5525525 Resolution 21-120, Council Period 21 New Councilmembers Committee Appointment Amendment Resolution of 2015  







    June 2, 2015         



    To amend the Council Period 21 Appointment of Chairperson Pro Tempore, Committee Chairpersons, and Committee Membership Resolution of 2015 to modify the memberships of the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, the Committee on Education, the Committee on Health and Human Services, the Committee on Housing and Community Development, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Transportation and the Environment due to the filling of vacant Council seats.


    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Council Period 21 New Councilmembers Committee Appointment Amendment Resolution of 2015”.


                Sec. 2.  Section 3 of the Council Period 21 Appointment of Chairperson Pro Tempore, Committee Chairpersons, and Committee Membership Resolution of 2015, effective January 2, 2015 (Res. 21-2; 62 DCR 1102), is amended as follows:

                (a)  Paragraph (1) (Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs) is amended by striking the phrase “and Elissa Silverman” and inserting the phrase “Elissa Silverman, and Brandon Todd” in its place.

                (b)  Paragraph (2) (Committee on Education) is amended by striking the phrase “and Anita Bonds” and inserting the phrase “Anita Bonds, and Brandon Todd” in its place.
                (c)  Paragraph (4) (Committee on Health and Human Services) is amended by striking the phrase “and Brianne Nadeau” and inserting the phrase “Brianne Nadeau, and LaRuby May” in its place.

                (d)  Paragraph (5) (Committee on Housing and Community Development) is amended by striking the phrase “and Elissa Silverman” and inserting the phrase “Elissa Silverman, and LaRuby May” in its place.

                (e)  Paragraph (6) (Committee on the Judiciary) is amended by striking the phrase “and Jack Evans” and inserting the phrase “Jack Evans, and LaRuby May” in its place.

                (f)  Paragraph (7) (Committee on Transportation and the Environment) is amended by striking the phrase “and Kenyan McDuffie” and inserting the phrase “Kenyan McDuffie, and Brandon Todd” in its place.


                Sec. 3.  This resolution shall take effect immediately.