carnegie Units shall include:
(1) Four (4) Units in English;
(2) One (1) in United States History;
(3) One half (0.5) Unit in United States Government;
(4) One (1) Unit in Mathematics;
(5) One (1) Unit in Science;
(6) One and one half (1.5) Units in Health/Physical Education; and
(7) Eight and one half (8.5) electives; and
(c)One and one half (1.5) Carnegie Units in health and physical education shall not be required for the evening program high school diploma.
Subsection 2203.8 is amended as follows:
2203.8 The following coursework shall be required of students entering ninth
(9th) grade for the first time in any of the school years between and including school year 1983-1984 and school year 1992-1993 in order to be certified as eligible to receive the high school diploma.
(a) A total of twenty and a half (20.5) Carnegie Units;
(b) The Carnegie Units shall include:
(1) Four (4) in English;
(2) One (1) in Foreign Language;
(3) One half (.5) in DC History-Government;
(4) One (1) in US History;
(5) One half (.5) in US Government;
(6) Two (2) in Mathematics;
(7) Two (2) in Science;
(8) One and one half (1.5) in Health/Physical Education;
(9) One (1) in Life Skills Seminar and seven (7) Electives; and
(c) One and one half (1.5) Carnegie Units in health and physical education shall not be required for the evening program high school diploma.
Subsection 2203.9 is amended as follows:
2203.9 The following coursework shall be required of students entering ninth (9th grade for the first time in any of the school years between and including 1993-1994 and school year 2006-2007 in order to be certified as eligible to receive the high school diploma.
(a) A total of twenty-three (23) and twenty-three and a half (23.5) Carnegie Units shall have been completed.
(b) The following Carnegie Units in the corresponding subjects shall be required:
Career/Vocational Education
Foreign Languages
Health & Physical Education
Mathematics (including elementary Algebra or its equivalent)
Science (including one year of lab science)
Social Studies to include D.C. History, World Geography and US Government (each .5), US History and World History (each 1)
tory and World History
(c) One and one half (1.5) Carnegie Units in health and physical education shall not be required for the evening program high school diploma; and
(d) One hundred (100) hours of community service shall be required for graduation.
Persons wishing to comment on this rule should submit their comments in writing by postal mail or hand delivery to China Terrell, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, 810 First Street, NE, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, Attention: Proposed Graduation Rules or by email to osse.publiccomment@dc.gov. Emailed comments should include the reference, “Proposed Graduation Rule”, in the subject line. All comments must be received no later than thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. Copies of this rulemaking may also be obtained from the OSSE website at www.osse.dc.gov or upon request at the above referenced location.