June 2, 2015
To recognize and honor Robert “Bob” King for his commitment to District of Columbia seniors and dedication to public service in the District of Columbia .
WHEREAS, Robert King, since 1985, has served in several leadership roles in the Fort Lincoln community, including serving as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5A12 and 5C03 for over 30 years, and President of the Fort Lincoln Civic Association for 10 years;
WHEREAS, Robert King actively participated in the electoral process by serving as a senior advisor and city-wide coordinator for many District candidates;
WHEREAS, Robert King, in June 2005, as a part of the District of Columbia Sister City partnership, traveled to Dakar, Senegal to bring greetings on behalf of Mayor Anthony Williams;
WHEREAS, Robert King retired from the District of Columbia in 2007 as a senior advisor on elderly affairs, where he worked with several District Mayors, including Walter E. Washington, Marion Barry, Sharon Pratt Kelly, Anthony Williams, and Adrian Fenty;
WHEREAS, Robert King has been featured in numerous articles and publications, including “Black in Urban America”, “Who's Who Among Blacks in Metropolitan D.C.”, the 2013 edition of “Who's Who in Black Washington”, and “African American Biographies: Profiles of 558 Current Men and Women”;
WHEREAS, Robert King, since 1985, has improved seniors’ lives by advocating for increased transportation and recreation;
WHEREAS, Robert King is a member of the Ward 5 Senior Council, and Mayor Vincent Gray named September 29, 2014 as “Robert “Bob” King Day”; and
WHEREAS, Robert King, who is known to many neighbors and friends as “Bob”, is a native Washingtonian, proud Ward 5 resident, and father to 7 children.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors Robert King for his commitment and dedication to District residents.
Sec. 2. This resolution may be cited as the “Robert “Bob” King Recognition Resolution of 2015”.
Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.