254933 Hearing Notice - The Arts and Technology Academy Public Charter School - Charter Amendment -Change Curriculum and Add Grade  





    The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board invites the public to participate in a public hearing on a request by The Arts and Technology Academy Public Charter School to add a Pre-Kindergarten program for three year olds and to change the curriculum of the current Pre-Kindergarten program for four year olds to The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, to incorporate the goals and objectives of the Creative Curriculum Development Continuum for Ages 3-5.   


    The hearing will be held on Monday, May 17, 2010 from 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the Conference Room at the D. C. Public Charter School Board, 3333 14th Street, NW.  During the public hearing, The Arts and Technology Academy Public Charter School representatives will describe the rationale for the proposed change.  The Board invites the public’s participation in the hearing and asks members of the public to testify on the impact the proposed request will have on:


    1.                  students, parents, and the community;

    2.                  other public schools in the District of Columbia; and

    3.                  the quality of education in the city.


    Individuals who wish to testify should call the Board’s office at (202) 328-2660 by 3:00 PM on the day of the hearing to be placed on the hearing schedule and should send, by May 24, 2010 a written copy of their testimony to the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board, 3333 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010. For more information or to be placed on the witness list, call the Board’s office at (202) 328-2660.


    Sign and/or Spanish language interpretation will be available upon request.  Members of the public needing these services are requested to contact the Board no later than May 10, 2010 so that arrangements can be made.