6108010 Public Oversight Roundtable on The DC Circulator and Public Hearing on B21-785, DC Circulator High-Tech Upgrade Feasibility Study Act of 2016 (Revised and Abbreviated)
Notice of Public Oversight Roundtable on
The DC Circulator
And Public Hearing on
B21-785, the DC Circulator High-Tech Upgrade Feasibility Study Act of 2016
Monday July 11, 2016
at 12:00 p.m.
in Room 120 of the
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
On Monday, July 11, 2016, Councilmember Mary M. Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, will hold a public oversight roundtable on the D.C. Circulator and a public hearing on B21-785, the DC Circulator High-Tech Upgrade Feasibility Study Act of 2016. The proceedings will begin at 12:00 p.m. in Room 120 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
The purpose of the roundtable is to discuss and to hear testimony regarding the District Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) management of the District’s Circulator bus service and to review DDOT’s response to maintenance concerns raised by the Transit Resource Center audit, the status of the agency’s plan to construct a new fleet facility, and the financial and personnel resources required for DDOT to manage the entirety of the service. The Committee will also consider B21-785, which would require DDOT to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of adding technology services to all DC Circulator buses, including wireless internet and USB charging ports.
The Committee invites the public to testify or to submit written testimony, which will be made a part of the official record. Anyone wishing to testify should contact Ms. Aukima Benjamin, staff assistant to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, at (202) 724-8062 or via e-mail at abenjamin@dccouncil.us. Persons representing organizations will have five minutes to present their testimony. Individuals will have three minutes to present their testimony. Witnesses should bring 8 copies of their written testimony and should submit a copy of their testimony electronically to abenjamin@dccouncil.us.
If you are unable to testify in person, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record. Copies of written statements should be submitted to Ms. Aukima Benjamin, staff assistant to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 108, Washington, D.C. 20004. They may also be e-mailed to abenjamin@dccouncil.us or faxed to (202) 724-8118. The record will close at the end of the business day on July 25, 2016.
This notice has been revised and abbreviated to reflect that the time of the roundtable and hearing has been changed from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.