Vol. 57, No. 32 (08/06/2010)
1. Council Issues
- 459506 Act 18-464, "Gun Offender Registration Emergency Amendment Act of 2010"
- 459603 Act 18-465, "Quarterly Financial and Budgetary Status Reporting Emergency Act of 2010"
- 459700 Act 18-466, "Contract No. DCFA-2007-C-0013 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2010"
- 459797 Act 18-467, "University of the District of Columbia Procurement Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2010"
- 459894 Act 18-468, "Elected Attorney General Referendum Temporary Amendment Act of 2010"
- 459991 Act 18-469, "Health Services Planning Program Re-establishment Temporary Amendment Act of 2010"
- 460088 Act 18-470, "Tenant Organization Petition Standing Amendment Act of 2010"
- 460185 Act 18-471, "Priority Sidewalk Assurance Act of 2010"
- 460282 Act 18-472, "Families Together Amendment Act of 2010"
- 460379 Act 18-473, "Closing of a Public Alley in Square 6172, S.O. 08-7590, Act of 2010"
- 460476 Act 18-474, "Contract No. DCJZ-2007-H-0011 Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2010"
- 460573 Act 18-475, "Greater Washington 2050 Compact Emergency Act of 2010"
- 460670 Act 18-476, "Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation Establishment Emergency Amendment Act of 2010"
- 460767 Act 18-477, "Closing of a Public Alley in Square 6172, S.O. 08-7590, Emergency Act of 2010"
- 460864 Act 18-478, "Adoption Reform Amendment Act of 2010"
- 460961 Act 18-479, "Rental Housing Commission Quorum Temporary Amendment Act of 2010"
- 467654 Law 18-189, "Prohibition Against Selling Tobacco Products to Minors Amendment Act of 2010"
- 467751 Law 18-190, "Safe Release of Inmates Amendment Act of 2010"
- 467848 Law 18-191, "Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Amendment Act of 2010"
- 472213 Notice of Reprogramming Requests 18-129 thru 18-143
- 472310 Law 18-188, "OTO Hotel at Constitution Square Economic Development Act of 2010"
2. Agency Issues
- 468333 Disposal fees for solid waste and construction and demolition debris
- 468430 Zoning Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Case No. 04-33 (Technical Correction to Section 2604.1)
- 468527 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order No. 09-13A (BZA Expedited Review Process - Technical Correction to Section 3118)
- 468624 Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaing & Order No. 09-13A (BZA Expedited Review Process - Technical Correction to Section 3118)
- 468721 Scheduled Meeting of the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings
- 468818 Board of Zoning Adjustment Summary Order No. 18087
- 469206 2010-136: Delegation of Authority to Solicit Offers, Accept Unsolicited Offers, and Execute Disposition Agreements, Deeds, Occupancy Agreements and Associated Documents with Respect to the Former Grimke Elementary School
- 469497 Zoning Commission Notice of Filing: Case Number 10-20
- 469788 Professional Licensing Board Meeting Schedule
- 469885 Zoning Commission Notice of Emergency & Proposed Rulemaking: Case No. 04-33D (Text Amendment - Inclusionary Zoning Exemption for Federal & District Funded Affordable Housing Development)
- 469982 Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 04-33D (Text Amendment – Inclusionary Zoning Exemption for Federal and District Funded Affordable Housing Development)
- 470079 Raze Permit Applications
- 470176 Construction Codes Coordinating Board Scheduled Meeting
- 470273 Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 08-06 (Comprehensive Zoning Regulations Rewrite: Chapters B-2 & B-4)
- 470370 KIPP DC Charter Schools - RFP for Mechanical Design and Engineering Services
- 470661 Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration - Hu's Wear - ANC 2E - Notice of Public Hearing
- 470758 Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy - RFP Bid - Security Services
- 470855 Proposed Rulemaking for Medical Marijuana Patient, Caregiver, Dispensary, and Cultivation Center registration regulations and Patient Recommendation regulations
- 471049 Notice of Community Hearings in Formal Case 1079. The Commission seeks input from the public in the matter of the application of Washington Gas Light Company for approval of a Revenue Normalization Adjustment (RNA) in the District of Columbia
- 471146 DC Board of Elections and Ethics - Final Notice of Polling Place Relocation for Precinct #17, Ward 2; Precinct #46, Ward 4 and Precinct #69, Ward 5.
- 471243 The Board of Real Property Assessments and Appeals -- Notice of Change in Location for August 11, 2010 Meeting
- 471340 Zoning Commission Order No. 09-15 (G.K.D. 1412 Chapin Street, LLC)
- 471437 Zoning Commission Order No. 08-32B (Howard University Central Campus Plan - Time Extension)
- 471534 Zoning Commission Order No. 08-32A (Howard University - Amendment to Approved Central Campus Plan & Application for Further Processing)
- 471728 2010-138: Establishment of Medical Marijuana Program and Delegations of Authority
- 472116 Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking, Chapter 7, "Election Procedures"
- 472407 KIPP DC RFP for Electronic Security Services and Locksmith Services
- 472601 Grants availability notice
- 473183 State Health Planning and Development AgencyNotice of Public Hearing
Recent Issues
- Vol. 57, No. 42 (10/15/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 41 (10/08/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 40 (10/01/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 39 (09/24/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 38 (09/17/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 37 (09/10/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 36 (09/03/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 35 (08/27/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 34 (08/20/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 33 (08/13/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 32 (08/06/2010) (Selected)
- Vol. 57, No. 31 (07/30/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 30 (07/23/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 29 (07/16/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 28 (07/09/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 27 (07/02/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 26 (06/25/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 25 (06/18/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 24 (06/11/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 23 (06/04/2010)
- Vol. 57, No. 22 (05/28/2010)