5566459 Taxicab Commission, DC - Structures under which Licenses/H-tags may be Expanded or Limited  







    July 30, 2015 at 11:00 AM



    The DC Taxicab Commission (DCTC) has scheduled a Public Hearing from 11 am to 3 pm on Thursday, July 30, 2015, at 2235 Shannon Place, SE, Washington DC 20020, in the Hearing Room, Suite 2023. Visitors to the building must show identification and pass through the metal detector.  Allow ample time to find street parking or to use the pay-to-park lot adjacent to the building. 

    This is the second Panel on Industry (POI) hearing which will continue the focus on a broad study of the DC taxicab marketplace and to adopt a framework for rulemaking.  Specifically, the Panel will focus on structures under which licenses/H-tags may be expanded or limited as the appropriate needs of the market, including Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs), fuel efficient and clean fuel burning vehicles and other services. The priority will be on whether the Commission should lift the moratorium of H-tags, and if so, under what circumstances and requirements.

    Those interested in testifying should register by emailing to poi@dc.gov or by calling (202) 645-4433, no later than Tuesday, July 28, 2015 by 4 pm. Participants should submit ten (10) copies of their remarks in writing prior to the hearing. Statements are limited to three (3) minutes for registered speakers and two (2) minutes for non-registered speakers. Registered speakers will be called first, in the order of registration. A fifteen (15) minute period will then be provided for all non-registered speakers. Written copies of remarks may also be submitted to the Commission Secretary at the hearing. Comments are limited to the specific subject matter of this Public Hearing. 


    The Public Hearing will take place at the following time and location:


    THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015

    11 am to 3 pm

    2235 Shannon Place, SE

    Second Floor Hearing Room

    Suite 2023

    Washington, DC 20020