The Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia pursuant to the authority set forth under the District of Columbia Public Postsecondary Education Reorganization Act Amendments (Act), effective January 2, 1976 (D.C. Law 1-36; D.C. Official Code §§ 38-1202.01(a) and 38-1202.06(13) (2001 & 2012 Supp.) hereby gives notice of its amendment of chapter 1 (Board of Trustees) of subtitle B (University of the District of Columbia) of title 8 (Higher Education) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) as follows, effective upon publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. The Board of Trustees took final rulemaking action at a Special Meeting on July 25, 2012. The purpose of the rule is to reconfigure the Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees.
The substance of the rules adopted herein was published in the D.C. Register on June 22, 2012, for a period of public comment of not less than thirty (30) days, in accordance with D.C. Official Code § 2-505(a) (2012 Supp.). See 59 DCR 7553. No public comment was received by the Board within the public comment period.
Subsection 110.1 is amended to read as follows:
110.1 The Chairperson of the Board shall annually propose a structure of standing committees to be chaired by voting Board members in addition to the Executive Committee; the Audit Committee; the Budget and Finance Committee; the Academic Affairs Committee, the Student Affairs Committee; and Committee of the Whole for adoption by resolution of a majority of the Board. The membership and jurisdiction of each committee shall be as follows:
(a) The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers of the Board. The Executive Committee shall have all of the power of the Board between meetings, but the Board may limit such power by Resolution. Interim actions taken by the Executive Committee must be submitted for ratification by the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If a majority fails to confirm the validity of an Executive Committee action, that action shall be deemed void ab initio. Appropriate notice of Executive Committee actions must be given to all members of the Board and to the public within five (5) business days.
(b) The Academic Affairs Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least two (2) other members of the Board. It shall ensure that the academic program of the University is consistent with the institution's mission and strategies; that the academic budget reflects the institution's academic priorities; that the faculty personnel policies and procedures complement academic priorities; that the institution's academic programs are appropriate for its students; that technology is effectively used to enhance the academic programs of the University; and that the institution assesses the effectiveness of its academic programs.
(c) The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who shall be the chairperson, and at least two (2) other members. It shall monitor the institution’s financial operations; oversee annual and long-range operating budgets; ensure that accurate and complete financial records are maintained; review capital budgets for adherence to prescribed policy and guidance; present exceptions to the full Board for approval; recommend investment policies to the Board; manage asset classes; review investment expenses; oversee accounting and financial reporting; ensure that timely and accurate information is presented to the Board; and communicate with and educate the Board on all aspects of the University’s financial status.
(d) The Audit/Administration/Governance Committee shall consist of a chairperson, who shall not be the chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee, and at least two (2) other members. The Audit/Administration/Governance Committee (AAG Committee) serves as the Board’s principal forum for the consideration of matters relating to the University’s business and administrative operations, the consideration of matters relating to the University’s business and administrative operations, personnel matters, government and alumni affairs, and audit functions. The AAG Committee shall:
(1) Ensure that the financial operations of the University are in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and financial accounting standards, provide oversight and guidance to the University’s Internal Auditor in the performance of his or her duties; ensure that an annual audit is conducted; provide oversight responsibility for management’s system of internal financial controls and the controls over external reporting, the internal and external audit processes, the regulatory compliance functions, institutional ethics and conflicts of interest, and the risk management process; present the financial statement to the full Board; and confer with the Office of the Inspector General of the District of Columbia (OIG) regarding significant investigations into financial matters;
(2) Provide periodic review of the University’s Human Resources policies and practices to ensure that the University is promoting fair and respectful practices and compliance with all applicable employment, labor, and workplace laws; review major aspects of workforce planning, strategy and investment to ensure that the workforce configurations are consistent with the strategic needs of the University; and
(3) Review and discuss, and, when appropriate and necessary, recommend action on important and substantive issues and proposals involving development, government relations, and review University-wide policies and practices concerning communications and media, and government and public relations.
(e) The Student Affairs Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least two (2) other members. It shall be responsible for representing students' interest in the Board's policy-making activities; ensuring adequate resources for the student affairs programs; keeping pace with the changing needs of students; philanthropic giving, fundraising and alumni affairs; and promoting the role of the campus in the community.
(f) The Facilities Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least two (2) other members of the Board. The Facilities Committee shall have oversight of all projects performed by the Office of the Vice President for Real Estate and Facilities. The committee shall determine the adequacy, condition, and use of existing facilities; develop a fiscal condition response policy; review renewal or replacement decisions and oversee financing of capital projects. The committee shall establish a budget for all capital projects which shall include a list of all capital projects planned for the fiscal year. The Board of Trustees shall reserve the right to review contracts as necessary.
(g) The Community College Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least two (2) other members. The Community College Committee shall have jurisdiction over matters which specifically or exclusively affect the Community College.
(h) The Committee of the Whole shall consist of all members of the Board and shall have jurisdiction concurrent with that of any committee. The Committee of the Whole may also have jurisdiction over matters not subject to the jurisdiction of any established standing committee.