Vol. 58, No. 32 (08/12/2011)
1. Council Issues
- 1503226 Resolution 19-201, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-024 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1503323 Resolution 19-202, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-023 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1503420 Resolution 19-203, "Health Professional Recruitment Program Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1503711 Resolution 19-204, "Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools Salary Adjustment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1503808 Resolution 19-205, "Contract No. GAGA-2008-C-0134 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1503905 Resolution 19-206, "Fiscal Year 2011 Revised Budget Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504002 Resolution 19-207, "Fiscal Year 2012 Dedicated Tax Technical Amendment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504099 Resolution 19-208, "Rabaut School Surplus Declaration Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504196 Resolution 19-209, "Rabaut School Surplus Declaration Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1504293 Resolution 19-210, "Rabaut School Disposition Approval Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504390 Resolution 19-211, "Rabaut School Disposition Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1504487 Resolution 19-212, "Harrison School Surplus Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504584 Resolution 19-213, "Harrison School Surplus Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1504681 Resolution 19-214, "Harrison School Disposition Approval Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504778 Resolution 19-215, "Harrison School Emergency Disposition Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1504875 Resolution 19-216, "Scott Montgomery School Surplus Declaration Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1504972 Resolution 19-217, "Scott Montgomery School Surplus Declaration Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1505069 Resolution 19-218, "Scott Montgomery School Disposition Approval Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505166 Resolution 19-219, "Scott Montgomery School Disposition Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1505263 Resolution 19-220, "Unemployment Compensation Funds Appropriation Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505457 Resolution 19-221, "Brewery Manufacturer's Tasting Permit Congressional Review Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505554 Resolution 19-222, "Income Tax Secured Bond Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505651 Resolution 19-223, "Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505748 Resolution 19-224, "Contract No. CFOPD-11-C-023 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505845 Resolution 19-225, "Contract No. CFOPD-11-C-040 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1505942 Resolution 19-226, "Contract No. DCPL-2009-C-0019A (BP-20) Modification Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506039 Resolution 19-227, "Contract No. DCPL-2009-C-0019J (BP-16) Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506136 Resolution 19-228, "Closing of a Portion of the Public Alley in Square 5148, S.O. 10-01784, Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506233 Resolution 19-229, "Saving D.C. Homes from Foreclosure Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506330 Resolution 19-230, "Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Muriel Bowser Appointment Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506427 Resolution 19-232, "Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5052 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506524 Resolution 19-233, "Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506621 Resolution 19-234, "MVM Technologies Enterprise Zone Revenue Bonds Project Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506718 Resolution 19-235, "MVM Technologies Enterprise Zone Revenue Bonds Project Emergency Approval Resolution of 2011"
- 1506815 Resolution 19-236, "Building 18 Procurement Authority Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1506912 Resolution 19-237, "Omnibus Substance Abuse Treatment Human Care Agreements Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1507009 Resolution 19-238, "Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive Designation Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1507106 Resolution 19-239, "Pedestrian Safety Reinforcement Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1507203 Resolution 19-240, "Contract No. DCKA-2010-C-0206 Modification Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2011"
- 1507300 Act 19-116, "Fiscal Year 2012 Dedicated Tax Emergency Technical Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1507397 Act 19-117, "Fiscal Year 2011 Revised Budget Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1507979 Act 19-118, "Contract No. CFOPD0-11-C-040 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1508076 Act 19-119, "Heat Wave Safety Temporary Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1508173 Act 19-120, "Health Professional Recruitment Program Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1508464 Act 19-121, "Contract No. CFOPD-11-C-023 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1508658 Act 19-122, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-021 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1508852 Act 19-123, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-024 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1508949 Act 19-124, "Unemployment Compensation Funds Appropriation Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1509046 Act 19-125, "Closing of a Portion of the Public Alley in Square 5148, S.O. 10-01784, Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1509240 Act 19-126, "Distributed Generation Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1509337 Act 19-127, "Building 18 Procurement Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1509434 Act 19-128, "Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation Establishment Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1509531 Act 19-129, "DOC Inmate Processing and Release Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1509628 Act 19-130, "Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive Designation Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1509725 Act 19-131, "Workforce Intermediary Task Force Establishment Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511180 Act 19-132, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-023 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511277 Act 19-133, "Modifications to Contract No. DCJA-2006-D-DL-025 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511471 Act 19-134, "Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5052 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511568 Act 19-135, "Pedestrian Safety Reinforcement Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1511665 Act 19-136, "Contract No. GAGA-2008-C-0134 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511762 Act 19-137, "Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools Salary Adjustment Approval Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511859 Act 19-138, "Contract No. DCPL-2009-C-0019A (BP-20) Modification Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1511956 Act 19-139, "Contract No. DCPL-2009-C-0019J (BP-16) Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512053 Act 19-140, "Forney-Manhattan Deanwood Community Center and Library Joint Venture Contract Modification Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512247 Act 19-141, "Contract No. DCKA-2010-C-0206 Modification Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512344 Act 19-142, "Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512441 Act 19-143, "Healthy Schools Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1512538 Act 19-144, "District of Columbia Retirement Board Procurement Exemption Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1512635 Act 19-145, "Income Tax Secured Bond Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512732 Act 19-146, "Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Establishment Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1512926 Act 19-147, "Saving D.C. Homes from Foreclosure Emergency Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1513120 Act 19-148, "Brewery Manufacturer's Tasting Permit Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1513217 Act 19-149, "Closing of a Public Alley in Square 451, S.O. 11-03672, Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1513314 Act 19-150, "Omnibus Substance Abuse Treatment Human Care Agreements Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2011"
- 1513411 Act 19-151, "Distributed Generation Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1513605 Act 19-152, "Healthy Schools Amendment Act of 2011"
- 1514769 Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval to disapprove Reprogramming 19-75 (PR19-365)
- 1514866 Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval to disapprove Reprogramming 19-70 (PR19-364)
- 1515060 Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval to disapprove Reprogramming 19-65 (PR19-363)
- 1515157 Notice of Reprogramming Disapproval to disapprove Reprogramming 19-64 (PR19-362)
- 1520686 Resolution 19-231, "Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Muriel Bowser Appointment Resolution of 2011"
- 1520977 Public Roundtable Notice on "Middle Grades Education in the District: Preparing our Students for Success in High School and Beyond"
2. Agency Issues
- 1262569 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking - Reimbursable Detail Subsidy Program
- 1305346 Establishment of continuing education requirements for licensees
- 1388475 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Reduction
- 1442989 Procedures for Issuing loans for to qualified retail business affected by streetscape contruction or rehabilitation projects
- 1451719 Tests and Fleet program
- 1473932 Zoning Commission Notice of Filing: Case No. 11-17
- 1475581 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order 18237 - Lab School - (ANC 3D)
- 1475775 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Order No. 18233 - Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, on behalf of the National Cathedral School for Girls - (ANC 3C)
- 1476745 Historic Preservation Review Board landmark designation
- 1482177 GT00-2 NOFR - WGL's Application for updated ROW Surcharge
- 1482274 Extension of the Term of the Adams Morgan Partnership Business Improvement District
- 1483244 Taxicab Commission Re-publishes Proposed amendments to Chapter 6 on Taxicab Parts and Equipment
- 1483341 Taxicab Commission Re-publishes Proposed amendments to Chapter 8 Operation of Taxicabs
- 1485184 Summary Of Registered Lobbyists' Information
- 1485378 Knowledge test
- 1485475 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Boxcar - ANC 6B - RESCIND
- 1485572 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Boxcar - ANC 6B - RE-ADVERTISE
- 1485863 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - The Local Vine Cellar Wine & Spirits - ANC 2C - CORRECTION
- 1486154 Zoning Commission Order No. 10-21 (Case No. 10-21: Buzzards Point, LLC)
- 1490228 Amended District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Engineering Review Fees and Pretreatment Waste Hauling – Annual Fee per Vehicle
- 1490325 Amended Water and Sanitary Sewer Service Rates, Clean Rivers Impervious Surface Area Charge, Right of Way Occupancy Fee Pass Through Charge, and Payment in Lieu of Taxes Fee
- 1491295 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Miriam's Cafeteria - ANC 4C - RE-ADVERTISE
- 1491392 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Cafe AKA - ANC 2B
- 1491489 Scheduled Meeting of the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings
- 1491974 Board of Zoning Adjustment Public Hearing Notice for November 1, 2011
- 1492265 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITYFY2012 Latino Community Development Grant RFA #22615-12
- 1497212 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Meeting - License Cancellation August 17, 2011
- 1497309 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Meeting of ABC Board's Investigative Agenda August 17, 2011
- 1497600 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Meeting of ABC Board's Agenda August 17, 2011
- 1500219 Emergency and Fourth Proposed Rulemaking to Implement the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 1999
- 1500704 Proposed Rulemaking on Volatile Organic Chemicals and Proposed Revision of the District’s State Implementation Plan
- 1500801 YouthBuild Public Charter School Request for Information (RFI) for Development Partner and Tenant for J. F. Cook School
- 1500898 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearings - ABC Board's Calendar August 17, 2011
- 1503614 Elections and Ethics, Board of - Certification of ANC/SMD vacancy for ANC/SMD 1B02
- 1507591 2011-129: Appointment - Interim Director, Department of Small and Local Business Development
- 1508270 2011-130: Delegation of Official to Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) to execute a Ground Lease for the Scott Montgomery School
Recent Issues
- Vol. 58, No. 42 (10/21/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 41 (10/14/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 40 (10/07/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 39 (09/30/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 38 (09/23/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 37 (09/16/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 36 (09/09/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 35 (09/02/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 34 (08/26/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 33 (08/19/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 32 (08/12/2011) (Selected)
- Vol. 58, No. 31 (08/05/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 30 (07/29/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 29 (07/22/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 28 (07/15/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 27 (07/08/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 26 (07/01/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 25 (06/24/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 24 (06/17/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 23 (06/10/2011)
- Vol. 58, No. 22 (06/03/2011)