2937759 Notice of Reprogramming Request 19-209


    Notice of Reprogramming Requests


    Pursuant to DC Official Code Sec 47-361 et seq. of the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1990, the Council of the District of Columbia gives notice that the Mayor has transmitted the following reprogramming request(s)


    A reprogramming will become effective on the 15th day after official receipt unless a Member of the Council files a notice of disapproval of the request which extends the Council’s review period to 30 days.   If such notice is given, a reprogramming will become effective on the 31st day after its official receipt unless a resolution of approval or disapproval is adopted by the Council prior to that time.


    Comments should be addressed to the Secretary to the Council, Room 5, John A. Wilson

    Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004.  Copies of   

    reprogramming requests are available in  Legislative Services,  Room 10. Telephone:   724-8050        



    Reprog. 19-209:         Request for the establishment of four sub-projects in the Capital Improvements Program so the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is able to initiate important projects in FY 2012.  The projects are as follows: Project MRR09A, Blair/4th Cedar Streets in the amount of $450,000 in FY 2012, Project MRR11A, Canal Road NW/Chain Bridge to M Street in the amount of $700,000, Project MRR12A, Boundary Stones in the amount of $189,000, and Project PM0A9A, Audit and Compliance in the amount of $450,000 was filed in the Office of the Secretary on July 24, 2012.



    RECEIVED:   14 day review began July 25, 2012