April 14, 2015
To recognize and honor Reverend Louis B. Jones, II on his 25th anniversary as pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, on the occasion of his celebration.
WHEREAS, April 2015 marks the 25th year for Reverend Louis B. Jones, II in his pastorate of the 103-year-old Pilgrim Baptist Church, located at 700 I Street N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II is a second-generation Pastor, who is the son of Ms. Dollean Jones and the late Reverend Dr. Louis B. Jones, Sr.;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II has a Masters of Theology Degree from Eastern (Palmer) Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania and also is the recipient of several honorary doctorates;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II has a heart for missions, and is a member of the Lott Carey Pastoral Excellence Team that has traveled to mission fields in Jamaica, Guyana, and South America;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II has a belief in entrepreneurship, and has exemplified this by being the catalyst that led his congregation to purchase commercial and residential property in the Capitol Hill area where his church is located;
WHEREAS, in October 2014, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II was able to complete payment on more than $1 million in mortgages, allowing the church to be debt free and the owners of 8 properties;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II has worked diligently to grow the church membership spiritually and numerically;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II has served in numerous leadership capacities and currently holds the following positions: President of the Ministerial Alliance, Inc., Chairman of Foreign Missions for the Baptist Convention of D.C. and Vicinity, Chairman of the Board – Nannie Helen Burroughs Scholarship Fund, Board of Directors of Nannie Helen Burroughs School, and Board of Directors of Eastern Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, Virginia;
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II is married to Ms. Michelle Frances and is the father of 5 children, 11 grandchildren, and one great granddaughter; and
WHEREAS, Reverend Louis B. Jones, II primary focus is to take his church to a level of being pastor-led and leadership driven.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council acknowledges and honors Reverend Louis B. Jones, II for his commitment and service as Pastor of the Pilgrim Baptist Church on this recognition of his 25th anniversary.
Sec. 2. This resolution may be cited as the “Reverend Louis B. Jones, II Recognition Resolution of 2015”.
Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.