5061283 Resolution 20-577, “Sense of the Council of the District of Columbia Regarding Enforcement of the Marijuana Decriminalization Act Emergency Resolution of 2014”  







    July 14, 2014



    To declare the sense of the Council of the District of Columbia that the amendment introduced by Representative Andy Harris (R-MD) in the United States House of Representatives, which would prevent the enforcement of the Marijuana Possession Decriminalization Amendment Act of 2014 passed by the Council, is unjust and contrary to democratic principles and to call on members of the United States Congress to reject efforts to include this provision in its appropriations legislation.



                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “Sense of the Council of the District of Columbia Regarding Enforcement of the Marijuana Decriminalization Act Emergency Resolution of 2014”.


                Sec. 2.  The Members of the Council of the District of Columbia find that:

                            (1)  The interests of the residents of the District of Columbia are best determined at the local level by elected officials who are familiar with the issues faced by the community and accountable to voters.

                            (2)  The Mayor and Members of the Council of the District of Columbia were elected by District of Columbia residents to represent their best interests in local government.

                            (3)  The Council thoroughly considered the views of community stakeholders on all sides of the issue before acting to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana.     

                (4)  The Council held hearings and thoroughly examined the issues related to marijuana decriminalization, including the potential harmful and addictive properties of marijuana, the financial costs of criminalization, the use of law enforcement resources related to criminalization, and the effects on the community, especially on African American males who are disproportionately affected by criminalization of small amounts of marijuana.

                            (5)  The Marijuana Possession Decriminalization Amendment Act of 2014, effective July 17, 2014 (D.C. Law 20-126; 61 DCR 3482), was passed by a large majority in the Council and is supported and signed by the Mayor.

                            (6) As duly elected representatives of District residents, Members of the Council and the Mayor are best positioned to reflect the will and needs of the local community.

                (7)  Any attempt by members of Congress to interfere in local matters in the District is anti-democratic.



                Sec. 3.  It is the sense of the Council of the District of Columbia that:

                            (1)  Out of respect for the principles of democracy and the residents of the District of Columbia, members of Congress should respect Home Rule and refrain from interfering in local matters.

                            (2)  The United States Senate should refrain from including any restriction on enforcing marijuana decriminalization in the District of Columbia in its appropriations legislation.

                            (3)  Members of the conference committee responsible for creating a compromise bill from House and Senate legislation should refrain from including any provision that would prevent the District of Columbia from enforcing its locally enacted laws.


    Sec. 4.  The Chairman shall transmit a copy of this resolution upon its adoption to the

    United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.


                Sec. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.