1545130 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Notice of Public Hearing - Zest Bistro - ANC 6B - SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE  







    Posting Date:    August 19, 2011

    Petition Date:    October 3, 2011

    Hearing Date:    October 17, 2011


     License No.:    ABRA-082432

     Licensee:         Zest Bistro, Inc.

     Trade Name:   Zest Bistro

     License Class: Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant

     Address:          735 8th Street, SE

     Contact No.:    Amanda Briggs 202 544-7171


                  WARD 6                   ANC 6B                           SMD 6B03


    Notice is hereby given that this licensee who has applied for a substantial change to his license under the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Act and for objectors are entitled to be heard before the granting of such on the hearing date at 10:00 am, 2000 14th Street, NW, Suite 400S, Washington, DC  20009. A petition or request to appear before the Board must be filed on or before the petition date.


    Licensee requests the following substantial changes to its nature of operation:


    ·         Changing the hours of alcoholic beverage operation/sales:

    Current Hours of Operation and Sales            Proposed Hours of Operation and Sales

    Sunday thru Thursday 11am-2 am                  Sunday 10am-2am

    Friday and Saturday 11am-3 am                    Saturday 10am-3am

                                                                             Monday thru Thursday11am-2 am

                                                                             Friday 11 am- 3 am



    ·         Changing the hours of alcoholic beverage operation/sales for Sidewalk Cafe:

    Current Hours                                                 Proposed Hours

    Sunday thru Thursday 11am-12 am                Sunday 10am-12am

    Friday and Saturday 11am-1 am                    Saturday 10am-1am

                                                                             Monday thru Thursday11am-12 am

                                                                             Friday 11 am- 1am