5595947 Zoning Commission - Notice of Public Hearing: Case No. 08-33C (Conference Center Associates I, LLC)
TIME AND PLACE: Thursday, September 24, 2015, @ 6:30 p.m.
Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room
441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 220-South
Washington, D.C. 20001
CASE NO. 08-33C (Conference Center Associates I, LLC – Modification to PUD @ Parcel 121/31)
On June 29, 2015, the Office of Zoning received an application from Conference Center Associates I, LLC (the “Applicant”) seeking minor modification approval of the consolidated planned unit development (“PUD”) project approved in Z.C. Case No. 08-33. The Office of Planning provided its report on July 17, 2015, and recommended that the case be set down for a public hearing, rather than be reviewed on the Zoning Commission’s Consent Calendar. At the July 27, 2015 public meeting, the Zoning Commission removed this application from the Consent Calendar and set down the application for a public hearing.
The consolidated PUD project approved in Z.C. Order No. 08-33, which became final and effective on December 25, 2009, authorized the construction of a hotel, conference center, parking structure, and retail space on the eastern half of the property. The 314 room hotel (which includes a restaurant) and conference center has frontage along Michigan Avenue, N.E. and Irving Street, N.E. and a four-story above-grade structure along Michigan Avenue that will include retail uses at grade and in a basement level and 400 parking spaces. The approved measured height of the hotel building was 94.5 feet. A 200 space surface parking lot on the northern portion of the property was also approved in the consolidated PUD application. Z.C. Order No. 08-33 also authorized the rezoning of the Property from unzoned (designated as GOV) to the C-3-A Zone District.
The Applicant requests the following modifications of the plans that were originally approved by the Zoning Commission:
· Change in hotel brand from SpringHill Suites by Marriott to a combined Residence Inn/Courtyard by Marriott. The proposed plan includes 336 hotel rooms (168 for the Residence Inn and 168 for the Courtyard by Marriott). The gross floor area of the hotel has increased by 26,194 square feet. The Conference Center ballroom also increased in size to better accommodate anticipated uses and a roof terrace level was added. The gross floor area of the conference center has increased by 14,743 square feet. The total increase in gross floor area for the consolidated PUD is 40,980 square feet, resulting in a floor area ratio (“FAR”) of 1.63 (rather than the previous 1.46).
· The height of the four story above-grade parking structure/conference center has increased from 49 feet, 9 inches to 58 feet, 2 inches. The additional building height allows for retail space that has a floor to ceiling height of 14 feet, and additional height at the ballroom level which provides support space for ballroom functions and the opportunity to create an outdoor terrace.
· The location of the “white table cloth” restaurant has not changed, but the entrance to the restaurant has been relocated so that it is adjacent to the hotel entrance on Michigan Avenue, N.E.
· The hotel building has been extended to the property line on Irving Street. The approved project was previously set-back from the property line along Irving Street a distance of 19 feet, 9¼ inches. This created a non-conforming side yard which required flexibility from the Zoning Commission. The Applicant is no longer requesting side yard flexibility along the Irving Street façade as the structure is now located on the property line.
· The basement level of the parking structure has been modified to include parking spaces. This allows for a reduction in the number of surface parking spaces on the Property, while still maintaining the previously approved count of 600 parking spaces in the project.
· The Zoning Commission previously granted flexibility from the roof structure requirements regarding setbacks and the requirement to have a single enclosure. Due to programmatic changes in the hotel, the shape of the roof structure has changed and the amended roof structure still requires flexibility from the setback requirements and from the requirement to be included in a single enclosure.
Otherwise, the proposed Consolidated PUD project remains the same as the project that was approved in Z.C. Case No. 08-33, a hotel and conference center with an above-grade parking structure, and ground-floor retail uses.
This public hearing will be conducted in accordance with the contested case provisions of the Zoning Regulations, 11 DCMR § 3022.
How to participate as a witness.
Interested persons or representatives of organizations may be heard at the public hearing. The Commission also requests that all witnesses prepare their testimony in writing, submit the written testimony prior to giving statements, and limit oral presentations to summaries of the most important points. The applicable time limits for oral testimony are described below. Written statements, in lieu of personal appearances or oral presentation, may be submitted for inclusion in the record.
How to participate as a party.
Any person who desires to participate as a party in this case must so request and must comply with the provisions of 11 DCMR § 3022.3.
A party has the right to cross-examine witnesses, to submit proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, to receive a copy of the written decision of the Zoning Commission, and to exercise the other rights of parties as specified in the Zoning Regulations. If you are still unsure of what it means to participate as a party and would like more information on this, please contact the Office of Zoning at or at (202) 727-6311.
Except for the affected ANC, any person who desires to participate as a party in this case must clearly demonstrate that the person’s interests would likely be more significantly, distinctly, or uniquely affected by the proposed zoning action than other persons in the general public. Persons seeking party status shall file with the Commission, not less than 14 days prior to the date set for the hearing, a Form 140 – Party Status Application, a copy of which may be downloaded from the Office of Zoning’s website at: http://dcoz.dc.gov/services/app.shtm. This form may also be obtained from the Office of Zoning at the address stated below.
If an affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), pursuant to 11 DCMR 3012.5, intends to participate at the hearing, the ANC shall also submit the information cited in § 3012.5 (a) through (i). The written report of the ANC shall be filed no later than seven (7) days before the date of the hearing.
All individuals, organizations, or associations wishing to testify in this case are encouraged to inform the Office of Zoning their intent to testify prior to the hearing date. This can be done by mail sent to the address stated below, e-mail (donna.hanousek@dc.gov), or by calling (202) 727-0789.
The following maximum time limits for oral testimony shall be adhered to and no time may be ceded:
1. Applicant and parties in support 60 minutes collectively
2. Parties in opposition 60 minutes collectively
3. Organizations 5 minutes each
4. Individuals 3 minutes each
Pursuant to § 3020.3, the Commission may increase or decrease the time allowed above, in which case, the presiding officer shall ensure reasonable balance in the allocation of time between proponents and opponents.
Written statements, in lieu of oral testimony, may be submitted for inclusion in the record. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony through the Interactive Zoning Information System (IZIS) at http://app.dcoz.dc.gov/Login.aspx; however, written statements may also be submitted by mail to 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 200-S, Washington, DC 20001; by e-mail to zcsubmissions@dc.gov; or by fax to (202) 727-6072. Please include the case number on your submission. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, YOU MAY CONTACT THE OFFICE OF ZONING AT (202) 727-6311.