6093072 Resolution 21-516, Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B and Modification Nos. 04 and 05 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016  







    June 7, 2016



    To declare the existence of an emergency with respect to the need to approve Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B and Modification Nos. 04 and 05 to Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B with National Service Contractors, Inc. for ground maintenance services, and to authorize payment in the aggregate amount of $1,343,785.35 for the goods and services received and to be received under the contract and the modifications.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B and Modification Nos. 04 and 05 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2016”.


                Sec. 2. (a)  There exists an immediate need to approve Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B and Modification Nos. 04 and 05 to Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B with National Service Contractors, Inc. for ground maintenance services, and to authorize payment in the aggregate amount of $1,343,785.35 for the goods and services received and to be received under the contract and the modifications thereto. 

                (b)  Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-00085B was competitively bid and awarded to National Service Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,177,802 for the base year.  Thereafter, the Department of General Services issued Modification No. 01 at no cost. Modification No. 02 increased the contract value by $150,000 to $1,327,802. Modification No. 3 increased the contract value by $5,271.59 to $ 1,333,073.59.

                (c) Modification No. 04 exercised a portion of Option Year 1 in the amount of $707,889.09.  Modification No. 05 exercised the remaining portion of Option Year 1 in the amount of $635,896.26.

    (d) Modification Nos. 04 and 05 will cause the aggregate value of Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B to exceed the $1 million threshold set forth in section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51). 

    (e) Approval of Modification Nos. 04 and 05 in the amount of $1,343,785.35 is necessary to compensate National Service Contractors, Inc. for the services received and to be received during Option Year 1.   


                Sec. 3.  The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that the Contract No. DCAM-15-NC-0085B and Modification Nos. 04 and 05 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2016 be adopted after a single reading.


                Sec. 4.  This resolution shall take effect immediately.