2603206 Taxicab Commission, DC - Notice of Public Hearing - Amendments to Title 31, Chapter 5  






    Amendments to Chapter 5 (Taxicab Companies, Associations and Fleets) of Title 31 (Taxicabs and Public Vehicles for Hire) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations

    JUNE 20, 2012

    10:00 A.M.


    Ron M. Linton, Chairman, DC. Taxicab Commission (DCTC) announces a Public Hearing to receive comments on the District of Columbia Taxicab Commission’s notice of its intent to adopt amendments to Chapter 5 (Taxicab Companies, Associations and Fleets) of Title 31 (Taxicabs and Public Vehicles for Hire) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (“DCMR”).


    The proposed amendments will 1) revise the wording of the chapter to include the term

    “Independent Taxicabs,” which are covered by the chapter; 2) combine the requirements of

    subsections 501.1 and 501.2 into one (1) subsection and amend other subsections to use the

    consistent language “taxicab company, association, or fleet;” 3) clarify the definition of a taxicab

    company, association, or fleet; 4) clarify the application process for a change in ownership,

    operation, or management of taxicab company, association, or fleet; 5) replace the term “Panel

    on Adjudication” with the term “Office of Administrative Hearings”; 6) clarify the

    Commission’s authority to suspend or revoke a license if a licensee becomes ineligible for that

    license during the term of his or her license; 7) refer appeals of certain Commission actions,

    fines, and penalties to the Office of Administrative Hearings; 8) add new subsections outlining

    the prohibition of fraud, larceny, misrepresentation, bribery, threats, harassment, abusive

    conduct, and other unlawful activities; 8) add language requiring the Commission be notified of

    a criminal conviction by certain persons and of certain changes in information related to a

    licensee; 9) add a provision requiring that the Commission be notified of a suspension or

    revocation of any other District or federal government license; 10) add a provision requiring

    cooperation with all law enforcement officers, hack inspectors, and representatives of the

    Commission; 11) add a provision that makes the taxicab company, association, or fleet owner

    responsible for certain conduct of its drivers; and 12) update penalties and fines.


    The Proposed rulemaking is published at: DC_Register_Vol_59_No_7_February_17_2012__Pages_001378_thru_001392.


    Copies of the proposed rulemaking can be obtained at  www.dcregs.dc.gov or by contacting Dena C. Reed, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, District of Columbia Taxicab Commission, 2041 Martin Luther King, Jr., Avenue, S.E., Suite 204, Washington, D.C. 20020. (202) 645-6018.  The proposed rulemaking will also be available on the DCTC website at www.dctaxi.dc.gov


    The public hearing will take place at the following time and location:

    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2012

    10:00 am


    441 4TH Street, N.W., First Floor

    Washington, DC 20001