4428746 Resolution 20-168, “Compensation Agreement between the District of Columbia and Compensation Units 1 and 2 Emergency Approval Resolution of 2013”  

  •                                                              A RESOLUTION






    June 18, 2013



    To approve, on an emergency basis, the negotiated compensation collective bargaining

                agreement submitted bybetween the District of Columbia and Compensation Units 1 and 2.  

    the Mayor for certain employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, tThat this resolution may be cited as the “Compensation Agreement between the District of Columbia Government and Compensation Units 1 and 2, FY 2013 - FY 2017, Emergency Approval Resolution of 2013”.


                Sec. 21.  (a) Pursuant to sSection 1717(j) of the District of Columbia Government Compre­hen­sive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2‑139; D.C. Official Code § 1‑617.17(j) (2001 ed.),  

    the Council of the District of Columbia approves the compen­sa­tion agreement  and attached related pay schedules, of the contract negotiated through collective bargaining between the Government of the District of Columbia and and the collective bargaining representatives of Compensation Units 1 and 2, which was transmitted to the Council by the Mayor on _______________.May 2, 2013.


                Sec. 3. Transmittal.

    The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a copy of this resolution, upon its

    adoption, to Compensation Units 1 and 2, and to the Mayor.


    Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement.

    The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer

    as the fiscal impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home

    Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(3)).


    Sec. 5. Effective date.

    TThis resolution shall take effect immediately.

    (b) This resolution applies to employees at the following agencies/offices: the Office Cable Television, the Child and Family Services Agency, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, the Office of the Attorney General, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Employment Services, the Department of Energy, the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the Department of Forensic Sciences, the Department of General Services, the Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Health, the Department of Health Care Finance, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, the Metropolitan Police Department, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of Planning, the D.C. Public Library, the D.C. Public Schools, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Recreation and Parks, the D.C. Taxicab Commission, the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, the University of the District of Columbia and the Office of Zoning.

    (c) The negotiated contract provides as follows:















    This Compensation Agreement is entered into between the Government of the District of Columbia and the undersigned labor organizations representing units of employees comprising Compensation Units 1 and 2, as certified by the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB).


    The Agreement was reached after negotiations during which the parties were able to negotiate on any and all negotiable compensation issues, and contains the full agreement of the parties as to all such compensation issues.  The Agreement shall not be reconsidered during its life nor shall either party make any changes in compensation for the duration of the Agreement unless by mutual consent or as required by law.






    SECTION A:             FISCAL YEAR 2013:


    Effective the first day of the first full pay period beginning on or after April 1, 2013, the FY 2013 salary schedules of employees employed in bargaining units as certified and assigned to Compensation Units 1 and 2 by the Public Employees Relations Board shall be adjusted by 3%.



    SECTION B:             FISCAL YEAR 2014:


    The Parties agree that the District shall set aside the amount equivalent to 1.5% of the total salaries for Compensation Units 1 and 2, as of November 19, 2012, to be used to implement any compensation adjustment required by the Classification and Compensation and Reform Project.


    SECTION C:             FISCAL YEAR 2015:


    Effective the first day of the first full pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2014, the FY 2015 salary schedules of employees employed in bargaining units as certified and assigned to Compensation Units 1 and 2 by the Public Employees Relations Board shall be adjusted by 3%.


    SECTION D:             FISCAL YEAR 2016:


    Effective the first day of the first full pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2015, the FY 2016 salary schedules of employees employed in bargaining units as certified and assigned to Compensation Units 1 & 2 by the Public Employees Relations Board shall be adjusted by 3%.


    SECTION E:             FISCAL YEAR 2017:


    Effective the first day of the first full pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2016, the FY 2017 salary schedules of employees employed in bargaining units as certified and assigned to Compensation Units 1 & 2 by the Public Employees Relations Board shall be adjusted by 3%.






    The District of Columbia Government shall subsidize the cost of monthly transit passes for personal use by employees by not less than twenty five ($25.00) per month for employees who purchase and use such passes to commute to and from work.








    The Employer shall make a monthly contribution of ten dollars ($10.00) for each bargaining unit member toward a pre-paid legal services plan.  The Employer shall make monthly contributions directly to the designated provider of the legal services program.




    The plan shall be contracted for by the Union subject to a competitive bidding process where bidders are evaluated and selected by the Union.  The District may present a proposed contract which shall be evaluated on the same basis as other bidders.  The contract shall provide that the Employer will be held harmless from any liability arising out of the implementation and administration of the plan by the benefit provider, that the benefit provider will supply utilization statistics to the Employer and the Union upon request for each year of the contract, and that the benefit provider shall bear all administrative costs.




    The parties shall meet to develop procedures to implement the legal plan which shall be binding upon the benefit provider.  The procedures shall include an enrollment process.




    To be selected for a contract under this Article, the benefit provider must maintain an office in the District of Columbia; be incorporated in the District and pay a franchise tax and other applicable taxes; have service providers in the District; and maintain a District bank account.




    The Employer’s responsibility under the terms of this Article shall be as outlined in Section C of this Article and to make premium payments as is required under Section A of this Article.  To the extent that any disputes or inquiries are made by the legal services provider chosen by the Union, those inquiries shall be made exclusively to the Union.  The Employer shall only be required to communicate with the Union to resolve any disputes that may arise in the administration of this Article.


    ARTICLE 4       






    The Parties shall continue the Joint Labor-Management Taskforce on Employee Housing.




    Pursuant to the DPM, Part 1, Chapter 3 §301, the District provides a preference for District residents in employment.  In order to encourage employees to live and work in the District of Columbia, a joint Labor-Management Task Force on Employee Housing was established during previous negotiations with Compensation Units 1 & 2.  The Taskforce strives to inform employees of the programs currently available for home ownership in the District of Columbia.  Additionally, the Taskforce collaborates with other government agencies including the Department of Housing and Community Development and the District’s Housing Finance Agency to further affordable housing opportunities for bargaining unit employees, who have been employed by the District Government for at least one year. 




    The parties agree that $500,000.00 will be set aside to be used toward Negotiated employee Assistance Home Purchase Program (NEAHP) for the duration of the Agreement.  If at any time, the funds set aside have been depleted, the Parties will promptly convene negotiations to provide additional funds for the program.




    Any funds set aside in Fiscal Years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 shall be available for expenditure in that fiscal year or any other fiscal year covered by the Compensation Units 1 and 2 Agreement.  All funds set aside for housing incentives shall be expended or obligated prior to the expiration of the Compensation Units 1 and 2 Agreement for FY 2014 – FY 2017. 








    The parties agree to continue their participation on the District’s Joint Labor-Management Benefits Committee for the purpose of addressing the benefits of employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2.  The Benefits Committee shall meet quarterly, in January, April, July and October of each year.




    The Parties shall be authorized to consider all matters that concern the benefits of employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2 that are subject to mandatory bargaining between the parties.  The Parties shall be empowered to address such matters only to the extent granted by the Unions in Compensation Units 1 and 2 and the District of Columbia Government.  The parties agree to apply a system of expedited arbitration if necessary to resolve issues that are subject to mandatory bargaining.  The Committee may, by consensus, discuss and consider other benefit issues that are not mandatory bargaining subjects.




    The Committee shall:


    Monitor the quality and level of services provided to covered employees under existing Health, Optical and Dental Insurance Plans for employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2.


    Recommend changes and enhancements in Health, Optical and Dental benefits for employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2 consistent with Chapter 6, Subchapter XXI of the D.C. Official Code (2001 ed.).


    With the assistance of the Office of Contracting and Procurement, evaluate criteria for bids, make recommendations concerning the preparation of solicitation of bids and make recommendations to the contracting officer concerning the selection of providers following the receipt of bids, consistent with Chapter 4 of the D.C. Official Code (2001 ed.).


    Following the receipt of bids to select health, dental, optical, life and disability insurance providers, the Union’s Chief Negotiator shall be notified to identify no more than two individuals to participate in the RFP selection process.


    Explore issues concerning the workers’ compensation system that affect employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2 consistent with Chapter 6, Subchapter XXIII of the D.C. Official Code (2001 ed.).


    The Union shall be notified of proposed benefit programs to determine the extent to which they impact employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2.  Upon notification, the Union shall inform the Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining within ten (10) calendar days to discuss any concerns it has regarding the impact on employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2.





    SECTION A:             LIFE INSURANCE:

    1.         Life insurance is provided to covered employees in accordance with §1-622.01, et seq. of the District of Columbia Official Code (2001 Edition) and Chapter 87 of Title 5 of the United States Code.

    (a)        District of Columbia Official Code §1-622.03 (2001 Edition) requires that benefits shall be provided as set forth in §1-622.07 to all employees of the District first employed after September 30, 1987, except those specifically excluded by law or by rule. 

    (b)        District of Columbia Official Code §1-622.01 (2001 Edition) requires that benefits shall be provided as set forth in Chapter 87 of Title 5 of the United States Code for all employees of the District government first employed before October 1, 1987, except those specifically excluded by law or rule and regulation. 

    2.         The current life insurance benefits for employees hired on or after October 1, 1987 are: The District of Columbia provides life insurance in an amount equal to the employee’s annual salary rounded to the next thousand, plus an additional $2,000.  Employees are required to pay two-thirds (2/3) of the total cost of the monthly premium.  The District Government shall pay one-third (1/3) of the total cost of the premium.  Employees may choose to purchase additional life insurance coverage through the District Government.  These additions to the basic coverage are set-forth in the schedule below:


    Optional Plan

    Additional Coverage

    Premium Amount

    Option A – Standard

    Provides $10,000 additional coverage

    Cost determined by age

    Option B – Additional

    Provides coverage up to five times the employee’s annual salary

    Cost determined by age and employee’s salary

    Option C – Family

    Provides $5,000 coverage for the eligible spouse and $2,500 for each eligible child.

    Cost determined by age.


    Employees must contact their respective personnel offices to enroll or make changes in their life insurance coverage.




    1.         Pursuant to D.C. Official Code §1-621.02 (2001 Edition), all employees covered by this agreement and hired after September 30, 1987, shall be entitled to enroll in group health insurance coverage provided by the District of Columbia.


    (a)        Health insurance coverage shall provide a level of benefits comparable to the plan(s) provided on the effective date of this agreement. Benefit levels shall not be reduced during the term of this agreement except by mutual agreement of the District, representatives of Compensation Units 1 and 2 and the insurance carrier(s).  District employees are required to execute an enrollment form in order to participate in this program.


    (b)       The District may elect to provide additional health care providers for employees employed after September 30, 1987, provided that such addition of providers does not reduce the current level of benefits provided to employees.  Should the District Government decide to expand the list of eligible providers, the District shall give Compensation Units 1 & 2 representatives notice of the proposed additions.


    (c)        Employees are required to contribute 25% of the total premium cost of the employee’s selected plan. The District of Columbia Government shall contribute 75% of the premium cost of the employee’s selected plan.


    2.         Pursuant to D.C. Official Code §1-621.01 (2001 Edition), all District employees covered by this agreement and hired before October 1, 1987, shall be eligible to participate in group health insurance coverage provided through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) as provided in Chapter 89 of Title 5 of the United States Code.  This program is administered by United States Office of Personnel Management.


    3.         The plan descriptions shall provide the terms of coverage and administration of the respective plans.  Employees and union representatives are entitled to receive a copy of the summary plan description upon request.  Additionally, employees and union representatives are entitled to review copies of the actual plan description upon advance request.




    1.         The District shall provide Optical and Dental Plan coverage at a level of benefits comparable to the plan(s) provided on the effective date of this agreement. Benefit levels shall not be reduced during the term of this agreement except by mutual agreement of the District, the Union and the insurance carrier(s).  District employees are required to execute an enrollment form in order to participate in the Optical and Dental program.


    2.         The District may elect to provide additional Optical and/or Dental providers, provided that such addition of providers does not reduce the current level of benefits provided to employees.  Should the District Government decide to expand the list of eligible providers, the District shall give Compensation Units 1 & 2 representatives notice of the proposed additions.




    Employees covered by this Agreement shall be eligible to enroll, at their own expense, in the District’s Short-Term Disability Insurance Program, which provides for partial income replacement when employees are required to be absent from duty due to a non‑work‑related qualifying medical condition.  Employees may use income replacement benefits under the program in conjunction with annual or sick leave benefits provided for in this Agreement.



    SECTION E:             ANNUAL LEAVE:

    1.         In accordance with D.C. Official Code §1-612.03 (2001 Edition), full-time employees covered by the terms of this agreement are entitled to:

    (a)        one-half (1/2) day (4 hours) for each full biweekly pay period for an employee with less than three years of service (accruing a total of thirteen (13) annual leave days per annum);

    (b)       three-fourths (3/4) day (6 hours) for each full biweekly pay period, except that the accrual for the last full biweekly pay period in the year is one and one-fourth days (10 hours), for an employee with more than three (3) but less than fifteen (15) years of service (accruing a total of twenty (20) annual leave days per annum); and,

    (c)        one (1) day (8 hours) for each full biweekly pay period for an employee with fifteen (15) or more years of service (accruing a total of twenty-six (26) annual leave days per annum).

    2.         Part-time employees who work at least 40 hours per pay period earn annual leave at one-half the rate of full-time employees.

    3.         Employees shall be eligible to use annual leave in accordance with the District of Columbia laws. 

    SECTION F:             SICK LEAVE:

    1.         In accordance with District of Columbia Official Code §1-612.03 (2001 Edition), a full-time employee covered by the terms of this agreement may accumulate up to thirteen (13) sick days in a calendar year.

    2.         Part-time employees for whom there has been established in advance a regular tour of duty of a definite day or hour of any day during each administrative workweek of the biweekly pay period shall earn sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour for each twenty (20) hours of duty.  Credit may not exceed four (4) hours of sick leave for 80 hours of duty in any pay period.  There is no credit of leave for fractional parts of a biweekly pay period either at the beginning or end of an employee’s period of service.







    1.         Military Leave: An employee is entitled to leave, without loss of pay, leave, or credit for time of service as reserve members of the armed forces or as members of the National Guard to the extent provided in D.C. Official Code §1-612.03(m) (2001 Edition).


    2.         Court Leave: An employee is entitled to leave, without loss of pay, leave, or service credit during a period of absence in which he or she is required to report for jury duty or to appear as a witness on behalf of the District of Columbia Govern­ment, or the Federal or a state or local government to the extent provided in D.C. Official Code §1-612.03(l) (2001 Edition).


    3.         Funeral Leave:


                a.         An employee is entitled to two (2) days of leave, without loss of pay, leave, or service credit to make arrangements for or to attend the funeral or memorial service for an immediate relative.  In addition, the Employer shall grant an employee’s request for annual or compensatory time up to three (3) days upon the death of an immediate relative.  Approval of additional time shall be at the Employer’s discretion.  However, requests for leave shall be granted unless the Agency’s ability to accomplish its work would be seriously impaired.


                b.         For the purpose of this section “immediate relative” means the following relatives of the employee:  spouse (including a person identified by an employee as his/her “domestic partner” (as defined in D.C. Official Code §32‑701 (2001 edition), and related laws), and parents thereof, children (including adopted and foster children and children of whom the employee is legal guardian and spouses thereof, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, and spouses thereof. For the purposes of certification of leave, employees shall provide a copy of the obituary or death notice, a note from clergy or funeral professional or a death certificate upon the Employer’s request.


                c.         An employee is entitled to not more than three (3) days of leave, without loss of pay, leave, or service credit to make arrangements for or to attend the funeral or memorial service for a family member who died as a result of a wound, disease or injury incurred while serving as a member of the armed forces in a combat zone to the extent provided in D.C. Official Code §1-612.03(n) (2001 Edition).


    SECTION H:             PRE-TAX BENEFITS:


    1.  Employee contributions to benefits programs established pursuant to D.C. Official Code §1‑611.19 (2001 ed.), including the District of Columbia Employees Health Benefits Program, may be made on a pre-tax basis in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and, to the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code, such pre-tax contributions shall not effect a reduction of the amount of any other retirement, pension, or other benefits provided by law.


    2.  To the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code, any amount of contributions made on a pre-tax basis shall be included in the employee's contributions to existing life insurance, retirement system, and for any other District government program keyed to the employee's scheduled rate of pay, but shall not be included for the purpose of computing Federal or District income tax withholdings, including F.I.C.A., on behalf of any such employee.


    SECTION I:              RETIREMENT:


                1.         CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CSRS):  As prescribed by 5 U.S.C. §8401 and related chapters, employees first hired by the District of Columbia Government before October 1, 1987, are subject to the provisions of the CSRS, which is administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Under Optional Retirement the aforementioned employee may choose to retire when he/she reaches:


    (a)        Age 55 and 30 years of service;

    (b)       Age 60 and 20 years of service;

    (c)        Age 62 and 5 years of service.


    Under Voluntary Early Retirement, which must be authorized by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, an employee may choose to retire when he/she reaches:


    (a)        Age 50 and 20 years of service;

    (b)       Any age and 25 years of service.


    The pension of an employee who chooses Voluntary Early Retirement will be reduced by 2% for each year under age 55.




    Employees first hired by the District of Columbia Government before October 1, 1987, who are subject to the provisions of the CSRS and determined to be:


    a “law enforcement officer” within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. §8331(20)(D); and


    eligible for benefits under the special retirement provision for law enforcement officers;


    shall continue to have their retirement benefits administered by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management in accordance with applicable law and regulation.




    Section A:


    The District of Columbia shall continue the Defined Contribution Pension Plan currently in effect which includes:


    (1)        All eligible employees hired by the District on or after October 1, 1987, are enrolled into the defined contribution pension plan.


    (2)        As prescribed by §1-626.09(c) of the D.C. Official Code (2001 Edition) after the completion of one year of service, the District shall contribute an amount not less than 5% of their base salary to an employee’s Defined Contribution Pension Plan account.  The District government funds this plan; there is no employee contribution to the Defined Contribution Pension Plan. 


    (3)        As prescribed by §1-626.09(d) of the D.C. Official Code (2001 Edition) the District shall contribute an amount not less than an additional .5% of a detention officer’s base salary to the same plan.


    (4)        Compensation Units 1 and 2 Joint Labor Management Technical Advisory Pension Reform Committee


    (a)        Establishment of the Joint Labor-Management Technical Advisory Pension Reform Committee (JLMTAPRC or Committee)


    (1)        The Parties agree that employees should have the security of a predictable level of income for their retirement after a career in public service.  In order to support the objective of providing retirement income for employees hired on or after October 1, 1987, the District shall plan and implement an enhanced retirement program effective October 1, 2008.  The enhanced program will consist of a deferred compensation component and a defined benefit component.


    (2)        Accordingly, the Parties agree that the JLMTAPRC is hereby established for the purpose of developing an enhanced retirement program for employees covered by the Compensation Units 1 and 2 Agreement.


    (b)        Composition of the JLMTAPRC


    The Joint Labor-Management Technical Advisory Pension Reform Committee will be composed of six (6) members, three (3) appointed by labor and three (3) appointed by management, and the Chief Negotiators (or his/her designee) of Compensation Units 1 and 2.  Appointed representatives must possess a pension plan background including but not limited to consulting, financial or actuarial services.  In addition, an independent consulting firm with demonstrated experience in pension plans design and actuarial analysis will support the Committee.


    (c)        Responsibilities of the JLMTAPRC


    The Committee shall be responsible to:


    Plan and design an enhanced retirement program for employees hired on or after October 1, 1987 with equitable sharing of costs and risks between employee and employer;

    Establish a formula cap for employee and employer contributions;

    Establish the final compensation calculation using the highest three-year consecutive average employee wages;

    Include retirement provisions such as disability, survivor and death benefits, health and life insurance benefits;

    Design a plan sustainable within the allocated budget;

    Draft and support legislation to amend the D.C. Code in furtherance of the “Enhanced Retirement Program.”


    Duration of the Committee


    The Committee shall complete and submit a report with its recommendations to the City Administrator for the District of Columbia within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the effective date of the Compensation Units 1 and 2 Agreement.



                4.         TIAA-CREF PLAN:


    For eligible education service employees at the University of the District of Columbia hired by the University or a predecessor institution, the University will contribute an amount not less than seven percent (7%) of their base salary to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF).


    SECTION J:              HOLIDAYS:

    1.         As prescribed by D.C. Official Code §1-612.02 (2001 Edition) the following legal public holidays are provided to all employees covered by this agreement:

    New Year's Day, January 1st of each year;

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, the 3rd Monday in January of each year;

    Washington's Birthday, the 3rd Monday in February of each year;

    Emancipation Day, April 16th;

    Memorial Day, the last Monday in May of each year;

    Independence Day, July 4th of each year;

    Labor Day, the 1st Monday in September of each year;

    Columbus Day, the 2nd Monday in October of each year;

    Veterans Day, November 11th of each year;

    Thanksgiving Day, the 4th Thursday in November of each year; and

    Christmas Day, December 25th of each year. 

    2.         When an employee, having a regularly scheduled tour of duty is relieved or prevented from working on a day District agencies are closed by order of the Mayor, he or she is entitled to the same pay for that day as for a day on which an ordinary day’s work is performed.




    SECTION A:             Overtime Work: 


    Hours of work authorized in excess of eight (8) hours in a pay status in a day or forty (40) hours in a pay status in a work week shall be overtime work for which an employee shall receive either overtime pay or compensatory time unless the employee has used unscheduled leave during the eight (8) hours shift or the forty (40) hour work week.  The unscheduled leave rule will not apply when an employee has worked a sixteen (16) hour shift (back-to-back) and takes unscheduled leave for an eight (8) hour period following the back-to-back shift or where an employee has indicated his/her preference not to work overtime and the Employer has no other option but to order the employee to work overtime.  Scheduled leave is leave requested and approved prior to the close of the preceding shift.


    SECTION B:             Compressed, Alternate and Flexible Schedules:


    1.         Compressed, Alternate and Flexible schedules may be jointly determined within a specific work area that modifies this overtime provision (as outlined in Section A of this Article) but must be submitted to the parties to this contract prior to implementation.  This Agreement to jointly determine compressed schedules does not impact on the setting of the tour of duty.


    2.         When an employee works a Compressed, Alternate, and Flexible schedule, which generally means (1) in the case of a full-time employee, an 80-hour biweekly basic work requirement which is scheduled for less than 10 workdays, and (2) in the case of a part-time employee, a biweekly basic work requirement of less than 80 hours which is scheduled for less than 10 workdays, the employee would receive overtime pay or compensatory time for all hours in a pay status in excess of his/her assigned tour of duty, consistent with the 2004 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act, 118 Stat. 2230, Pub. L. 108-386 Section (October 30, 2004).


    3.         The purpose of this Section is to allow for authorized Compressed, Alternate, and Flexible time schedules which exceed eight (8) hours in a day or 40 hours in a week to be deemed the employee’s regular tour of duty, and not be considered and not be considered overtime within the confines of the specific compressed work schedule and this Article.  Bargaining unit members so affected would receive overtime or compensatory time for all hours in pay status in excess of their assigned tour of duty.




    Subject to the provisions of Section D of this Article, an employee who performs overtime work shall receive either pay or compensatory time at a rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for each hour of work for which overtime is payable.




    Bargaining Unit employees shall receive overtime pay unless the employee and the supervisor mutually agree to compensatory time in lieu of pay for overtime work.  Such mutual agreement shall be made prior to the overtime work being performed.







    Paramedics and Emergency Medical Services Technicians employed by the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department and represented by the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 3721 shall earn overtime after they have worked 40 hours in a week.







    In order to recognize an employee’s productivity through his/her responsible use of accrued sick leave, the Employer agrees to provide time-off in accordance with the following:




    A full time employee who is in a pay status for the leave year shall accrue annually:


                1.         Three (3) days off for utilizing a total of no more than two (2) days of accrued sick leave.


                2.         Two (2) days off for utilizing a total of more than two (2) but not more than four (4) days of accrued sick leave.


                3.         One (1) day off for utilizing a total of more than four (4) but no more than five (5) days of accrued sick leave.




    Employees in a non-pay status for no more than two (2) pay periods for the leave year shall remain eligible for incentive days under this Article.  Sick leave usage for maternity or catastrophic illness/injury, not to exceed two (2) consecutive pay periods, shall not be counted against sick leave for calculating eligibility for incentive leave under this Article.




    Time off pursuant to a sick leave incentive award shall be selected by the employee and requested at least three (3) full workdays in advance of the leave date.  Requests for time off pursuant to an incentive award shall be given priority consideration and the employee’s supervisor shall approve such requests for time off unless staffing needs or workload considerations dictate otherwise.  If the request is denied, the employee shall request and be granted a different day off within one month of the date the employee initially requested.  Requests for time off shall be made on the standard “Application for Leave” form.




    All incentive days must be used in full-day increments following the leave year in which they were earned.  Incentive days may not be substituted for any other type of absence from duty.  There shall be no carryover or payment for any unused incentive days.




    Part-time employees are not eligible for the sick leave incentive as provided in this Article.




    This program shall be in effect in Fiscal Years (2013?) 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.




    In order to recognize employees’ productivity through their accomplishment of established goals and objectives, special acts toward the accomplishment of agency initiatives, demonstrated leadership in meeting agency program and/or project goals and/or the District’s Strategic Plan initiatives, the Employer, in accordance with criteria established by the High Performance Workplace Committee agrees to establish pilot incentive programs within agencies, including time off without loss of pay or charge to leave as an incentive award.  The District of Columbia Government Office of Labor Management Partnerships and the District of Columbia Incentive Awards Committee may serve as resources at the request of the parties in the implementation of the pilot incentive programs within agencies.




    SECTION A:             CALL-BACK


     A minimum of  four (4) hours of overtime, shall be credited to any employee who is called back to perform unscheduled overtime work on a regular workday after he/she completes the regular work schedule and has left his/her place of employment. 



    SECTION B:             CALL-IN


                1.  When an employee is called in before his/her regular tour of duty to perform unscheduled overtime and there is no break before the regular tour is to begin, a minimum of two (2) hours of overtime shall be credited to the employee. 


                2.  A minimum of four (4) hours of overtime work shall be credited to any employee who is called in when not scheduled and informed in advance, on one of the days when he/she is off duty. 

    SECTION C:             ON-CALL


    1.         An employee may be required to be on call after having completed his/her regular tour of duty.  The employer shall specify the hours during which the employee is on call; and shall compensate the employee at a rate of twenty-five percent (25%) of his/her basic rate of pay for each hour the employee is on call.


    2.         The employee’s schedule must specify the hours during which he/she will be required to remain on-call.  On call designation will be made on the form attached as Appendix 1.


    SECTION D:             HOLIDAY PAY


    An employee who is required to work on a legal holiday falling within his or her regular basic workweek, shall be paid at the rate of twice his or her regular basic rate of pay for not more than eight (8) hours of such work.




    An employee shall receive night differential pay at a rate of ten percent (10%) in excess of their basic day rate of compensation when they perform night work on a regularly scheduled tour of duty falling between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Employees shall receive night differential in lieu of shift differential.


    SECTION F:                         PAY FOR SUNDAY WORK


    A full-time employee assigned to a regularly scheduled tour of duty, any part of which includes hours that fall between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday, is entitled to Sunday premium pay for each hour of work performed which is not overtime work and which is not in excess of eight (8) hours for each tour of duty which begins or ends on Sunday.  Sunday premium pay is computed as an additional twenty-five percent (25%) of the employee’s basic rate of compensation.


    The Additional Income Allowance (AIA) program within the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) which was established pursuant to the “Personnel Recruitment and Retention Incentives for Child and Family Services Agency Compensation System Changes Emergency Approval Resolution of 2001”, Council Resolution 14-53 (March 23, 2001) and as contained in Chapter 11, Section 1154 of the District Personnel Manual, “Recruitment and Retention Incentives – Child and Family Services Agency,” shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.


    The Administration of the AIA within CFSA shall be governed by the implementing regulations established in Child and Family Services Agency, Human Resources Administration Issuance System, HRA Instruction No. IV.11-3.



    Subordinate agencies covered by this Agreement may provide additional income allowances for positions that have significant recruitment and retention problems consistent with Chapter 11, Part B, Section 1143 of the District Personnel Manual.


    ARTICLE 10





    The parties agree that the mileage allowance established for the employees of the Federal Government who are authorized to use their personal vehicles in the performance of their official duties shall be the rate for Compensation Units 1 and 2 employees, who are also authorized in advance, by Management to use their personal vehicles in the performance of their official duties.




    To receive such allowance, authorization by Management must be issued prior to the use of the employee's vehicle in the performance of duty.  Employees shall use the appro­pr­i­ate District Form to document mileage and request reimbursement of the allowance.




    1.         Employees required to use their personal vehicle for official business if a government vehicle is not available, who are reimbursed by the District on a mileage basis for such use, are within the scope of the District of Columbia Non-Liability Act (D.C. Official Code §§2-411 through 2-416 (2001 Edition)).  The Non-Liability Act generally provides that a District Employee is not subject to personal liability in a civil suit for property damage or for personal injury arising out of a motor vehicle accident during the discharge of the employee’s official duties, so long as the employee was acting within the scope of his or her employment.


    2.         Claims by employees for personal property damage or loss incident to the use of their personal vehicle for official business if a government vehicle is not available may be made under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claim Act of 1964 (31 U.S.C. §3701 et seq.).




    No employee within Compensation 1 and 2 shall be required to use his/her personal vehicle unless the position vacancy announcement, position description or other pre-hire documentation informs the employee that the use of his/her personal vehicle is a requirement of the job.




    Employees required as a condition of employment to use their personal vehicle in the performance of their official duties may be provided a parking space or shall be reimbursed for non-commuter parking expenses, which are incurred in the performance of their official duties.




    ARTICLE 11





    An employee who is separated or is otherwise entitled to a lump-sum payment under personnel regulations for the District of Columbia Government shall receive such payment for each hour of unused annual leave or compensatory time in the employee's official leave record.




    The lump-sum payment shall be computed on the basis of the employee's rate at the time of separation in accordance with such personnel regulations.


    ARTICLE 12


    Arbitration awards or settlement agreements in cases involving an individual employee shall be paid within sixty (60) days of receipt from the employee of relevant docu­men­t­ation, including documentation of interim earnings and other potential offsets.  The responsible Agency shall submit the SF-52 and all other required documentation to the Department of Human Resources within thirty (30) days upon receipt from the employee of relevant documentation.


    ARTICLE 13



    The Fire and Emergency Medical Services employees and the correctional officers at the Department of Corrections and the Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services who are covered under Section 7(k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be compensated a minimum of one hour pay if required to remain at his/her duty station beyond the normal tour of duty.










    ARTICLE 14




    This Compensation Agreement shall be incorporated by reference into local working conditions agreements in order to utilize the grievance/arbitration procedure in those Agreements to consider alleged violations of this Agreement. 




    Grievances concerning compensation shall be filed with the appropriate agency and the Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining under the applicable working conditions agreement. 


    ARTICLE 15





    Each department or agency shall eliminate or reduce to the lowest level possible all hazards, physical hardships, and working conditions of an unusual nature.  When such action does not overcome the hazard, physical hardship, or unusual nature of the working condition, additional pay is warranted.  Even though additional pay for exposure to a hazard, physical hardship, or unusual working condition is authorized, there is a responsibility on the part of a department or agency to initiate continuing positive action to eliminate danger and risk which contribute to or cause the hazard, physical hardship, or unusual working condition.  The existence of pay for exposure to hazardous working conditions or hardships in a local environment is not intended to condone work practices that circumvent safety laws, rules and regulations.




    Local environment pay is paid for exposure to (1) a hazard of an unusual nature which could result in significant injury, illness, or death, such as on a high structure when the hazard is not practically eliminated by protective facilities or an open structure when adverse conditions exist, e.g., darkness, lightning, steady rain, snow, sleet, ice, or high wind velocity; (2) a physical hardship of an unusual nature under circumstances which cause significant physical discomfort in the form of nausea, or skin, eye, ear or nose irritation, or conditions which cause abnormal soil of body and clothing, etc., and where such distress or discomfort is not practically eliminated.




    Wage Grade (WG) employees as listed in Chapter 11B, Appendix C of the DPM and any other employee including District Service (DS) employees as determined pursuant to Section 4 of this Article and Chapter 11B, Subpart 10.6 of the DPM are eligible for environmental differentials.




    The determination as to whether additional pay is warranted for workplace exposure to environmental hazards, hardships or unusual working conditions may be initiated by an agency or labor organization in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11B, Subpart 10.6 of the DPM.




    Employees eligible for local environment pay under the terms of this Agreement shall be compensated as follows:


    1.         Severe Exposure. Employees subject to “Severe” exposure shall receive local environment pay equal to twenty seven percent (27%) of the rate for RW 10, step 2 on the Compensation Unit 2 pay schedule.  The following categories of work are currently paid the rate for “severe” exposure:


    High Work


    2.         Moderate Exposure.  Employees subject to “Moderate” exposure shall receive local environment pay equal to ten percent (10%) of the rate for RW 10, step 2 on the Compensation Unit 2 pay schedule.  The following categories of work are currently paid the rate for “moderate” exposure:


    Explosives and Incendiary

    Materials – High Degree Hazard

    Poison (Toxic Chemicals)

    – High Degree Hazard

    Micro Organisms

     – High Degree Hazard


    3.         Low Exposure.  Employees subject to “Low” exposure shall receive local environment pay equal to five percent (5%) of the rate for RW 10, step 2 on the Compensation Unit 2 pay schedule.  The following categories of work are currently paid the rate for “low” exposure:


    Dirty Work

    Cold Work

    Hot Work

    Welding Preheated metals

    Explosives and Incendiary Materials

    – Low Degree Hazard                                   

    Poison (Toxic Chemicals)

    – Low Degree Hazard

    Micro Organisms

    – Low Degree Hazard




    These changes to local environment pay shall not take effect until the payroll modules of PeopleSoft are implemented by the District of Columbia.



    ARTICLE 16



    For units placed into a new compensation unit, working conditions or non-compensatory matters shall be negotiated simultaneous with negotiations concerning compensation.  Where the agreement is for a newly certified collective bargaining unit assigned to an existing compensation unit, the parties shall proceed promptly to negotiate simul­tane­ously any working conditions, other non-compensatory matters, and coverage of the compensation agreement.  There should not be read into the new language any intent that an existing compensation agreement shall become negotiable when there is a newly certified collective bargaining unit.  Rather, the intent is to require prompt negotiations of non-compensatory matters as well as application of compensation (e.g., when pay scale shall apply to the newly certified unit).


    ARTICLE 17



    The District of Columbia recognizes that many temporary and term employees have had their terms extended to perform permanent services.  To address the interests of current term and temporary employees whose appointments have been so extended over time and who perform permanent services, the District of Columbia and the Union representing the employees in Compensation Units 1 and 2 agree to the following:



    Joint labor-management committees established in each agency/program in the Compensation Units 1 and 2 collective bargaining agreement which was effective through September 30, 2010, shall continue and will identify temporary and term employees whose current term and or temporary appointments extend to September 30, 2006, and who perform permanent services in District agency programs.




    Each Agency and Local Union shall review all term appointments within the respective agencies to determine whether such appointments are made and maintained consistent with applicable law. The Union shall identify individual appointments it believes to be contrary to applicable law and notify the Agency.  The Agency shall provide the Union reason(s) for the term or temporary nature of the appointment(s), where said appoint­ments appear to be contrary to law.  If an employee has been inappropriately appointed to or maintained in a temporary or term appointment, the Agency and the Union shall meet to resolve the matter.




    The agency shall convert bargaining unit temporary and term employees identified by the joint labor-management committees, who perform permanent services, who are in a pay status as of September 30, 2010, and are paid from appropriated funding to the career service prior to the end of the FY 2013 – FY 2017 Compensation Agreement.




    Prior to the end of the FY 2013 – FY 2017 Compensation Agreement, to the extent not inconsistent with District or Federal law and regulation, the District shall make reasonable efforts to convert to the career service temporary and term bargaining unit employees identified by the joint labor-management committees who perform permanent services, are in a pay status as of September 30, 2017, are full-time permanent positions, and are paid through intra-district funding or federal grant funding.




    Employees in term or temporary appointments shall be converted to permanent appointments, consistent with the D.C. Official Code.






    District agencies retain the authority to make term and temporary appointments as appropriate for seasonal and temporary work needs.




    A Joint-Labor Management Committee shall consist of one (1) representative from each national union comprising Compensation Units 1 and 2.  The District shall appoint an equal number of representatives.  The Committee will facilitate the implementation of this Article should difficulties arise in the Joint-Labor Management Committees set forth in Section A.      

    ARTICLE 18





    Should any provisions of this Agreement be rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted law or by decree of a court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation shall not affect any other part or provision hereof.  Where appropriate, the parties shall meet within 120 days to negotiate any substitute provision(s).





    The terms of this contract supersede any subsequently enacted D.C. laws, District Personnel Manual (DPM) regulations, or departmental rules concerning compensation covered herein.



    ARTICLE 19



    This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect through September 30, 2017.  On this _____  day of ______ 2013, and as witness the parties hereto have set their signature.