4978348 Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval 20-201  

  • Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval



    Chairman Mendelson filed on June 19, 2014, PR 20-875 the “Reprogramming No. 20-201 Disapproval Resolution of 2014" to disapprove Reprogramming 20-201. The request to reprogram $634,850 of Fiscal Year 2014 Local funds budget authority within the Department of Health (DOH) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on June 18, 2014. This reprogramming is needed to fund the procurement of the Birth and Electronic Death System, temporary contracts with Midtown and Motir Services, and the procurement of information technology contracts and hardware.



    The Council review period for Reprogramming 20-201 has been extended to 30 days, ending on Friday, September 19, 2014. If the Council does not adopt a resolution of approval or disapproval during this period, the reprogramming will be deemed approved on Saturday, September 20, 2014.