6092878 Resolution 21-495, Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016
June 7, 2016
To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to approve Modification Nos. 0002 and 0004 to Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 with the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative to provide community-based social welfare services and to authorize payment in the aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $1,067,202.37 for the goods and services received and to be received under the modifications.
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016”.
Sec. 2. (a) There exists a need to approve Modification Nos. 0002 and 0004 to Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 with the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative to provide co-location and youth transportation services for children and youth and to authorize payment in the aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $1,067,202.37 for the goods and services received and to be received under the modifications.
(b) The District awarded a sixty-one (61) day letter contract, Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 to the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative on September 30, 2015. The letter contract merged with a definitized contract on November 24, 2015, and the merged contract, in the amount of $5,745,234.00, was deemed approved by the Council pursuant to CA21-237. On February 17, 2016, Modification No. 0002 in the amount of $998,093.37 was executed to include transitional housing services for youth and families under the Child and Family Services Administration’s care. Modification No. 0004 would add an additional $69,109.00 to the contract amount for co-location and youth transportation services through September 30, 2016.
(c) Council approval of Modification Nos. 0002 and 0004 is required pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), because these modifications increase the contract amount by more than $1,000,000 during a 12-month period.
(d) Approval of Modification Nos. 0002 and 0004 is necessary to allow the continuation of these vital services. Without this approval, the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative cannot be paid for services provided in excess of $1,000,000 pursuant to Modification Nos. 0002 and 0004 to the contract.
Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Modifications to Contract No. DCRL-2016-R-0004 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2016 be adopted after a single reading.
Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.