5621943 ACR 21-68, DC Legendary Musicians Recognition Resolution of 2015  







    June 2, 2015



    To recognize DC Legendary Musicians for their dedication to preserving, protecting and promoting the artistic legacy, contributions, and well-being of Washington, D.C.’s professional musicians.


                WHEREAS, the mission of DC Legendary Musicians (“DCLM”) is to preserve, protect, and promote the artistic legacy, contributions, and well-being of Washington, DC’s professional musicians;


                WHEREAS, DCLM was founded as a nonprofit organization to support and recognize the accomplishments of D.C. born, raised, and resident musicians and to draw on those accomplishments to re-establish, re-animate, and re-vitalize the distinct sound of Washington, D.C. music;


                WHEREAS, the District of Columbia can lay claim to many great professional musicians and performers who were born or lived in the city, including Duke Ellington, Keter Betts, Nasar Abadey, Billy Eckstine, Pearl Bailey, Billy Stewart, Marvin Gaye, Charles “Skip” Pitts, Gregory Gaskins, David Akers, Jimi Smooth, Robert “Mousey” Thompson, Al Johnson, The Clovers, Chuck Brown, and many others; and


                WHEREAS, DCLM, led by Rev. Dr. Sandra Butler-Truesdale, Chairperson, has been steadfast in its dedication to promoting and preserving the legacy of the District of Columbia’s music history as well as supporting live music which provides jobs and income for District musicians, and performers and musicians nationally and internationally of all genres.


    IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors the contributions of the District’s professional musicians and the work of DCLM in promoting and preserving the legacy of the District’s music history.

    Sec. 2.  This resolution may be cited as the “DC Legendary Musicians Recognition Resolution of 2015”.

    Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.