5600700 ACR 21-29, Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture Series Recognition Resolution of 2015  




    April 14, 2015



    To acknowledge and honor the inaugural Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture on March 27, 2015, in the District of Columbia.


    WHEREAS, Dick Wolf (1933-2012) was one of the District’s most ardent and effective visionaries, working tirelessly and effectively on community planning (including the Comprehensive Plan), historic preservation, and sound neighborhood development;


    WHEREAS, Dick served on the board of the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (“CHRS”) for many years, most often as President, and also served on the Committee of 100 of the Federal City;


    WHEREAS, Dick’s vision for Washington was of a great, world-class city that houses both the nation’s great institutions as well as families with young children; balances its appetite for growth with preservation of the character of its irreplaceable historic residential neighborhoods; and integrates sound, sustained planning principles, practices, and administrative processes into all of the business of the District;


    WHEREAS, in its 60th anniversary year CHRS wishes to honor Dick and his legacy in a meaningful, ongoing way that benefits the entire District;


    WHEREAS, CHRS has launched an annual lecture competition among students in the District’s many universities and interns in the Office of Planning on topics relating to historic preservation and urban planning in the District; and


    WHEREAS, the first Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture will take place on March 27, 2015, at the Hill Center on Capitol Hill.


    IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council recognizes March 27, 2015, as the Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture Series inaugural event to celebrate his many accomplishments.


    Sec. 2. This resolution may be cited as the “Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture Series Recognition Resolution of 2015”.


    Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.