4986496 Planning, Office of - Notice of Availability of the Mid City East Small Area Draft Plan for Public Comment
District of Columbia office of planning
Notice of Availability of the mid city east
Small Area draft plan for public Comment
Action: Notice of Availability of the Mid City East Small Area Plan Draft for Public Comment.
Summary: The Mid City East Small Area Plan (“Draft Plan”) is a framework plan- the result of an intensive 18-month long community-based planning process. The Draft Plan provides a framework for conservation, development, sustainability and connectivity in Mid City East, which includes the neighborhoods of Bates/Truxton Circle, Bloomingdale, Eckington, Hanover, LeDroit Park, and Sursum Corda, as well as sections of Edgewood and Stronghold. Further, the 2006 DC Comprehensive Plan “Action MC-2.7.A: North Capitol Revitalization Strategy” specifies the preparation of a small area plan for the North Capitol/Florida Avenue business district.
The vision for the Mid City East Small Area Plan is to improve quality of life and enhance neighborhood amenities and character while supporting a community of culturally, economically, and generationally diverse residents. The Draft Plan incorporates the goals from the Comprehensive Plan as well as the goals developed through the community and stakeholder process.
The Small Area Plan was also informed by technical analyses including an Existing Conditions analysis, a Historic and Cultural Resources report, and a Market Study. The plan also incorporates recommendations from the District Department of Transportation’s Mid City East Livability Study, which was conducted in collaboration with the Office of Planning (OP) and was completed in October 2013.
The Office of Planning (DCOP) has published for public review and comment the Draft Plan for Mid City East. The DCOP is providing a 30-day public comment period on the Mid City East Plan. Comments must be submitted to the office by the closing date, Tuesday, September 2, 2014.
The Draft Plan conveys a shared vision, records the guiding principles that were developed through the community-based planning process, and includes key recommendations for neighborhood character, commercial revitalization, redevelopment, public realm, parks/green space and connectivity. It includes an implementation strategy to serve as a roadmap for implementing plan recommendations including projected timeframe and responsible entity. The Draft Plan provides residents, land owners, developers, city officials and District agencies with a framework to guide future development in the study area.
The DCOP, working in collaboration with the cooperating agencies, will consider all public comments on the Draft Plan and make its final recommendations on the project to the Mayor of the District of Columbia. Subsequently, the Mayor will submit to the District of Columbia City Council for consideration a Revised Draft Plan. The Council will provide additional opportunities for public comments, and will make its final decision regarding this project and any modifications and conditions it might impose on the plan. The Mayor, through the cooperating agencies will implement the plan.
FOR FURTHER INFOMRATION CONTACT: Chelsea Liedstrand, Citywide Planner by mail 1100 4th Street SW., Suite E650, Washington, DC 20024; by phone (202) 442-7600; fax (202) 442-7638 or email at: Liedstrand, Chelsea (OP) Chelsea.Liedstrand@dc.gov
The Draft Plan is available for review at the following locations:
Harry Thomas Recreation Center:
1743 Lincoln Rd NE,
Washington, DC 20002
Walker Jones Library:
155 L St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Martin Luther King Jr. Library:
901 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Office of Planning:
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650
Washington, DC 20024
The Draft Plan is also available online at the DC Office Planning Web site: www.planning.dc.gov or www.midcityeast.com
Please click on link for “Mid City East Draft Small Area Plan”.
Public Comment
Written comments on the Draft Plan must be submitted by September 2, 2014. Comments must include a name, address and any organization for which the comments represent. Please send all comments to:
Chelsea Liedstrand,
Citywide Planner
1100 4th Street SW., Suite E650,
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 442-7600 (p)
(202) 442-7638 (f)
Mayoral Hearing
In addition to receiving written comments on the Draft Plan, DC Office of Planning will host a Mayoral Hearing on July 29, 2014, from 6:30-8:30pm at The Summit at St. Martin’s located at 116 T Street, N.E., Second Floor, Washington, DC 20002. Please note that comments can be submitted until September 2, 2014. At the hearing, DC Office of Planning will provide boards with visual representation pertaining to the recommendations set forth within the Draft Plan and respond to any questions relative to the graphic displays. Following this, members of the public will have an opportunity to offer comments for the public record.
Submitted by: Chelsea Liedstrand, Citywide Planner, by mail 1100 4th Street SW., Suite E650, Washington, DC 20024; by phone (202) 442-7600; fax (202) 442-7638 or email at: Liedstrand, Chelsea (OP) Chelsea.Liedstrand@dc.gov