Notice of Reprogramming Requests
Pursuant to DC Official Code Sec 47-361 et seq. of the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1990, the Council of the District of Columbia gives notice that the Mayor has transmitted the following reprogramming request(s)
A reprogramming will become effective on the 15th day after official receipt unless a Member of the Council files a notice of disapproval of the request which extends the Council’s review period to 30 days. If such notice is given, a reprogramming will become effective on the 31st day after its official receipt unless a resolution of approval or disapproval is adopted by the Council prior to that time.
Comments should be addressed to the Secretary to the Council, Room 5, John A. Wilson
Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. Copies of
reprogramming requests are available in Legislative Services, Room 10. Telephone: 724-8050
Reprog. 19-171: Request to reprogram $975,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority within the District Department of the Environment (DDOE) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to ensure that expenditures related to DC Water’s costs for billing and collecting storm water fees on behalf of the District of Columbia are accurately recorded.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-172: Request to reprogram $1,800,000 in Local funds budget authority
from the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (FEMS) to the District of Columbia National Guard (DCNG) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that DCNG has sufficient funding to support asbestos abatement at the Oak Hill facility, which will be used for the ChalleNGe program.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-173: Request to reprogram $825,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 in Local funds budget authority from the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) to the Department of Human Services (DHS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that DHS has sufficient funding to align the budget with projected expenditures for the Interim Disability program.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-174: Request to reprogram $100,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 in Local funds budget authority from the Repayment of Loans and Interest Account (RLIA) to the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to cover the agency’s projected personal services deficit.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-175: Request to reprogram $750,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority from the Repayment of Loans and Interest Account (RLIA) to Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming is needed so that DMV can continue to support the ticket collections contract.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-176: Request to reprogram $1,800,000 in capital funds budget authority and allotment from various agencies to the Department of General Services (DGS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 2, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to support the construction costs for a 30-unity transitional housing facility to be located on District-owned property at 611 N Street, NW.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 3, 2012
Reprog. 19-177: Request to reprogram $988,961 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority from the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) to the Children and Youth Investment Collaborative (CYIC) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 3, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that the CYIC will be able to support summer events and activities in communities across the District through the One City Initiative.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 5, 2012
Reprog. 19-178: Request to reprogram $2,137,072.66 in capital funds budget authority and allotment from various agencies to the Department of Mental Health (DMH) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 3, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to fund the construction of the La Casa permanent supportive housing development at 1444 Irving Street, NW.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 5, 2012
Reprog. 19-179: Request to reprogram $750,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Special Purpose Revenue budget authority from the Office of Cable Television (OCT) to the Pay-As-You-Go (Paygo) Capital Account was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that capital funds will be available to support the restoration and relocation of OCT from its current location at 3007 Tilden Street, N.W. to the new quarters at 1949 9th Street, N.E.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-180: Request to reprogram $1,160,422 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority from the Repayment of Loans and Interest Account (RLIA) to the District of Columbia Office on Aging (DCOA) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to cover increased costs in the food contract, to ensure adequate fleet maintenance, and to ensure proper insurance coverage on its fleet.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-181: Request to reprogram $6,558,230 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget within the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that DCPS will be able to adequately fund the Afterschool Program for FY 2012.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-182: Request to reprogram $830,000 in capital funds budget authority and allotment from the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to the District of Columbia Public Library (DCPL) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming will support the costs of circulation and reference library materials (First Day Collections) which that necessary for four newly opened library facilities.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-183: Request to reprogram $3,500,000 in capital funds budget authority and allotment from the Department of Mental Health (DMH) to the Department of Corrections (DOC) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to support the costs of implementing the Inmate Processing Center project at the D.C. Jail.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-184: Request to reprogram $857,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority within the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to continue the operations of OSSE’s Student Hearing Office by ensuring the availability of hearing officers, continuing upgrades to the office’s data management system, and providing mediation services.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-185: Request to reprogram $2,520,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority from the Department of Corrections (DOC) to the Settlements and Judgments Fund was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that the District will be able to pay for a court-ordered judgment.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-186: Request to reprogram $500,000 in Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority within the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to cover security services costs associated with a Memorandum of Agreement between the Metropolitan Police Department and the Washington Convention Center and Sports Authority.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-187: Request to reprogram $1,200,000 in Master Equipment Lease capital funds budget authority and allotment within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming will provide additional funding necessary for the extension of the SOAR financial system replacement project.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-188: Request to reprogram $3,718,237 in Capital funds budget authority and allotment from various agencies to the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming is needed to provide supplemental funding for modernization of Leckie Elementary, Ketcham Elementary, and Moten Elementary Schools.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-189: Request to reprogram $770,431 of Fiscal Year 2012 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming supports the District’s payroll operations contract, which is provided by the OCFO to outside entities.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-190: Request to reprogram $4,887,775 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority from Non-Public Tuition (NPT) to the District of Columbia Public Charter Schools (DCPCS) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming ensures that DCPCS will be able to make its required payments, including payments for English Language Learners and Special Education.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012
Reprog. 19-191: Request to reprogram $500,000 of Fiscal Year 2012 Local funds budget authority within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 6, 2012. This reprogramming supports assorted operational cost that include terminal leave expenditures purchases and other programmatic needs.
RECEIVED: 14 day review began July 9, 2012