The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to consider
the following legislative matters for final Council action in not less than 15 days. Referrals of
legislation to various committees of the Council are listed below and are subject to change at
the legislative meeting immediately following or coinciding with the date of introduction.
It is also noted that legislation may be co-sponsored by other Councilmembers after it’s
Interested persons wishing to comment may do so in writing addressed to Nyasha Smith, Secretary
to the Council, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 5, Washington, D.C. 20004. Copies of bills
and proposed resolutions are available in the Legislative Services Division, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, Room 10, Washington, D.C. 20004 Telephone: 724-8050 or online at www.dccouncil.us.
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B20-356 DC Community Impact Fund Act of 2013
Intro. 06-24-13 by Councilmember Evans and referred sequentially to the Committee on Finance and Revenue and the Committee of the Whole
B20-360 Living Wage Tax Credit Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers Orange, Barry and Graham and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue
B20-361 Income Tax Reduction Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue
B20-362 Drug Store Off-Premises Wine and Beer Licensing and Sale Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
B20-363 Artist Protection Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmember Cheh and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
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B20-364 Public Charter School Historic Preservation Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmember Graham and referred to the Committee of the Whole
B20-365 Underinsured Motorist Carrier Fairness Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers Bowser and Orange and referred to the Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
B20-366 Commission on Fathers, Men and Boys Establishment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers Barry, McDuffie, Bonds, Orange, Alexander, Grosso, and Bowser and referred to the Committee on Workforce and Community Affairs
B20-367 Department of Aging and Community Living Establishment Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers Barry and McDuffie and referred to the Committee on Human Services
B20-368 Air Quality Amendment Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers McDuffie, Cheh, Wells, and Grosso and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
B20-369 Truth Affordability Reporting Act of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmembers McDuffie, Bowser, Grosso, Barry, Wells, Evans, Graham, Bonds, Cheh, and Alexander and referred to the Committee on Finance and Revenue
B20-370 Automated Traffic Enforcement Moratorium Act of 2013
Intro. 06-28-13 by Councilmember Orange and referred to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment
PR20-353 Family Assessments Rules Resolution of 2013
Intro. 06-24-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Human Services
PR20-354 Contract Appeals Board Monica Parchment Confirmation Resolution of 2013
Intro. 06-24-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Government Operations
PR20-358 Board of Medicine Terrence D. Straub Confirmation Resolution of 2013
Intro. 06-25-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Health
PR20-360 Sense of the Council In Support of the Seal of the District of Columbia in the Library of Congress Declaration Resolution of 2013
Intro. 06-26-13 by Councilmember Evans and referred to the Committee of the Whole
PR20-361 Board of Chiropractic Dr. Carol Hopson Confirmation Resolution of 2013
Intro. 06-27-13 by Chairman Mendelson at the request of the Mayor and referred to the Committee on Health