6091229 Resolution 21-507, Modifications to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Clarification Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016  







    June 7, 2016        



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to approve Modification Nos. M020, M021, and M023 and proposed Modification No. M025 to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A with The National Center for Children and Families to continue to provide case management and traditional and therapeutic family-based foster care services for children and youth, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received under these modifications.


    RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Modifications to Human Care Agreement No.

    DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Clarification Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016”.


    Sec. 2. (a)  There exists a need for the Council to approve Modification Nos. M020, M021, and M023 and proposed Modification No. M025 to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A with The National Center for Children and Families to continue to provide case management and traditional and therapeutic family-based foster care services for children and youth, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received under these modifications.

    (b) The District awarded Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A to The National Center for Children and Families for a base year from December 12, 2013, through December 11, 2014.

    (c) The first option year for Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A was exercised for the period from December 12, 2014, through December 11, 2015.

    (d) By Modification No. M020, on December 9, 2015, the District exercised a partial option for the second option year of Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A in the not-to-exceed amount of $981,306.15 for the period from December 12, 2015, through January 14, 2016.

    (e) By Modification No. M021, on January 12, 2016, the District exercised a partial option for the second option year of Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,706,578.68 for the period from January 15, 2016, through March 15, 2016.

    (f) Modification No. M022 was administrative in nature and did not increase the value of the human care agreement.

    (g) By Modification No. M023, on February 29, 2016, the District exercised a partial option for the second option year of Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,088,228.17 for the period from March 16, 2016, through June 30, 2016. 

    (h) Modification No. M024 was administrative in nature and did not increase the value of the human care agreement.

    (i)  By Modification No. M025, the District proposes to exercise the remainder of the second option year for the period from July 1, 2016, through December 11, 2016 in the not-to-exceed amount of $4,733,359.10, making the total not-to-exceed amount for option year two $10,563,472.10.

    (j) Council approval is necessary because, as a result of Modification Nos. M021 and M023 and proposed Modification No. M025, the value of the human care agreement is increased to be more than $1 million during a 12-month period.

    (k) Approval is necessary to allow the continuation of these vital services.  Without this approval, The National Center for Children and Families cannot be paid for services provided in excess of $1 million.

    (l) The Modifications to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2016, effective April 27, 2016 (D.C. Act 21-363; 63 DCR 6832), referred to a proposed Modification No. M023, but it did not expressly approve, or expressly authorize payment for, Modification No. M025.  The Modifications to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Clarification Emergency Act of 2016 would supersede the Modifications to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2016 by explicitly approving Modification Nos. M020, M021, M023, and proposed Modification No. M025.


     Sec. 3.  The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Modifications to Human Care Agreement No. DCRL-2013-H-0039A Approval and Payment Authorization Clarification Emergency Act of 2016 be adopted after a single reading.


    Sec. 4.  This resolution shall take effect immediately.